[odb-users] ODB 2.4.0 released

Boris Kolpackov boris at codesynthesis.com
Tue Feb 17 10:43:04 EST 2015

Hi Dave,

Dave Johansen <davejohansen at gmail.com> writes:

> Yes, it's good and bad. I understand the desired to use the latest and
> greatest but I personally lean toward the current lackness in the policy to
> being on the "bad" end of things. The whole point of RHEL is a "stable
> platform" and updating versions of components kind of throws that idea out
> the window, so that's why I'm a little hesitant with it updating in EPEL
> like that.

I always thought that the "initial" RHEL release is the conservative,
stable platforms. If, however, someone wants something more recent,
EPEL is the place to look. If not, what's the EPEL's purpose then?

But since you are doing the work, you have the final say ;-). I
personally always feel hesitant installing anything from personal
repositories. You never know if the stuff will still be there


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