[odb-users] MSVC Compiler Error C2872 when comipling a project using ODB with a polymorphic heirarchy

Jordan J. Neuhart jneuhart at tlirr.com
Wed Jun 12 09:41:11 EDT 2013


That worked perfectly.  No more compiler warnings.

Thank you,
Jordan Neuhart

-----Original Message-----
From: Boris Kolpackov [mailto:boris at codesynthesis.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 3:47 AM
To: Jordan J. Neuhart
Cc: odb-users at codesynthesis.com
Subject: Re: [odb-users] MSVC Compiler Error C2872 when comipling a
project using ODB with a polymorphic heirarchy

Hi Jordan,

Jordan J. Neuhart <jneuhart at tlirr.com> writes:

> C:\Users\jjn\Documents\SourceCode\NewSalesDesign\sales_and_design\odb\
> li
> bodb\odb\polymorphic-info.hxx:63: error: C2872: 'database' : ambiguous

> symbol
> could be
> 'C:\Users\jjn\Documents\SourceCode\NewSalesDesign\sales_and_design\odb
> \l
> ibodb\odb\database.hxx:37: odb::database'
> or
> 'C:\Users\jjn\Documents\SourceCode\NewSalesDesign\sales_and_design\odb
> \l
> ibodb-sqlite\odb\sqlite\database.hxx:36: odb::sqlite::database'

This is a fairly annoying bug in VC++ where it complains about a bogus
ambiguity. The really nasty part is that it is situation dependent,
which is why we didn't pick this up with our tests.

Anyway, I've qualified the affected names which should work around the
problem. Can you give the bug fix a try and let me know if there are
still any problems?



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