[odb-users] Re: Prerequisites

Boris Kolpackov boris at codesynthesis.com
Fri Sep 5 06:26:53 EDT 2014

Hi Bruce,

Bruce Cresanta <cresanta at me.com> writes:

> The gcc compiler for my system wasn’t compiled with plugin support.
> Having trouble working with a custom compiler. 

I am not sure what you mean by "custom compiler", but have you tried
the ODB compiler binary for MacOS X (it includes a private copy of
GCC). Is this what's giving your trouble? If so, could you elaborate
on what kind of trouble? I would like to make sure this works since
that's the most straightforward way of getting started with ODB on
Mac OS.

> Retrograded gcc to 4.8.3. Looking good.

Yes, there were some changes in GCC 4.9 that broke ODB 2.3.0 (it was
release before 4.9 and while we tested against early pre-releases of
GCC, things still got changed afterwards).

While you should be able to use ODB 2.3.0 with GCC 4.9.x by applying
these patches:


I don't think you will miss much by sticking with 4.8.


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