[odb-users] Prepared statements alreadys exists

meike.talbach at women-at-work.org meike.talbach at women-at-work.org
Wed Nov 18 10:55:24 EST 2015

Dear all,
I'm trying to use ODB in a new project with a PostgreSQL database.
I basically have this code:
void test(boost::posix_time::ptime from, boost::posix_time::ptime to)
  std::shared_ptr<odb::database> db = ...;
  odb::transaction txn(db->begin());

  database::HistoryQuery qryHistories(database::HistoryQuery::device == dbDevice->GetId());
  qryHistories += " AND (" + (database::HistoryQuery::dateRecorded >= from) + ")";
  qryHistories += " AND (" + (database::HistoryQuery::dateRecorded <= cmp) + ")";

  odb::result<databse::HistoryPtr> result(db->query(query));

I then call test with invalid ptimes which is expected to fail.
However my second call should succeed, but in fact fails too.
Something like this:

void testWrapper()
    test(boost::posix_time::ptime(boost::posix_time::special_values::not_a_date_time), boost::posix_time::ptime(boost::posix_time::special_values::not_a_date_time))
  catch(const std::exception &ex)
    std::cout << "fail" << std::endl;

    test(boost::posix_time::ptime(boost::gregorian::date(2015, 11, 18)), boost::posix_time::ptime(boost::gregorian::date(2015, 11, 18)));
  catch(const std::exception &ex)
    std::cout << "fail" << std::endl;

Postgres logs this error:

Oct 24 15:12:53 test1 postgres[52801]: [3-1] ERROR:  timestamp out of range
Oct 24 15:12:53 test1 postgres[52801]: [3-2] STATEMENT:  SELECT "test_history"."id", "test_history"."deviceid", "test_history"."type", "test_history"."latitude", "test_history"."longitude", "test_history"."address", "test_history"."daterecorded" FROM "test_history" WHERE "test_history"."deviceid" = $1 AND ("test_history"."daterecorded" >= $2) AND ("test_history"."daterecorded" <= $3)
Oct 24 15:12:53 test1 postgres[52801]: [4-1] ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
Oct 24 15:12:53 test1 postgres[52801]: [4-2] STATEMENT:  deallocate "mc_test_database_History_query"
Oct 24 15:54:19 test1 postgres[52801]: [5-1] ERROR:  prepared statement "mc_test_database_History_query" already exists
Oct 24 15:54:19 test1 postgres[52801]: [5-2] STATEMENT:  SELECT "test_history"."id", "test_history"."deviceid", "test_history"."type", "test_history"."latitude", "test_history"."longitude", "test_history"."address", "test_history"."daterecorded" FROM "test_history" WHERE "test_history"."deviceid" = $1 ORDER BY "test_history"."daterecorded" ASC LIMIT 1

It seems that the prepared statement from the first call is not deallocated.
Then the second call tries to recreate it and fails.

Any ideas how to solve this ?

Thank you


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