[odb-users] Is there a amalgamation package available?

Rafal Gm grasmanek94 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 30 06:45:49 EDT 2014

Thank you for the explainations :)

Also a quick question, because I'm expanding my database but forgot to
enable the version pragma for one of my tables, how can I upgrade it
without having to delete and reimport all data?

2014-10-30 10:27 GMT+01:00 Boris Kolpackov <boris at codesynthesis.com>:

> Hi Rafal,
> Rafal Gm <grasmanek94 at gmail.com> writes:
> > Just like sqlite3 does have amalgamation packages, does ODB (preferably
> > main and sqlite) also have it?
> Having something like this for ODB would be problematic for two reasons:
> 1. Different people use different databases (and sometime combinations of
>    multiple databases). Maintaining all possible combinations (especially
>    once you throw in libodb-boost and libodb-qt) will be too much of a
>    burden.
> 2. Having ODB partitioned into multiple small modules makes it very
>    cheap (procedurally) for us to release targeted bug fixes. For example,
>    if there is a bug in libodb-sqlite, we can test and release just this
>    one library. If there were also a number of amalgamations to release,
>    this will become a much bigger burden.
> > (or a script, preferably runnable on Windows, to generate the
> amalgamation)
> I think a much more straightforward thing to do would be to write a
> script (batch file) that builds every ODB package that you need using
> VC++ batch build and then creates a "build amalgamation". For the
> first part (build with DEVENV) you can use, as an inspiration, the
> build.bat file from the odb-tests package. There are also more similar
> scripts in odb-etc[1] (internally we build entire ODB and then run all
> the tests and examples for all the databases in batch mode).
> For the second part ("build amalgamation") what you can do is copy the
> bin/, lib/ (or bin64/, lib64/) and odb/ sub-directories of libodb and
> libodb-sqlite into one directory. This way you will merge headers and
> libraries for these two packages into a single location which you
> can then use in VC++ Directories or some such.
> > What does ODB stand for?
> It is not an acronym, just a name. If you must have some meaning
> associated with it, you can think of it as "Object DataBase".
> [1] http://scm.codesynthesis.com/?p=odb/odb-etc.git;a=tree;f=test/windows
> Boris

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