Fwd: [odb-users] odb compilation Visual Studio 2008 error

Boris Kolpackov boris at codesynthesis.com
Sat May 11 16:44:41 EDT 2013


Александр Кожевников <bioshocker at mail.ru> writes:

> Thanks, it was helpful, but i get new error at Pre-Build event:
> C:\SDK\libodb-sqlite-2.2.1/odb/sqlite/details/config.hxx:12:4: error: 
> #error libodb-sqlite header included in odb-compiled header

Well, the error says what the problem is: you have included a header
from the database-specific runtime (libodb-sqlite) into a header
file that is compiled with the ODB compiler. This is not supported.
For example, if you include odb/sqlite/database.hxx into your header,
then you will get an error like this.


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