[odb-users] odb c++ and data preprocessing before persist

Николай Стороженко aheadgoon at gmail.com
Thu Feb 12 03:50:49 EST 2015

Good day!
I am writing in connection with the problem, that i cant resolve. I want to
use your great system (odb c++) in my project. I learned documentation,
different webpages and i tried to use it. I have little server that
receiving binary data (different c structs and classes) from different
nodes. I am checking byte order of binary data that i recieved, and if it
need i must run hton/ntoh functions for c struct members and than run
persist function. I have no opportunity to convert byte order of data to
network byte order before it transmitting to me. Callbacks cant help me,
and i cant reload persist or other functions for dynamic byte order checks.
Can u help me? Your system is salvation for my project...

Kind regards, Nick

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