[odb-users] Extended types SQL Server (table and/or xml type)

Boris Kolpackov boris at codesynthesis.com
Fri Apr 24 11:12:41 EDT 2015

Hi Fredrik,

Fredrik Strand <fredrik.strand at qliro.com> writes:

> I want to execute a stored procedure in SQL Server with XML or table
> type as an argument.

XML should be pretty straightforward. You will need to pieces of

"Extended Database to C++ Type Mapping in ODB":


And the mssql/custom/ test from the odb-tests package. This test
shows how to work with the XML type.

The table-valued parameters are a lot harder. Perhaps one could
map them to XML using stored procedures. I don't think, however,
this will be a general-purpose solution (i.e., it will be specific
to the table types of an application), though who knows.

There are also plans (in the early stage) to have proper support
for table-valued parameters using the ODBC support.


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