[libxsd-frontend-users] Unable to build libxsd-frontend-1.9.0/1.9.1
Varun Gupta
varun85gupta at gmail.com
Thu Oct 25 06:58:04 EDT 2012
I am unable to build libxsd-frontend from the source code. I have tried
with two versions 1.9.0 and 1.9.1 and getting compilation errors:
Following is the build log for the same :
configuring 'libxsd-frontend'
Please select the C++ compiler you would like to use:
(1) GNU C++ (g++)
(2) Intel C++ (icc)
(3) Other C++ compiler
[1]: 1
Would you like the C++ compiler to optimize generated code?
[y]: y
Would you like the C++ compiler to generate debug information?
[y]: y
Embed dynamic library paths into executables (rpath)?
[y]: y
Please enter any extra C++ preprocessor options.
Please enter any extra C++ compiler options.
Please enter any extra C++ linker options.
Please enter any extra C++ libraries.
configuring 'libxsd-frontend'
Please select the default library type:
(1) archive
(2) shared object
[2]: 2
Configuring external dependency on 'libfrontend-elements' for
Would you like to configure dependency on the installed version
of 'libfrontend-elements' as opposed to the development build?
[y]: n
Please enter the src_root for 'libfrontend-elements'.
[]: /home/labadmin/XSDE/libfrontend-elements-1.1.4
Please enter the out_root for 'libfrontend-elements'.
Configuring external dependency on 'libcult' for 'libxsd-frontend'.
Would you like to configure dependency on the installed
version of 'libcult' as opposed to the development build?
[y]: n
Please enter the src_root for 'libcult'.
[]: /home/labadmin/XSDE/libcult-1.4.6
Please enter the out_root for 'libcult'.
Configuring external dependency on 'libxerces-c' for 'libxsd-frontend'.
Would you like to configure dependency on the installed version
of 'libxerces-c' as opposed to the development build?
Configuring external dependency on 'boost libraries' for 'libxsd-frontend'.
Would you like to configure dependency on the installed version
of 'boost libraries' as opposed to the development build?
[y]: n
Please enter the 'boost' root directory.
[]: /home/labadmin/XSDE/boost_1_51_0
Please select the library type you would like to use:
(1) archive
(2) shared object
[2]: 2
configuring 'libxsd-frontend'
Please enter the g++ binary you would like to use, for example 'g++-3.4',
'/usr/local/bin/g++' or 'distcc g++'.
Please select the optimization level you would like to use:
(1) -O1 [Tries to reduce code size and execution time, without
performing any optimizations that take a great deal of
compilation time.]
(2) -O2 [Performs nearly all supported optimizations that do not
involve a space-speed tradeoff.]
(3) -O3 [Optimize even more.]
(4) -Os [Optimize for size.]
In function ‘std::wostream& operator<<(std::wostream&, const Path&)’:
error: ‘const Path’ has no member named ‘native_file_string’
make: ***
Error 1
Does anyone have any idea what could be causing these errors?
The dependencies like libcult,libfrontend-elements etc, were built
separately and successfully.
Varun Gupta
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