[odb-users] Specialization of persist (database&, T&)
Myoungkyu Song
mksong at vt.edu
Sun Dec 19 23:27:14 EST 2010
To: odb-users at codesynthesis.com
CC: boris at codesynthesis.com, tilevich at cs.vt.edu
Subject: [Question] Specialization of persist (database&, T&)
# ODB version: 1.0.0
# OS: Linux 2.6.32-26-generic-Ubuntu
# Compiler: g++ (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5) 4.4.3
Hi, Boris and odb-users
In terms of specialization of traits in libodb-1.0.0, I need your help.
The attached source files were compiled, however I need to implement the
body of the methods in traits.hxx, such as persist, id, etc.
Which file I should refer when I implement the methods?
#ifndef TRAITS_HXX
#define TRAITS_HXX
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "SequenceModel.h"
#include <odb/traits.hxx>
#include <odb/mysql/traits.hxx>
#include <x10/lang/Runtime.h>
#include <x10aux/bootstrap.h>
#include <x10/lang/Runtime.h>
#include <x10aux/bootstrap.h>
using namespace std;
typedef x10aux::ref<x10::lang::String> StringRef;
typedef x10aux::ref<SequenceModel> SequenceModelRef;
namespace odb {
class access::object_traits<SequenceModelRef> {
typedef x10aux::ref<x10::lang::String> id_type;
typedef x10aux::ref<x10::lang::String>* pointer_type;
static id_type id(SequenceModelRef& obj) {
static void persist(database& db, SequenceModelRef& obj) {
cout << "[DBG] persist is called in traits." << endl;
namespace mysql {
class value_traits<x10aux::ref<x10::lang::String>, details::buffer,
id_string> {
typedef x10aux::ref<x10::lang::String> value_type;
typedef x10aux::ref<x10::lang::String> query_type;
typedef details::buffer image_type;
static void set_value(x10aux::ref<x10::lang::String>& v, const
details::buffer& b, std::size_t n, bool is_null) {
if (!is_null)
v = x10aux::string_utils::lit(b.data());
v = x10aux::string_utils::lit("");
static void set_image(details::buffer& b, std::size_t& n, bool& is_null,
x10aux::ref<x10::lang::String> v) {
is_null = false;
n = v->length();
if (n > b.capacity())
if (n != 0)
memcpy(b.data(), x10aux::string_utils::cstr(v), n);
#endif // TRAITS_HXX
Best regards,
Myoungkyu Song
Software Innovations Lab, Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24060
mksong at vt.edu
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