[odb-users] Error to run odb-examples!!!

kleber molica kleber.molica at gmail.com
Thu Aug 11 00:01:11 EDT 2011

Hello everybody!
I'm new odb user and I had a problem to install and run example app's!
I followed all instructions to make right odb, libodb, libodb-sqlite and
libodb-qt install.
When I tried to run Hello example I got this error:

./driver: error while loading shared libraries: libodb-sqlite-1.5.so: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory

Anyone can help me with this problem?

*Kleber Augusto Molica*
Engenharia de Software
Core Networks Ltda
Rua Coronel Francisco Bráz, n° 185, sala 204 - Centro - ITAJUBÁ/MG
CEP: 37500-052
*Tel.: (35) 3622 3444*
*kleber at corenetworks.com.br*

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