Rvalue-references: the basics

One of the language changes in the next C++ standard is the addition of rvalue-references. While some people believe this mechanism will be used by a small number of library writers, I think that it will have a wider impact on the way we write software in C++. In either case, however, it will be beneficial to understand the nuances of rvalue-references even if you don’t use them in your code directly. Today I will cover the motivation and basics of rvalue-references, including some counter-intuitive aspects towards the end. The next installment will deal with the changes that rvalue-references will bring to C++ programs.

While the next C++ standard still has some way to go before being published, the GCC team has implemented support for some parts of the standard in g++ 4.3 and 4.4 (see C++0x Language Support in GCC for details). All the sample code presented below can be tried with g++ 4.3.2 in the C++0x mode (the -std=c++0x option).

Every expression in C++ evaluates to either lvalue or rvalue. The standard has a page-long list of rules that define these two terms. It is more intuitive (but less precise) to think of an lvalue as referring to an object that has a name somewhere in the program. This name can be a variable name or a pointer. An rvalue refers to an object that does not have a name. Here are some examples:

struct S {};
S s;
s    // lvalue
S () // rvalue
S  f ();
S& g ();
S* h ();
f ()  // rvalue
g ()  // lvalue
*h () // lvalue

The last two expressions are lvalues because one needs a named object to bind a reference to it or take its address.

Because an rvalue object is always allocated on the stack and is unnamed, its life is short (unless bound to a const reference variable). As a result, modifying an rvalue does not make much sense and usually means a programming error. To prevent such errors C++ does not allow binding of non-const references to rvalues:

void f (S&);
void g (const S&);
f (S ()); // error
g (S ()); // ok

An issue with the above rules arises when we want to make a copy of an rvalue and this operation is expensive. Because the rvalue object will be gone immediately after we make the copy, “transplanting” the internals of an rvalue to our copy seems like a natural optimization. Consider the following example:

struct IntVector
  IntVector (const IntVector& x)
    v_ = new int[x.size_];
    size_ = x.size_;
    memcpy (v_, x.v_, size_ * sizeof (int));
  int* v_;
  size_t size_;
IntVector load ()
  IntVector r;
  // Load the data into r.
  return r;
IntVector v (load ());

While some compilers may optimize the call to the copy constructor away (RVO/NRVO optimization), this depends on the implementation of load() and is not guaranteed.

What we would like here is to transfer the contents of the returned rvalue into v, something along these lines:

IntVector (IntVector& x)
  v_ = x.v_;
  size_ = x.size_;
  x.v_ = 0;
  x.size_ = 0;

This approach does not work for two reasons: First, because we modify the source object, we have to pass it as a non-const reference. But an rvalue can only be bound to a const reference. Second, our new version of the copy constructor will just as happily transplant the internals of lvalues:

IntVector v1;
IntVector v2 (v1); // v1 is no longer usable

What we need is a special kind of reference that will bind to rvalues and allow their modification. And that’s exactly what the next version of the C++ standard adds: rvalue-references. Unfortunately, the interaction of rvalue-references with lvalue-references (that’s what the plain old references are now called) and the rest of the language is quite complex. It is also fairly easy to shoot yourself in the foot, even as just the user of rvalue-optimized types. What follows is the description of some of the rules governing rvalue-references.

An rvalue-reference of type T is declared as T&&. The overload resolution between rvalue- and lvalue-references is similar to the way it works for const and non-const lvalue-references. For example:

void f (int&);
void f (int&&);
void g (int&&);
int h ();
int i;
f (i);     // f (int&) is called
f (h ());  // f (int&&) is called
g (i);     // ok

That is, when passing an lvalue and the lvalue overload is available, it is preferred. Otherwise, the rvalue version is called since an lvalue can be used anywhere an rvalue can. This is a fairly important point which means that in the majority of cases when you provide a constructor or a function taking an rvalue-reference, you will also want to provide the overloaded version taking const an lvalue-reference. Otherwise, lvalues will be treated as rvalues (std::move(), which is discussed shortly, is one example where this behavior is actually desired). Here is how we could overload our IntVector constructors:

IntVector (const IntVector& x)
  v_ = new int[x.size_];
  size_ = x.size_;
  memcpy (v_, x.v_, size_ * sizeof (int));
IntVector (IntVector&& x)
  v_ = x.v_;
  size_ = x.size_;
  x.v_ = 0;
  x.size_ = 0;

Let’s consider the call to load() once again:

IntVector v (load ());

If the compiler didn’t optimize the copying of the return value, the process works as follows. The r object inside the function is first copied into a temporary and then destroyed. After load() returns, the v object is copy-constructed from the temporary and the temporary is destroyed.

The new constructor now takes care of efficiently copying the data from the temporary returned by load() to the v object. But what about the other half of the process. Namely copying of the r object inside the load() function to the temporary? The r object is an lvalue and, as a result, the expensive copy constructor will be used. One way to solve this would be to explicitly convert r to an rvalue-reference with the help of std::move():

IntVector load ()
  IntVector r;
  // Load the data into r.
  return std::move (r);

std::move() simply converts any rvalue or lvalue to an rvalue reference:

template <typename T>
typename remove_reference<T>::type&&
move (T&& x)
  return x;

While this works, it sure is verbose and easy to forget. Plus, in template code we don’t know whether the argument type has a constructor capable of taking an rvalue-reference. The C++ standard fixes this in quite an interesting way. The standard provides criteria when a C++ compiler is allowed to optimize away temporaries and copying that is used to return a value from a function (called elision of copy operations). While compilers can perform this optimization, they are not required to do so. But then the standard adds that when the criteria for elision of copy operations are met but the compiler is not performing such elision and the object to copy is an lvalue, then the overload resolution to select the copy constructor is first performed as if the object were an rvalue. One of the criteria for elision of copy operations is returning an automatic (stack-allocated) object. If you think about it, it makes perfect sense: the object being copied is essentially an rvalue since it will be destroyed once the copying is complete and nobody else can access it between now and then.

All this means that in our implementation of load() when we return the result, the r object is first considered as if it were an rvalue and the fast constructor will be called automatically without us explicitly calling std::move().

Now to the less intuitive side of rvalue-references. Named rvalue-references are treated as lvalues while unnamed rvalue-references are treated as rvalues. In other words, once an rvalue-reference is given a name, it starts acting as an lvalue. The following code snippet helps illustrate this point:

void f (int&);
int&& g ();
int&& i = 2;
f (i);       // ok
f (g ());    // error

Without keeping this in mind, it is natural to expect one thing but get something completely different:

void f (const int&);
void f (int&&);
void g (int&& x)
  f (x); // calls f (const int&)

If we wanted to call f(int&&), we would need to first convert x to an unnamed rvalue-reference, for example, with the help of std::move():

void g (int&& x)
  f (std::move (x)); // calls f (int&&)

Another interesting aspect of rvalue-references is what happens when we try to create an rvalue-reference to lvalue-reference or vice versa. While this cannot be done directly (T&&& is illegal), it is easy to achieve, most likely unintentionally, with typedef or template type arguments. In this case, the resulting type will always be an lvalue-reference:

typedef int&  ilr;
typedef int&& irr;
void f (int&)  {}
void f (ilr&&) {} // error: same as void f (int&)
void f (irr&)  {} // error: same as void f (int&)
template <typename T>
void g (T&);
template <typename T>
void h (T&&);
g<int&&> (..); // void g (int&)
h<int&> (..);  // void h (int&)

Next time: how rvalue-references will affect the way we write software in C++.

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