[odb-users] Building GOF Composite Pattern ODB-1.5.0

Dan Coffey dcoffey at netharmonix.com
Wed Aug 3 14:02:12 EDT 2011

Hi Boris,

By changing the attribute name in the RdollsGroup class from */contains 
/*to */group /*that last error went away.
QMap<QString, QSharedPointer<Rdolls> > *contains*;
QMap<QString, QSharedPointer<Rdolls> > *group*;

The base class (Rdolls) has an attribute:

With that error gone, now I'm getting this compiler error in Qt Creator:
In rdollsgroup-odb.cxx

         v  =  ptr_traits::pointer_type  (

           db.load<  ptr_traits::element_type  >  (id));

So I changed theabove QMap from
QMap<QString, QSharedPointer<Rdolls> >
QMap<QString, QLazyWeakPointer<Rdolls> >

and that compiled with no errors.
Next I'm going to create the database.hxx and driver.cxx and test it out.



On 8/3/2011 1:12 PM, Dan Coffey wrote:
> Hi Boris,
> I've commented out all of the lines that cause odb processing errors 
> (attached src on last email)
> I then compiled the files (Rdolls ...) using Qt Creator
> Then I ran the odb command for each .cpp file without errors and the 
> *-odb.[ch]xx and *.ixx files were created without errors.
> The Qt .pro file was modified to include all of the created 
> *-odb.[ch]xx files.
> When I do a rebuild all in Qt I get the following errors from the 
> rdollsgroup-odb.hxx file
> /D:\Development\C++\TestCode\ODB\rdolls\rdolls-build-desktop\..\rdolls\rdollsgroup-odb.hxx:118: 
> error: redefinition of 'struct 
> odb::access::object_traits<RdollsGroup>::contains_traits'
> D:\Development\C++\TestCode\ODB\rdolls\rdolls-build-desktop\..\rdolls\rdollsgroup-odb.hxx:107: 
> error: previous definition of 'struct 
> odb::access::object_traits<RdollsGroup>::contains_traits'/
> Thanks,
> Dan
> Env:
> XP SP3
> minGW
> Qt 4.7
> g++ 4.5.2
> On 8/3/2011 12:15 PM, Dan Coffey wrote:
>> Hi Boris,
>> QMap<QString, QSharedPointer<Rdolls> >
>> works with the odb commands.  I also tried
>> QMap <QString, Rdolls> contains; but this will cause odb to fail.
>> QMap <QString, QLazyWeakPointer<Rdolls> > contains; which works with 
>> the ODB preprocessor.
>> In the odb manual example code (pg 58) you have - std::map<insigned 
>> short, float> age_weight_map_;
>> Is it possible to have a developer defined class as the value?
>> Attached are the .h files, process.out which has the odb processing 
>> commands and results.
>> All of these compile in Qt Creator without error, I then run the odb 
>> commands and the output is process.out.
>> I also include the Qt files.
>> Thanks,
>> Dan
>> On 8/3/2011 10:20 AM, Boris Kolpackov wrote:
>>> Hi Dan,
>>> Dan Coffey<dcoffey at netharmonix.com>  writes:
>>>> QMap<QString, Rdolls>  contains;
>>> Maybe that should be:
>>>    QMap<QString, Rdolls*>
>>> Or, better yet:
>>>    QMap<QString, QSharedPointer<Rdolls> >
>>> If that doesn't help, please send a minimal but complete header
>>> file that fails to compile so that I can take a look. Without
>>> seeing the actual C++ declarations I am just guessing.
>>> Boris
-------------- next part --------------

#include <QtCore/QMap>
#include <string>
#include <odb/core.hxx>
#include <odb/qt/lazy-ptr.hxx>
#include <odb/boost/smart-ptr/pointer-traits.hxx>

#include "rdolls.h"

#pragma db object
class RdollsGroup : public Rdolls

  friend class odb::access;

  QMap<QString, QLazyWeakPointer<Rdolls> > group;
  //QMap<QString, QSharedPointer<Rdolls> > group;

-------------- next part --------------
# Project created by QtCreator 2011-07-28T14:19:10

QT       += network

TARGET = rdolls


SOURCES += rdolls.cpp \
    rdollsgroup.cpp \

#  *-odb.cxx is generated by odb, the odb script must be run
#before *-odb.cxx is compiled with rdolls.cpp
#comment out the next lines before and uncomment after - dpc 8.1.11
SOURCES += rdolls-odb.cxx \
    rdollsgroup-odb.cxx \
    rdollsleaf-odb.cxx \

HEADERS += rdolls.h\
        rdolls_global.h \
    rdollsgroup.h \

#  *-odb.hxx is generated by odb, the odb script must be run
#before *-odb.hxx is compiled with rdolls.cpp
#comment out the next lines before and uncomment after - dpc 8.1.11
HEADERS += rdolls-odb.hxx \
    rdollsgroup-odb.hxx \
    rdollsleaf-odb.hxx \

INCLUDEPATH +=  c:/MinGW/msys/1.0/local/include
INCLUDEPATH +=  c:/MinGW/msys/1.0/local/include/qt4
INCLUDEPATH +=  c:/MinGW/msys/1.0/local/include/boost

LIBS += c:/MinGW/msys/1.0/local/lib/*.a
#LIBS += c:/MinGW/msys/1.0/local/lib/odb/*
LIBS += c:/MinGW/msys/1.0/local/lib/odb/mysql/*.a
LIBS += c:/MinGW/msys/1.0/local/lib/odb/mysql/*.lib
LIBS += c:/MinGW/msys/1.0/local/lib/odb/mysql/*.dll
LIBS += c:/MinGW/msys/1.0/local/lib/qt4/*.dll
#Not Needed libs the .a causes ld errors
#LIBS += c:/MinGW/msys/1.0/local/lib/qt4/*.a
#LIBS += c:/MinGW/msys/1.0/local/lib/qt4/*.lib

symbian {
    TARGET.UID3 = 0xED6D8BE0
    addFiles.sources = rdolls.dll
    addFiles.path = !:/sys/bin
    DEPLOYMENT += addFiles

unix:!symbian {
    maemo5 {
        target.path = /opt/usr/lib
    } else {
        target.path = /usr/lib
    INSTALLS += target

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