[odb-users] Query Stored Procedure (SQL Server)

Tarik BENZ tenchu.tarik at hotmail.fr
Wed Jun 12 13:19:00 EDT 2013


I am trying to use the native view to call a stored function

#pragma db view query("EXEC GetEligibleParticipant (?)")
struct Preparation_View
    std::string participantCode;
    odb::nullable<std::string> lastName;
    odb::nullable<std::string> firstName;

But I have this error during the compilation

Preparation_View.hxx:13:8: error: view '::Preparation_View' has an incomplete query template and no associated objects
Preparation_View.hxx:13:8: info: use db pragma query to provide a complete query template
Preparation_View.hxx:13:8: info: or use db pragma object to associate one or more objects with the view

Kind Regards


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