[odb-users] Instantation of odb::result<my_type> e.g. odb::query<my_type> fails

Markus Klemm markus at markusklemm.net
Mon Aug 24 02:48:49 EDT 2015

I'm writing my first odb code and can't get this basic working, although only the db connection code works:

    /*! @file overview_record.h
	#include <string>
	#include <odb/core.hxx>
	#include <odb/nullable.hxx>

	#pragma db object table("mddb_overview") no_id 

		class overview_record

	#pragma db column("product_name") type("nvarchar(64)")
			std::wstring product_name;

	#pragma db column("order_number") type("int")
			long order_number;


driver code:

		// odb_playground.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

	#include <iostream>
	#include <memory>
	#include <thread>

	#include <odb/core.hxx>
	#include <odb/database.hxx>
	#include <odb/mssql/database.hxx>
	#include <odb/mssql/connection-factory.hxx>
	#include <odb/mssql/exceptions.hxx>

	#include "overview_record-odb.hxx"

	int main(int argc, char* argv[])
			std::auto_ptr<odb::mssql::connection_pool_factory> connection_factory(
				new odb::mssql::connection_pool_factory(0, std::thread::hardware_concurrency()));
			std::unique_ptr<odb::database> db(
				new odb::mssql::database("dsn=mddb_local_32", odb::mssql::isolation_read_committed, static_cast<SQLHENV>(0), connection_factory)

			odb::transaction t(db->begin());
			//odb::result<overview_record> result();
			//auto it = result.begin();
			//	static int i = 0;
			//	if (i++ > 10)
			//		break;
			//	std::cout << "Order_number " << it->order_number << " product_name " << it->product_name << std::endl;
			//	++i;

		catch (const odb::database_exception &e) {
			std::cout << "ODB database error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
		return 0;

Of course I odb-compiled the overview_record.h with `odb.exe --database mssql overview_record.h` (otherwise there won't be an .hxx). But I get the following compiler errors by the line `db->query<overview_record>();`, although instantiating a default constructed result<overview_record> works:

>Error	3	error C2504: 'odb::result_base<T,class_object>' : base class undefined	c:\users\klm\downloads\libodb-2.4.0\odb\result.hxx	76	1	odb_playground

>Error	4	error C2027: use of undefined type 'odb::result_base<T,class_object>'	c:\users\klm\downloads\libodb-2.4.0\odb\result.hxx	82	1	odb_playground

>Error	5	error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'value_type'	c:\users\klm\downloads\libodb-2.4.0\odb\result.hxx	82	1	odb_playground

>Error	6	error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int	c:\users\klm\downloads\libodb-2.4.0\odb\result.hxx	82	1	odb_playground

>Error	7	error C2602: 'odb::result<overview_record>::value_type' is not a member of a base class of 'odb::result<overview_record>'	c:\users\klm\downloads\libodb-2.4.0\odb\result.hxx	82	1	odb_playground

>Error	8	error C2868: 'odb::result<overview_record>::value_type' : illegal syntax for using-declaration; expected qualified-name	c:\users\klm\downloads\libodb-2.4.0\odb\result.hxx	82	1	odb_playground

>Error	9	error C2027: use of undefined type 'odb::result_base<T,class_object>'	c:\users\klm\downloads\libodb-2.4.0\odb\result.hxx	93	1	odb_playground

>Error	10	error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'result_impl_type'	c:\users\klm\downloads\libodb-2.4.0\odb\result.hxx	93	1	odb_playground

>Error	11	error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int	c:\users\klm\downloads\libodb-2.4.0\odb\result.hxx	93	1	odb_playground

>Error	12	error C2602: 'odb::result<overview_record>::result_impl_type' is not a member of a base class of 'odb::result<overview_record>'	c:\users\klm\downloads\libodb-2.4.0\odb\result.hxx	93	1	odb_playground

>Error	13	error C2868: 'odb::result<overview_record>::result_impl_type' : illegal syntax for using-declaration; expected qualified-name	c:\users\klm\downloads\libodb-2.4.0\odb\result.hxx	93	1	odb_playground


Markus Klemm

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