[odb-users] Re: ODB on Mac OS X (was: Homebrew package 2.4.0)

Adnan RIHAN axel50397 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 25 12:51:14 EDT 2015

On 25 mars 2015 at 14:44:13, Boris Kolpackov (boris at codesynthesis.com(mailto:boris at codesynthesis.com)) wrote:

> You are probably hitting the GCC's devirtualization bug. Adding
> -fno-devirtualize when compiling ODB should help.

** Whispering: Already done in the homebrew package **
Cordialement, Adnan RIHAN.
Directeur-Gérant de Eolis-Software, société de services informatiques.  

GPG: 5675-62BA (https://keybase.io/max13/key.asc)
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