[odb-users] Creating BLOBs out of vector/array of doubles?

Szumowski, Thomas thomas.szumowski at lmco.com
Tue Jan 31 10:21:09 EST 2012

I realize I can make BLOBs out of a vector or array of chars, but what about other data types?

I have a large array of doubles (10000+ elements) that I'd like to store in the database using ODB. The array does not need to be queried on, just associated as a single element in a table.

So ideally I'd like to BLOB the array (or vector) of doubles as a single entry of data.

However, it seems when I attempt this I run into odb-related errors. I attached the code as well.

1>c:\tszumows\software\odb\odb-examples-1.8.0\hello\person-odb.cxx(169): error C2660: 'odb::sqlite::default_value_traits<T,ID>::set_image' : function does not take 4 arguments
1>          with
1>          [
1>              T=std::vector<double>,
1>              ID=id_blob
1>          ]

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