[odb-users] path of include headers

MM finjulhich at gmail.com
Mon Jun 2 09:49:49 EDT 2014

The call to odb compiler has this form:

odb [options] header_file_to_process
I use -I to specify the dirs where to find headers, and the -o to specify
where to generate the 3 ?xx files and the sql file.

I have a cmake driven directory structure. trunk contains source, and i
have a release and debug build dirs

odb -o outdir <trunk-build-release-dir>\C-odb  <...>\trunk\C-odb\C.hpp ///
nonintrusive header

The generated C.hxx has:

#include "C.hpp"    // this is wrong, should "C-odb/C.hpp"

in a driver cpp file, I include the odb generated file "C.hxx", but this
fails to find the C-odb\C.hpp file.

Is there a way to tell odb compiler my intention?


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