[odb-users] another test from odb-tests-2.1.1 fails with mariadb-5.5.28a

Boris Kolpackov boris at codesynthesis.com
Wed Feb 6 07:30:08 EST 2013

Hi Hugo,

Hugo.Mildenberger at web.de <Hugo.Mildenberger at web.de> writes:

> A minimal test case would be useful for a upstream bug report anyway.

The test case is attached.

> This error did also not occur when using the new MariaDB native client
> without yet having applied this patch set. 

Ah, I didn't realize they re-implemented the client library. That would
explain all the test failures.

> By the way, I've observed that within the structure "st_mysql_time" the
> field "time_type" is also not initialized by odb. Although the 
> documentation officially states that callers of mysql_stmt_bind_param
> may leave this field unassigned, one can not know if all developers 
> who eventually become involved will remember this statement.

Where do you see this? The only documentation for MYSQL_TIME that I
know is here:


And it doesn't say anything about time_type (nor st_mysql_time, for
that matter).

> But now comes the next failed test (with mmariadb-5.5.28a):

While I sympathize with MariaDB efforts, I am afraid I don't have the
time to help them debug their new client library. Re-creating ODB
functionality test cases using the C API is a very tedious process.
They are, however, welcome to use ODB themselves for testing their


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