Benchmark Setup


CPU IBM PowerPC 970MP 2.5Ghz, 1Mb L2 cache
MB PowerMac11,2 MacRISC4 Power Macintosh
RAM 512Mb 533Mhz DDR2


OS/Kernel Debian GNU/Linux unstable, Linux kernel 2.6.16
Toolchain IBM XL C/C++ 8.0
Xerces-C++ 2.7.0
XSD 2.3.1.b1
Expat 2.0.0 (used by XSD)

All parsers were build with the -DNDEBUG -O3 -qcache=auto -qarch=ppc970 -qtune=ppc970 options. The tests were built with the -DNDEBUG -O3 -qcache=auto -qarch=ppc970 -qtune=ppc970 -qstaticlink options.

The test executable sizes were measured with parser libraries statically-linked to the test executables.

Peak heap and stack sizes were measured with the utility which is part of glibc.
