[odb-users] mapping complex, templatized value types
Andreas Pasternak MT-Robot AG
a.pasternak at mt-robot.com
Sat Sep 19 07:53:33 EDT 2015
Did you try an C++11 type alias?
using SPI = ::std::shared_ptr< ::FlexisBase::SimplePr...
#pragma db value(SPI ) type("VARCHAR")
----------------original message-----------------
From: Christian Sell [christian at gsvitec.com ]
To: odb-users at codesynthesis.com Date: Sat, 19 Sep 2015 12:38:57 +0200 (CEST)
> Hello,
> I am trying to map custom value types using the value_traits
> approach mentioned
> in the manual and exemplified in the mapping example from odb-examples. I can
> succefully map a simple type like:
> class Data {
> string something;
> }
> but I am failing to map complex templatized types like:
> ::std::shared_ptr< ::FlexisBase::SimplePropertyImp<
> ::std::basic_string< char >,
> ::FlexisBase::NoValidation< ::std::basic_string< char >, 2 >, 2 > >
> I have defined value_traits for both types, and as I said, the first type is
> picked up correctly. The second already fails in the
> #pragma db value(X) type("VARCHAR")
> line.
> Question: what restrictions exist with regard to the types that can be mapped
> using this approach? What can I do to map the second type?
> thanks,
> Christian
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