回复: [odb-users] 转发:Can not use prepare SQL statement via MySQL Proxy by using ODB framework?

研发-陈军 2754830779 at qq.com
Fri Aug 28 03:20:06 EDT 2015

Hi Boris,

Thank you for your kindly reply.

We have found another way to fix this issue temporary. We have moved the function of "mysql_stmt_prepare"  from the function statement::init to statement::execute, then comment out "mysql_stmt_reset" in the execute() function. So we don't know, are there any potential issues  of these changes?

We have done some unit testings of this, and it works well. I have attached the file which modified by me. Please correct me, if possible.

PS:we have added some log4cpp functions to trace the execute sql script, please ignore them.


------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: "Boris Kolpackov";<boris at codesynthesis.com>;
发送时间: 2015年8月27日(星期四) 晚上8:19
收件人: "研发-陈军"<2754830779 at qq.com>; 
抄送: "odb-users"<odb-users at codesynthesis.com>; 
主题: Re: [odb-users] 转发:Can not use prepare SQL statement via MySQL Proxy by using ODB framework?

Hi Ken,

研发-陈军 <2754830779 at qq.com> writes:

> We have tried doing some googling on this, then got the answers which
> means that "The MySQL Proxy does not support the prepare SQL statement". 
> So do you guys have found this issue before, or there is an other way
> to use the SQL statement directly instead of using prepare SQL statement
> via ODB framework?

ODB relies heavily on prepared statements. There is no way to use it
without this feature. So I am afraid you will either have to find a
proxy that supports prepared statements (a pretty serious limitation,
IMO), not use a proxy altogether, or use something other than ODB.

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