[odb-users] ODB query

Tim Tao Tim.Tao at akunacapital.com
Tue Sep 22 13:33:16 EDT 2015

Hi Boris,

I got a question about ODB query statement, suppose I have the following odb objects:

#pragma db object

struct A{

    string name;


#pragma db object

struct B{

    std::shared_ptr<A> ptr;


Is there any way we can query table B by using condition ptr->name == "Tom" ?

Since A is a pointer in table B...I dont know how to write the query statement, I tried db->query<B>(query::name == "Tom") but got no lucky.



Tim Tao | Junior Developer

| www.akunacapital.com <http://www.akunacapital.com>
p: | m: | f: | tim.tao at akunacapital.com

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