About This Document
The goal of this document is to provide you with an understanding of the C++/Parser programming model and allow you to efficiently evaluate XSD against your project's technical requirements. As such, this document is intended for C++ developers and software architects who are looking for an XML processing solution. Prior experience with XML and C++ is required to understand this document. Basic understanding of XML Schema is advantageous but not expected or required.
More Information
Beyond this guide, you may also find the following sources of information useful:
- XSD Compiler Command Line Manual
- The
directory in the xsd-examples package contains a collection of examples and a README file with an overview of each example. - The
file in the xsd-examples package explains how to build the examples. - The xsd-users mailing list is the place to ask technical questions about XSD and the C++/Parser mapping. Furthermore, the archives may already have answers to some of your questions.
1 Introduction
Welcome to CodeSynthesis XSD and the C++/Parser mapping. XSD is a cross-platform W3C XML Schema to C++ data binding compiler. C++/Parser is a W3C XML Schema to C++ mapping that represents an XML vocabulary as a set of parser skeletons which you can implement to perform XML processing as required by your application logic.
1.1 Mapping Overview
The C++/Parser mapping provides event-driven, stream-oriented XML parsing, XML Schema validation, and C++ data binding. It was specifically designed and optimized for high performance and small footprint. Based on the static analysis of the schemas, XSD generates compact, highly-optimized hierarchical state machines that combine data extraction, validation, and even dispatching in a single step. As a result, the generated code is typically 2-10 times faster than general-purpose validating XML parsers while maintaining the lowest static and dynamic memory footprints.
To speed up application development, the C++/Parser mapping can be instructed to generate sample parser implementations and a test driver which can then be filled with the application logic code. The mapping also provides a wide range of mechanisms for controlling and customizing the generated code.
The next chapter shows how to create a simple application that uses the C++/Parser mapping to parse, validate, and extract data from a simple XML document. The following chapters show how to use the C++/Parser mapping in more detail.
1.2 Benefits
Traditional XML access APIs such as Document Object Model (DOM) or Simple API for XML (SAX) have a number of drawbacks that make them less suitable for creating robust and maintainable XML processing applications. These drawbacks include:
- Generic representation of XML in terms of elements, attributes, and text forces an application developer to write a substantial amount of bridging code that identifies and transforms pieces of information encoded in XML to a representation more suitable for consumption by the application logic.
- String-based flow control defers error detection to runtime. It also reduces code readability and maintainability.
- Lack of type safety because the data is represented as text.
- Resulting applications are hard to debug, change, and maintain.
In contrast, statically-typed, vocabulary-specific parser skeletons produced by the C++/Parser mapping allow you to operate in your domain terms instead of the generic elements, attributes, and text. Static typing helps catch errors at compile-time rather than at run-time. Automatic code generation frees you for more interesting tasks (such as doing something useful with the information stored in the XML documents) and minimizes the effort needed to adapt your applications to changes in the document structure. To summarize, the C++/Parser mapping has the following key advantages over generic XML access APIs:
- Ease of use. The generated code hides all the complexity associated with recreating the document structure, maintaining the dispatch state, and converting the data from the text representation to data types suitable for manipulation by the application logic. Parser skeletons also provide a convenient mechanism for building custom in-memory representations.
- Natural representation. The generated parser skeletons implement parser callbacks as virtual functions with names corresponding to elements and attributes in XML. As a result, you process the XML data using your domain vocabulary instead of generic elements, attributes, and text.
- Concise code. With a separate parser skeleton for each XML Schema type, the application implementation is simpler and thus easier to read and understand.
- Safety. The XML data is delivered to parser callbacks as statically typed objects. The parser callbacks themselves are virtual functions. This helps catch programming errors at compile-time rather than at runtime.
- Maintainability. Automatic code generation minimizes the effort needed to adapt the application to changes in the document structure. With static typing, the C++ compiler can pin-point the places in the application code that need to be changed.
- Efficiency. The generated parser skeletons combine data extraction, validation, and even dispatching in a single step. This makes them much more efficient than traditional architectures with separate stages for validation and data extraction/dispatch.
2 Hello World Example
In this chapter we will examine how to parse a very simple XML
document using the XSD-generated C++/Parser skeletons.
The code presented in this chapter is based on the hello
example which can be found in the cxx/parser/
directory in
the xsd-examples
2.1 Writing XML Document and Schema
First, we need to get an idea about the structure
of the XML documents we are going to process. Our
, for example, could look like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <hello> <greeting>Hello</greeting> <name>sun</name> <name>moon</name> <name>world</name> </hello>
Then we can write a description of the above XML in the
XML Schema language and save it into hello.xsd
<?xml version="1.0"?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs=""> <xs:complexType name="hello"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="greeting" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name="hello" type="hello"/> </xs:schema>
Even if you are not familiar with XML Schema, it
should be easy to connect declarations in hello.xsd
to elements in hello.xml
. The hello
is defined as a sequence of the nested greeting
elements. Note that the term sequence in XML
Schema means that elements should appear in a particular order
as opposed to appearing multiple times. The name
element has its maxOccurs
property set to
which means it can appear multiple times
in an XML document. Finally, the globally-defined hello
element prescribes the root element for our vocabulary. For an
easily-approachable introduction to XML Schema refer to
XML Schema Part 0:
The above schema is a specification of our XML vocabulary; it tells everybody what valid documents of our XML-based language should look like. The next step is to compile this schema to generate the object model and parsing functions.
2.2 Translating Schema to C++
Now we are ready to translate our hello.xsd
to C++ parser
skeletons. To do this we invoke the XSD compiler from a terminal
(UNIX) or a command prompt (Windows):
$ xsd cxx-parser --xml-parser expat hello.xsd
The --xml-parser
option indicates that we want to
use Expat as the underlying XML parser (see Section
5.3, "Underlying XML Parser"). The XSD compiler produces two
C++ files: hello-pskel.hxx
and hello-pskel.cxx
The following code fragment is taken from hello-pskel.hxx
it should give you an idea about what gets generated:
class hello_pskel { public: // Parser callbacks. Override them in your implementation. // virtual void pre (); virtual void greeting (const std::string&); virtual void name (const std::string&); virtual void post_hello (); // Parser construction API. // void greeting_parser (xml_schema::string_pskel&); void name_parser (xml_schema::string_pskel&); void parsers (xml_schema::string_pskel& /* greeting */, xml_schema::string_pskel& /* name */); private: ... };
The first four member functions shown above are called parser callbacks. You would normally override them in your implementation of the parser to do something useful. Let's go through all of them one by one.
The pre()
function is an initialization callback. It is
called when a new element of type hello
is about
to be parsed. You would normally use this function to allocate a new
instance of the resulting type or clear accumulators that are used
to gather information during parsing. The default implementation
of this function does nothing.
The post_hello()
function is a finalization callback. Its
name is constructed by adding the parser skeleton name to the
prefix. The finalization callback is called when
parsing of the element is complete and the result, if any, should
be returned. Note that in our case the return type of
is void
which means there
is nothing to return. More on parser return types later.
You may be wondering why the finalization callback is called
instead of post()
like pre()
. The reason for this is that
finalization callbacks can have different return types and
result in function signature clashes across inheritance
hierarchies. To prevent this the signatures of finalization
callbacks are made unique by adding the type name to their names.
The greeting()
and name()
functions are
called when the greeting
and name
have been parsed, respectively. Their arguments are of type
and contain the data extracted from XML.
The last three functions are for connecting parsers to each other.
For example, there is a predefined parser for built-in XML Schema type
in the XSD runtime. We will be using
it to parse the contents of greeting
elements, as shown in the next section.
2.3 Implementing Application Logic
At this point we have all the parts we need to do something useful with the information stored in our XML document. The first step is to implement the parser:
#include <iostream> #include "hello-pskel.hxx" class hello_pimpl: public hello_pskel { public: virtual void greeting (const std::string& g) { greeting_ = g; } virtual void name (const std::string& n) { std::cout << greeting_ << ", " << n << "!" << std::endl; } private: std::string greeting_; };
We left both pre()
and post_hello()
with the
default implementations; we don't have anything to initialize or
return. The rest is pretty straightforward: we store the greeting
in a member variable and later, when parsing names, use it to
say hello.
An observant reader my ask what happens if the name
element comes before greeting
? Don't we need to
make sure greeting_
was initialized and report
an error otherwise? The answer is no, we don't have to do
any of this. The hello_pskel
parser skeleton
performs validation of XML according to the schema from which
it was generated. As a result, it will check the order
of the greeting
and name
and report an error if it is violated.
Now it is time to put this parser implementation to work:
using namespace std; int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { try { // Construct the parser. // xml_schema::string_pimpl string_p; hello_pimpl hello_p; hello_p.greeting_parser (string_p); hello_p.name_parser (string_p); // Parse the XML instance. // xml_schema::document doc_p (hello_p, "hello"); hello_p.pre (); doc_p.parse (argv[1]); hello_p.post_hello (); } catch (const xml_schema::exception& e) { cerr << e << endl; return 1; } }
The first part of this code snippet instantiates individual parsers
and assembles them into a complete vocabulary parser.
is an implementation of a parser
for built-in XML Schema type string
. It is provided by
the XSD runtime along with parsers for other built-in types (for
more information on the built-in parsers see Chapter 6,
"Built-In XML Schema Type Parsers"). We use string_pimpl
to parse the greeting
and name
elements as
indicated by the calls to greeting_parser()
Then we instantiate a document parser (doc_p
). The
first argument to its constructor is the parser for
the root element (hello_p
in our case). The
second argument is the root element name.
The final piece is the calls to pre()
, parse()
and post_hello()
. The call to parse()
perform the actual XML parsing while the calls to pre()
make sure that the parser for the root
element can perform proper initialization and cleanup.
While our parser implementation and test driver are pretty small and
easy to write by hand, for bigger XML vocabularies it can be a
substantial effort. To help with this task XSD can automatically
generate sample parser implementations and a test driver from your
schemas. You can request the generation of a sample implementation with
empty function bodies by specifying the --generate-noop-impl
option. Or you can generate a sample implementation that prints the
data store in XML by using the --generate-print-impl
option. To request the generation of a test driver you can use the
option. For more information
on these options refer to the
Compiler Command Line Manual. The 'generated'
in the xsd-examples package
shows the sample implementation generation feature in action.
2.4 Compiling and Running
After saving all the parts from the previous section in
, we are ready to compile our first
application and run it on the test XML document. On a UNIX
system this can be done with the following commands:
$ c++ -std=c++11 -I.../libxsd -c driver.cxx hello-pskel.cxx $ c++ -std=c++11 -o driver driver.o hello-pskel.o -lexpat $ ./driver hello.xml Hello, sun! Hello, moon! Hello, world!
Here .../libxsd
represents the path to the
libxsd package root
directory. We can also test the error handling. To test XML
well-formedness checking, we can try to parse
$ ./driver hello-pskel.hxx hello-pskel.hxx:1:0: not well-formed (invalid token)
We can also try to parse a valid XML but not from our
vocabulary, for example hello.xsd
$ ./driver hello.xsd hello.xsd:2:0: expected element 'hello' instead of ''
3 Parser Skeletons
As we have seen in the previous chapter, the XSD compiler generates a parser skeleton class for each type defined in XML Schema. In this chapter we will take a closer look at different functions that comprise a parser skeleton as well as the way to connect our implementations of these parser skeletons to create a complete parser.
In this and subsequent chapters we will use the following schema
that describes a collection of person records. We save it in
<?xml version="1.0"?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs=""> <xs:simpleType name="gender"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="male"/> <xs:enumeration value="female"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:complexType name="person"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="first-name" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="last-name" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="gender" type="gender"/> <xs:element name="age" type="xs:short"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="people"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="person" type="person" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name="people" type="people"/> </xs:schema>
A sample XML instance to go along with this schema is saved
in people.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?> <people> <person> <first-name>John</first-name> <last-name>Doe</last-name> <gender>male</gender> <age>32</age> </person> <person> <first-name>Jane</first-name> <last-name>Doe</last-name> <gender>female</gender> <age>28</age> </person> </people>
Compiling people.xsd
with the XSD compiler results
in three parser skeletons being generated: gender_pskel
, and people_pskel
. We are going
to examine and implement each of them in the subsequent sections.
3.1 Implementing the Gender Parser
The generated gender_pskel
parser skeleton looks like
class gender_pskel: public virtual xml_schema::string_pskel { public: // Parser callbacks. Override them in your implementation. // virtual void pre (); virtual void post_gender (); };
Notice that gender_pskel
inherits from
which is a parser skeleton
for built-in XML Schema type string
and is
predefined in the XSD runtime library. This is an example
of the general rule that parser skeletons follow: if a type
in XML Schema inherits from another then there will be an
equivalent inheritance between the corresponding parser
skeleton classes.
The pre()
and post_gender()
should look familiar from the previous chapter. Let's now
implement the parser. Our implementation will simply print
the gender to cout
class gender_pimpl: public gender_pskel, public xml_schema::string_pimpl { public: virtual void post_gender () { std::string s = post_string (); cout << "gender: " << s << endl; } };
While the code is quite short, there is a lot going on. First,
notice that we are inheriting from gender_pskel
from xml_schema::string_pimpl
. We've encountered
already; it is an
implementation of the xml_schema::string_pskel
skeleton for built-in XML Schema type string
This is another common theme in the C++/Parser programming model:
reusing implementations of the base parsers in the derived ones with
the C++ mixin idiom. In our case, string_pimpl
do all the dirty work of extracting the data and we can just get
it at the end with the call to post_string()
In case you are curious, here is what
look like:
namespace xml_schema { class string_pskel: public simple_content { public: virtual std::string post_string () = 0; }; class string_pimpl: public virtual string_pskel { public: virtual void _pre (); virtual void _characters (const xml_schema::ro_string&); virtual std::string post_string (); protected: std::string str_; }; }
There are three new pieces in this code that we haven't seen yet.
They are the simple_content
class as well as
the _pre()
and _characters()
The simple_content
class is defined in the XSD
runtime and is a base class for all parser skeletons that conform
to the simple content model in XML Schema. Types with the
simple content model cannot have nested elements—only text
and attributes. There is also the complex_content
class which corresponds to the complex content mode (types with
nested elements, for example, person
The _pre()
function is a parser callback. Remember we
talked about the pre()
and post_*()
in the previous chapter? There are actually two more callbacks
with similar roles: _pre()
and _post ()
As a result, each parser skeleton has four special callbacks:
virtual void pre (); virtual void _pre (); virtual void _post (); virtual void post_name ();
and _pre()
are initialization
callbacks. They get called in that order before a new instance of the type
is about to be parsed. The difference between pre()
is conventional: pre()
be completely overridden by a derived parser. The derived
parser can also override _pre()
but has to always call
the original version. This allows you to partition initialization
into customizable and required parts.
Similarly, _post()
and post_name()
finalization callbacks with exactly the same semantics:
can be completely overridden by the derived
parser while the original _post()
should always be called.
The final bit we need to discuss in this section is the
function. As you might have guessed, it
is also a callback. A low-level one that delivers raw character content
for the type being parsed. You will seldom need to use this callback
directly. Using implementations for the built-in parsers provided by
the XSD runtime is usually a simpler and more convenient
At this point you might be wondering why some post_*()
callbacks, for example post_string()
, return some data
while others, for example post_gender()
, have
as a return type. This is a valid concern
and it will be addressed in the next chapter.
3.2 Implementing the Person Parser
The generated person_pskel
parser skeleton looks like
class person_pskel: public xml_schema::complex_content { public: // Parser callbacks. Override them in your implementation. // virtual void pre (); virtual void first_name (const std::string&); virtual void last_name (const std::string&); virtual void gender (); virtual void age (short); virtual void post_person (); // Parser construction API. // void first_name_parser (xml_schema::string_pskel&); void last_name_parser (xml_schema::string_pskel&); void gender_parser (gender_pskel&); void age_parser (xml_schema::short_pskel&); void parsers (xml_schema::string_pskel& /* first-name */, xml_schema::string_pskel& /* last-name */, gender_pskel& /* gender */, xml_schema::short_pskel& /* age */); };
As you can see, we have a parser callback for each of the nested
elements found in the person
XML Schema type.
The implementation of this parser is straightforward:
class person_pimpl: public person_pskel { public: virtual void first_name (const std::string& n) { cout << "first: " << f << endl; } virtual void last_name (const std::string& l) { cout << "last: " << l << endl; } virtual void age (short a) { cout << "age: " << a << endl; } };
Notice that we didn't override the gender()
because all the printing is done by gender_pimpl
3.3 Implementing the People Parser
The generated people_pskel
parser skeleton looks like
class people_pskel: public xml_schema::complex_content { public: // Parser callbacks. Override them in your implementation. // virtual void pre (); virtual void person (); virtual void post_people (); // Parser construction API. // void person_parser (person_pskel&); void parsers (person_pskel& /* person */); };
The person()
callback will be called after parsing each
element. While person_pimpl
all the printing, one useful thing we can do in this callback is to
print an extra newline after each person record so that our
output is more readable:
class people_pimpl: public people_pskel { public: virtual void person () { cout << endl; } };
Now it is time to put everything together.
3.4 Connecting the Parsers Together
At this point we have all the individual parsers implemented and can proceed to assemble them into a complete parser for our XML vocabulary. The first step is to instantiate all the individual parsers that we will need:
xml_schema::short_pimpl short_p; xml_schema::string_pimpl string_p; gender_pimpl gender_p; person_pimpl person_p; people_pimpl people_p;
Notice that our schema uses two built-in XML Schema types:
for the first-name
elements as well as short
for age
. We will use predefined parsers that
come with the XSD runtime to handle these types. The next
step is to connect all the individual parsers. We do this
with the help of functions defined in the parser
skeletons and marked with the "Parser Construction API"
comment. One way to do it is to connect each individual
parser by calling the *_parser()
person_p.first_name_parser (string_p); person_p.last_name_parser (string_p); person_p.gender_parser (gender_p); person_p.age_parser (short_p); people_p.person_parser (person_p);
You might be wondering what happens if you do not provide
a parser by not calling one of the *_parser()
In that case the corresponding XML content will be skipped,
including validation. This is an efficient way to ignore parts
of the document that you are not interested in.
An alternative, shorter, way to connect the parsers is by using
the parsers()
functions which connects all the parsers
for a given type at once:
person_p.parsers (string_p, string_p, gender_p, short_p); people_p.parsers (person_p);
The following figure illustrates the resulting connections. Notice
the correspondence between return types of the post_*()
functions and argument types of element callbacks that are connected
by the arrows.

The last step is the construction of the document parser and invocation of the complete parser on our sample XML instance:
xml_schema::document doc_p (people_p, "people"); people_p.pre (); doc_p.parse ("people.xml"); people_p.post_people ();
Let's consider xml_schema::document
more detail. While the exact definition of this class
varies depending on the underlying parser selected,
here is the common part:
namespace xml_schema { class document { public: document (xml_schema::parser_base&, const std::string& root_element_name, bool polymorphic = false); document (xml_schema::parser_base&, const std::string& root_element_namespace, const std::string& root_element_name, bool polymorphic = false); void parse (const std::string& file); void parse (std::istream&); ... }; }
is a root parser for
the vocabulary. The first argument to its constructors is the
parser for the type of the root element (people_impl
in our case). Because a type parser is only concerned with
the element's content and not with the element's name, we need
to specify the root element's name somewhere. That's
what is passed as the second and third arguments to the
's constructors.
There are also two overloaded parse()
defined in the document
class (there are actually
more but the others are specific to the underlying XML parser).
The first version parses a local file identified by a name. The
second version reads the data from an input stream. For more
information on the xml_schema::document
refer to Chapter 7, "Document Parser and Error
Let's now consider a step-by-step list of actions that happen
as we parse through people.xml
. The content of
is repeated below for convenience.
<?xml version="1.0"?> <people> <person> <first-name>John</first-name> <last-name>Doe</last-name> <gender>male</gender> <age>32</age> </person> <person> <first-name>Jane</first-name> <last-name>Doe</last-name> <gender>female</gender> <age>28</age> </person> </people>
is called frommain()
. We did not provide any implementation for this callback so this call is a no-op.doc_p.parse("people.xml")
is called frommain()
. The parser opens the file and starts parsing its content.- The parser encounters the root element.
verifies that the root element is correct and calls_pre()
which is also a no-op. Parsing is now delegated topeople_p
. - The parser encounters the
determines thatperson_p
is responsible for parsing this element.pre()
callbacks are called onperson_p
. Parsing is now delegated toperson_p
. - The parser encounters the
determines thatstring_p
is responsible for parsing this element.pre()
callbacks are called onstring_p
. Parsing is now delegated tostring_p
. - The parser encounters character content consisting of
. The_characters()
callback is called onstring_p
. - The parser encounters the end of
element. The_post()
callbacks are called onstring_p
. Thefirst_name()
callback is called onperson_p
with the return value ofpost_string()
. Thefirst_name()
implementation prints"first: John"
. Parsing is now returned toperson_p
. - Steps analogous to 5-7 are performed for the
, andage
elements. - The parser encounters the end of
element. The_post()
callbacks are called onperson_p
. Theperson()
callback is called onpeople_p
. Theperson()
implementation prints a new line tocout
. Parsing is now returned topeople_p
. - Steps 4-9 are performed for the second
element. - The parser encounters the end of
element. The_post()
callback is called onpeople_p
. Thedoc_p.parse("people.xml")
call returns tomain()
. people_p.post_people()
is called frommain()
which is a no-op.
4 Type Maps
There are many useful things you can do inside parser callbacks as they are right now. There are, however, times when you want to propagate some information from one parser to another or to the caller of the parser. One common task that would greatly benefit from such a possibility is building a tree-like in-memory object model of the data stored in XML. During execution, each individual sub-parser would create a sub-tree and return it to its parent parser which can then incorporate this sub-tree into the whole tree.
In this chapter we will discuss the mechanisms offered by the C++/Parser mapping for returning information from individual parsers and see how to use them to build an object model of our people vocabulary.
4.1 Object Model
An object model for our person record example could
look like this (saved in the people.hxx
#include <string> #include <vector> enum gender { male, female }; class person { public: person (const std::string& first, const std::string& last, ::gender gender, short age) : first_ (first), last_ (last), gender_ (gender), age_ (age) { } const std::string& first () const { return first_; } const std::string& last () const { return last_; } ::gender gender () const { return gender_; } short age () const { return age_; } private: std::string first_; std::string last_; ::gender gender_; short age_; }; typedef std::vector<person> people;
While it is clear which parser is responsible for which part of
the object model, it is not exactly clear how, for
example, gender_pimpl
will deliver gender
to person_pimpl
. You might have noticed that
manages to deliver its value to the
callback of person_pimpl
. Let's
see how we can utilize the same mechanism to propagate our
own data.
There is a way to tell the XSD compiler that you want to
exchange data between parsers. More precisely, for each
type defined in XML Schema, you can tell the compiler two things.
First, the return type of the post_*()
in the parser skeleton generated for this type. And, second,
the argument type for callbacks corresponding to elements and
attributes of this type. For example, for XML Schema type
we can specify the return type for
in the gender_pskel
skeleton and the argument type for the gender()
in the person_pskel
skeleton. As you might have guessed,
the generated code will then pass the return value from the
callback as an argument to the element or
attribute callback.
The way to tell the XSD compiler about these XML Schema to
C++ mappings is with type map files. Here is a simple type
map for the gender
type from the previous paragraph:
include "people.hxx"; gender ::gender ::gender;
The first line indicates that the generated code must include
in order to get the definition for the
type. The second line specifies that both
argument and return types for the gender
XML Schema type should be the ::gender
C++ enum
(we use fully-qualified C++ names to avoid name clashes).
The next section will describe the type map format in detail.
We save this type map in
then translate our schemas with the --type-map
option to let the XSD compiler know about our type map:
$ xsd cxx-parser --type-map people.xsd
If we now look at the generated people-pskel.hxx
we will see the following changes in the gender_pskel
#include "people.hxx" class gender_pskel: public virtual xml_schema::string_pskel { virtual ::gender post_gender () = 0; ... }; class person_pskel: public xml_schema::complex_content { virtual void gender (::gender); ... };
Notice that #include "people.hxx"
was added to
the generated header file from the type map to provide the
definition for the gender
4.2 Type Map File Format
Type map files are used to define a mapping between XML Schema
and C++ types. The compiler uses this information
to determine return types of post_*()
callbacks in parser skeletons corresponding to XML Schema
types as well as argument types for callbacks corresponding
to elements and attributes of these types.
The compiler has a set of predefined mapping rules that map
the built-in XML Schema types to suitable C++ types (discussed
below) and all other types to void
By providing your own type maps you can override these predefined
rules. The format of the type map file is presented below:
namespace <schema-namespace> [<cxx-namespace>] { (include <file-name>;)* ([type] <schema-type> <cxx-ret-type> [<cxx-arg-type>];)* }
Both <schema-namespace>
are regex patterns while
, and
are regex pattern
substitutions. All names can be optionally enclosed in
" "
, for example, to include white-spaces.
determines XML
Schema namespace. Optional <cxx-namespace>
is prefixed to every C++ type name in this namespace declaration.
is a C++ type name that is
used as a return type for the post_*()
Optional <cxx-arg-type>
is an argument
type for callbacks corresponding to elements and attributes
of this type. If <cxx-arg-type>
is not
specified, it defaults to <cxx-ret-type>
if <cxx-ret-type>
ends with *
(that is, it is a pointer or a reference) and
const <cxx-ret-type>&
is a file name either in the
" "
or < >
and is added with the #include
directive to
the generated code.
The #
character starts a comment that ends
with a new line or end of file. To specify a name that contains
enclose it in " "
For example:
namespace my { include "my.hxx"; # Pass apples by value. # apple apple; # Pass oranges as pointers. # orange orange_t*; }
In the example above, for the
XML Schema type, the my::orange_t*
C++ type will
be used as both return and argument types.
Several namespace declarations can be specified in a single file. The namespace declaration can also be completely omitted to map types in a schema without a namespace. For instance:
include "my.hxx"; apple apple; namespace { orange "const orange_t*"; }
The compiler has a number of predefined mapping rules for
the built-in XML Schema types which can be presented as the
following map files. The string-based XML Schema types are
mapped to either std::string
depending on the character type
selected (see Section 5.2, "Character Type and
Encoding" for more information). The binary XML Schema
types are mapped to either std::unique_ptr<xml_schema::buffer>
or std::auto_ptr<xml_schema::buffer>
depending on the C++ standard selected (C++11 or C++98,
respectively; refer to the --std
XSD compiler
command line option for details).
namespace { boolean bool bool; byte "signed char" "signed char"; unsignedByte "unsigned char" "unsigned char"; short short short; unsignedShort "unsigned short" "unsigned short"; int int int; unsignedInt "unsigned int" "unsigned int"; long "long long" "long long"; unsignedLong "unsigned long long" "unsigned long long"; integer "long long" "long long"; negativeInteger "long long" "long long"; nonPositiveInteger "long long" "long long"; positiveInteger "unsigned long long" "unsigned long long"; nonNegativeInteger "unsigned long long" "unsigned long long"; float float float; double double double; decimal double double; string std::string; normalizedString std::string; token std::string; Name std::string; NMTOKEN std::string; NCName std::string; ID std::string; IDREF std::string; language std::string; anyURI std::string; NMTOKENS xml_schema::string_sequence; IDREFS xml_schema::string_sequence; QName xml_schema::qname; base64Binary std::[unique|auto]_ptr<xml_schema::buffer> std::[unique|auto]_ptr<xml_schema::buffer>; hexBinary std::[unique|auto]_ptr<xml_schema::buffer> std::[unique|auto]_ptr<xml_schema::buffer>; date xml_schema::date; dateTime xml_schema::date_time; duration xml_schema::duration; gDay xml_schema::gday; gMonth xml_schema::gmonth; gMonthDay xml_schema::gmonth_day; gYear xml_schema::gyear; gYearMonth xml_schema::gyear_month; time xml_schema::time; }
For more information about the mapping of the built-in XML Schema types
to C++ types refer to Chapter 6, "Built-In XML Schema Type
Parsers". The last predefined rule maps anything that wasn't
mapped by previous rules to void
namespace .* { .* void void; }
When you provide your own type maps with the
option, they are evaluated first. This
allows you to selectively override any of the predefined rules.
Note also that if you change the mapping
of a built-in XML Schema type then it becomes your responsibility
to provide the corresponding parser skeleton and implementation
in the xml_schema
namespace. You can include the
custom definitions into the generated header file using the
4.3 Parser Implementations
With the knowledge from the previous section, we can proceed
with creating a type map that maps types in the people.xsd
schema to our object model classes in
. In fact, we already have the beginning
of our type map file in
. Let's extend
it with the rest of the types:
include "people.hxx"; gender ::gender ::gender; person ::person; people ::people;
There are a few things to note about this type map. We did not
provide the argument types for person
because the default constant reference is
exactly what we need. We also did not provide any mappings
for built-in XML Schema types string
because they are handled by the predefined
rules and we are happy with the result. Note also that
all C++ types are fully qualified. This is done to avoid
potential name conflicts in the generated code. Now we can
recompile our schema and move on to implementing the parsers:
$ xsd cxx-parser --xml-parser expat --type-map people.xsd
Here is the implementation of our three parsers in full. One way to save typing when implementing your own parsers is to open the generated code and copy the signatures of parser callbacks into your code. Or you could always auto generate the sample implementations and fill them with your code.
#include "people-pskel.hxx" class gender_pimpl: public gender_pskel, public xml_schema::string_pimpl { public: virtual ::gender post_gender () { return post_string () == "male" ? male : female; } }; class person_pimpl: public person_pskel { public: virtual void first_name (const std::string& f) { first_ = f; } virtual void last_name (const std::string& l) { last_ = l; } virtual void gender (::gender g) { gender_ = g; } virtual void age (short a) { age_ = a; } virtual ::person post_person () { return ::person (first_, last_, gender_, age_); } private: std::string first_; std::string last_; ::gender gender_; short age_; }; class people_pimpl: public people_pskel { public: virtual void person (const ::person& p) { people_.push_back (p); } virtual ::people post_people () { ::people r; r.swap (people_); return r; } private: ::people people_; };
This code fragment should look familiar by now. Just note that
all the post_*()
callbacks now have return types instead
of void
. Here is the implementation of the test
driver for this example:
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { // Construct the parser. // xml_schema::short_pimpl short_p; xml_schema::string_pimpl string_p; gender_pimpl gender_p; person_pimpl person_p; people_pimpl people_p; person_p.parsers (string_p, string_p, gender_p, short_p); people_p.parsers (person_p); // Parse the document to obtain the object model. // xml_schema::document doc_p (people_p, "people"); people_p.pre (); doc_p.parse (argv[1]); people ppl = people_p.post_people (); // Print the object model. // for (people::iterator i (ppl.begin ()); i != ppl.end (); ++i) { cout << "first: " << i->first () << endl << "last: " << i->last () << endl << "gender: " << (i->gender () == male ? "male" : "female") << endl << "age: " << i->age () << endl << endl; } }
The parser creation and assembly part is exactly the same as in
the previous chapter. The parsing part is a bit different:
now has a return value which is the
complete object model. We store it in the
variable. The last bit of the code simply iterates
over the people
vector and prints the information
for each person. We save the last two code fragments to
and proceed to compile and test
our new application:
$ c++ -std=c++11 -I.../libxsd -c driver.cxx people-pskel.cxx $ c++ -std=c++11 -o driver driver.o people-pskel.o -lexpat $ ./driver people.xml first: John last: Doe gender: male age: 32 first: Jane last: Doe gender: female age: 28
5 Mapping Configuration
The C++/Parser mapping has a number of configuration parameters that determine the overall properties and behavior of the generated code. Configuration parameters are specified with the XSD command line options and include the C++ standard, the character type that is used by the generated code, the underlying XML parser, whether the XML Schema validation is performed in the generated code, and support for XML Schema polymorphism. This chapter describes these configuration parameters in more detail. For more ways to configure the generated code refer to the XSD Compiler Command Line Manual.
5.1 C++ Standard
The C++/Parser mapping provides support for ISO/IEC C++ 2011 (C++11)
and ISO/IEC C++ 1998/2003 (C++98). To select the C++ standard for the
generated code we use the --std
XSD compiler command
line option. While the majority of the examples in this guide use
C++11, the document explains the C++11/98 usage difference and so
they can easily be converted to C++98.
5.2 Character Type and Encoding
The C++/Parser mapping has built-in support for two character types:
and wchar_t
. You can select the
character type with the --char-type
command line
option. The default character type is char
. The
string-based built-in XML Schema types are returned as either
or std::wstring
on the character type selected.
Another aspect of the mapping that depends on the character type
is character encoding. For the char
character type
the default encoding is UTF-8. Other supported encodings are
ISO-8859-1, Xerces-C++ Local Code Page (LPC), as well as
custom encodings. You can select which encoding should be used
in the object model with the --char-encoding
line option.
For the wchar_t
character type the encoding is
automatically selected between UTF-16 and UTF-32/UCS-4 depending
on the size of the wchar_t
type. On some platforms
(for example, Windows with Visual C++ and AIX with IBM XL C++)
is 2 bytes long. For these platforms the
encoding is UTF-16. On other platforms wchar_t
is 4 bytes
long and UTF-32/UCS-4 is used.
Note also that the character encoding that is used in the object model is independent of the encodings used in input and output XML. In fact, all three (object mode, input XML, and output XML) can have different encodings.
5.3 Underlying XML Parser
The C++/Parser mapping can be used with either Xerces-C++ or Expat
as the underlying XML parser. You can select the XML parser with
the --xml-parser
command line option. Valid values
for this option are xerces
and expat
The default XML parser is Xerces-C++.
The generated code is identical for both parsers except for the
class in which some of the
functions are parser-specific as described
in Chapter 7, "Document Parser and Error Handling".
5.4 XML Schema Validation
The C++/Parser mapping provides support for validating a commonly-used subset of W3C XML Schema in the generated code. For the list of supported XML Schema constructs refer to Appendix A, "Supported XML Schema Constructs".
By default validation in the generated code is disabled if
the underlying XML parser is validating (Xerces-C++) and
enabled otherwise (Expat). See Section 5.3,
"Underlying XML Parser" for more information about
the underlying XML parser. You can override the default
behavior with the --generate-validation
and --suppress-validation
command line options.
5.5 Support for Polymorphism
By default the XSD compiler generates non-polymorphic code. If your
vocabulary uses XML Schema polymorphism in the form of xsi:type
and/or substitution groups, then you will need to compile your schemas
with the --generate-polymorphic
option to produce
polymorphism-aware code as well as pass true
as the last
argument to the xml_schema::document
's constructors.
When using the polymorphism-aware generated code, you can specify
several parsers for a single element by passing a parser map
instead of an individual parser to the parser connection function
for the element. One of the parsers will then be looked up and used
depending on the xsi:type
attribute value or an element
name from a substitution group. Consider the following schema as an
<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""> <xs:complexType name="person"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <!-- substitution group root --> <xs:element name="person" type="person"/> <xs:complexType name="superman"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="person"> <xs:attribute name="can-fly" type="xs:boolean"/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name="superman" type="superman" substitutionGroup="person"/> <xs:complexType name="batman"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="superman"> <xs:attribute name="wing-span" type="xs:unsignedInt"/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name="batman" type="batman" substitutionGroup="superman"/> <xs:complexType name="supermen"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element ref="person" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name="supermen" type="supermen"/> </xs:schema>
Conforming XML documents can use the superman
and batman
types in place of the person
type either by specifying the type with the xsi:type
attributes or by using the elements from the substitution
group, for instance:
<supermen xmlns:xsi=""> <person> <name>John Doe</name> </person> <superman can-fly="false"> <name>James "007" Bond</name> </superman> <superman can-fly="true" wing-span="10" xsi:type="batman"> <name>Bruce Wayne</name> </superman> </supermen>
To print the data stored in such XML documents we can implement the parsers as follows:
class person_pimpl: public virtual person_pskel { public: virtual void pre () { cout << "starting to parse person" << endl; } virtual void name (const std::string& v) { cout << "name: " << v << endl; } virtual void post_person () { cout << "finished parsing person" << endl; } }; class superman_pimpl: public virtual superman_pskel, public person_pimpl { public: virtual void pre () { cout << "starting to parse superman" << endl; } virtual void can_fly (bool v) { cout << "can-fly: " << v << endl; } virtual void post_person () { post_superman (); } virtual void post_superman () { cout << "finished parsing superman" << endl } }; class batman_pimpl: public virtual batman_pskel, public superman_pimpl { public: virtual void pre () { cout << "starting to parse batman" << endl; } virtual void wing_span (unsigned int v) { cout << "wing-span: " << v << endl; } virtual void post_superman () { post_batman (); } virtual void post_batman () { cout << "finished parsing batman" << endl; } };
Note that because the derived type parsers (superman_pskel
and batman_pskel
) are called via the person_pskel
interface, we have to override the post_person()
virtual function in superman_pimpl
to call
and the post_superman()
virtual function in batman_pimpl
to call
The following code fragment shows how to connect the parsers together.
Notice that for the person
element in the supermen_p
parser we specify a parser map instead of a specific parser and we pass
as the last argument to the document parser constructor
to indicate that we are parsing potentially-polymorphic XML documents:
int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { // Construct the parser. // xml_schema::string_pimpl string_p; xml_schema::boolean_pimpl boolean_p; xml_schema::unsigned_int_pimpl unsigned_int_p; person_pimpl person_p; superman_pimpl superman_p; batman_pimpl batman_p; xml_schema::parser_map_impl person_map; supermen_pimpl supermen_p; person_p.parsers (string_p); superman_p.parsers (string_p, boolean_p); batman_p.parsers (string_p, boolean_p, unsigned_int_p); // Here we are specifying a parser map which containes several // parsers that can be used to parse the person element. // person_map.insert (person_p); person_map.insert (superman_p); person_map.insert (batman_p); supermen_p.person_parser (person_map); // Parse the XML document. The last argument to the document's // constructor indicates that we are parsing polymorphic XML // documents. // xml_schema::document doc_p (supermen_p, "supermen", true); supermen_p.pre (); doc_p.parse (argv[1]); supermen_p.post_supermen (); }
When polymorphism-aware code is generated, each element's
function is overloaded to also accept
an object of the xml_schema::parser_map
For example, the supermen_pskel
class from the
above example looks like this:
class supermen_pskel: public xml_schema::parser_complex_content { public: ... // Parser construction API. // void parsers (person_pskel&); // Individual element parsers. // void person_parser (person_pskel&); void person_parser (const xml_schema::parser_map&); ... };
Note that you can specify both the individual (static) parser and
the parser map. The individual parser will be used when the static
element type and the dynamic type of the object being parsed are
the same. This is the case, for example, when there is no
attribute and the element hasn't been
substituted. Because the individual parser for an element is
cached and no map lookup is necessary, it makes sense to specify
both the individual parser and the parser map when most of the
objects being parsed are of the static type and optimal
performance is important. The following code fragment shows
how to change the above example to set both the individual
parser and the parser map:
int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { ... person_map.insert (superman_p); person_map.insert (batman_p); supermen_p.person_parser (person_p); supermen_p.person_parser (person_map); ... }
The xml_schema::parser_map
interface and the
default implementation
are presented below:
namespace xml_schema { class parser_map { public: virtual parser_base* find (const ro_string* type) const = 0; }; class parser_map_impl: public parser_map { public: void insert (parser_base&); virtual parser_base* find (const ro_string* type) const; private: parser_map_impl (const parser_map_impl&); parser_map_impl& operator= (const parser_map_impl&); ... }; }
The type
argument in the find()
function is the type name and namespace from the xsi:type attribute
(the namespace prefix is resolved to the actual XML namespace)
or the type of an element from the substitution group in the form
"<name> <namespace>"
with the space and the
namespace part absent if the type does not have a namespace.
You can obtain a parser's dynamic type in the same format
using the _dynamic_type()
function. The static
type can be obtained by calling the static _static_type()
function, for example person_pskel::_static_type()
Both functions return a C string (const char*
const wchar_t*
, depending on the character type
used) which is valid for as long as the application is running.
The following example shows how we can implement our own parser
map using std::map
#include <map> #include <string> class parser_map: public xml_schema::parser_map { public: void insert (xml_schema::parser_base& p) { map_[p._dynamic_type ()] = &p; } virtual xml_schema::parser_base* find (const xml_schema::ro_string* type) const { map::const_iterator i = map_.find (type); return i != map_.end () ? i->second : 0; } private: typedef std::map<std::string, xml_schema::parser_base*> map; map map_; };
Most of code presented in this section is taken from the
example which can be found in the
directory in the
xsd-examples package.
Handling of xsi:type
and substitution groups when used on
root elements requires a number of special actions as shown in
the polyroot
6 Built-In XML Schema Type Parsers
The XSD runtime provides parser implementations for all built-in
XML Schema types as summarized in the following table. Declarations
for these types are automatically included into each generated
header file. As a result you don't need to include any headers
to gain access to these parser implementations. Note that some
parsers return either std::string
depending on the character type selected.
XML Schema type | Parser implementation in the xml_schema namespace |
Parser return type |
anyType and anySimpleType types | ||
anyType |
any_type_pimpl |
void |
anySimpleType |
any_simple_type_pimpl |
void |
fixed-length integral types | ||
byte |
byte_pimpl |
signed char |
unsignedByte |
unsigned_byte_pimpl |
unsigned char |
short |
short_pimpl |
short |
unsignedShort |
unsigned_short_pimpl |
unsigned short |
int |
int_pimpl |
int |
unsignedInt |
unsigned_int_pimpl |
unsigned int |
long |
long_pimpl |
long long |
unsignedLong |
unsigned_long_pimpl |
unsigned long long |
arbitrary-length integral types | ||
integer |
integer_pimpl |
long long |
nonPositiveInteger |
non_positive_integer_pimpl |
long long |
nonNegativeInteger |
non_negative_integer_pimpl |
unsigned long long |
positiveInteger |
positive_integer_pimpl |
unsigned long long |
negativeInteger |
negative_integer_pimpl |
long long |
boolean types | ||
boolean |
boolean_pimpl |
bool |
fixed-precision floating-point types | ||
float |
float_pimpl |
float |
double |
double_pimpl |
double |
arbitrary-precision floating-point types | ||
decimal |
decimal_pimpl |
double |
string-based types | ||
string |
string_pimpl |
std::string or std::wstring |
normalizedString |
normalized_string_pimpl |
std::string or std::wstring |
token |
token_pimpl |
std::string or std::wstring |
Name |
name_pimpl |
std::string or std::wstring |
nmtoken_pimpl |
std::string or std::wstring |
NCName |
ncname_pimpl |
std::string or std::wstring |
language |
language_pimpl |
std::string or std::wstring |
qualified name | ||
QName |
qname_pimpl |
xml_schema::qname Section 6.1, " QName Parser" |
ID/IDREF types | ||
ID |
id_pimpl |
std::string or std::wstring |
idref_pimpl |
std::string or std::wstring |
list types | ||
nmtokens_pimpl |
xml_schema::string_sequence Section 6.2, " NMTOKENS and IDREFS Parsers" |
idrefs_pimpl |
xml_schema::string_sequence Section 6.2, " NMTOKENS and IDREFS Parsers" |
URI types | ||
anyURI |
uri_pimpl |
std::string or std::wstring |
binary types | ||
base64Binary |
base64_binary_pimpl |
std::[unique|auto]_ptr< xml_schema::buffer> Section 6.3, " base64Binary and
hexBinary Parsers" |
hexBinary |
hex_binary_pimpl |
std::[unique|auto]_ptr< xml_schema::buffer> Section 6.3, " base64Binary and
hexBinary Parsers" |
date/time types | ||
date |
date_pimpl |
xml_schema::date Section 6.5, " date Parser" |
dateTime |
date_time_pimpl |
xml_schema::date_time Section 6.6, " dateTime Parser" |
duration |
duration_pimpl |
xml_schema::duration Section 6.7, " duration Parser" |
gDay |
gday_pimpl |
xml_schema::gday Section 6.8, " gDay Parser" |
gMonth |
gmonth_pimpl |
xml_schema::gmonth Section 6.9, " gMonth Parser" |
gMonthDay |
gmonth_day_pimpl |
xml_schema::gmonth_day Section 6.10, " gMonthDay Parser" |
gYear |
gyear_pimpl |
xml_schema::gyear Section 6.11, " gYear Parser" |
gYearMonth |
gyear_month_pimpl |
xml_schema::gyear_month Section 6.12, " gYearMonth Parser" |
time |
time_pimpl |
xml_schema::time Section 6.13, " time Parser" |
6.1 QName
The return type of the qname_pimpl
parser implementation
is xml_schema::qname
which represents an XML qualified
name. Its interface is presented below.
Note that the std::string
type in the interface becomes
if the selected character type is
namespace xml_schema { class qname { public: explicit qname (const std::string& name); qname (const std::string& prefix, const std::string& name); const std::string& prefix () const; void prefix (const std::string&); const std::string& name () const; void name (const std::string&); }; bool operator== (const qname&, const qname&); bool operator!= (const qname&, const qname&); }
The return type of the nmtokens_pimpl
parser implementations is
which represents a
sequence of strings. Its interface is presented below.
Note that the std::string
type in the interface becomes
if the selected character type is
namespace xml_schema { class string_sequence: public std::vector<std::string> { public: string_sequence (); explicit string_sequence (std::vector<std::string>::size_type n, const std::string& x = std::string ()); template <typename I> string_sequence (const I& begin, const I& end); }; bool operator== (const string_sequence&, const string_sequence&); bool operator!= (const string_sequence&, const string_sequence&); }
6.3 base64Binary
and hexBinary
The return type of the base64_binary_pimpl
parser implementations is either
(C++11) or
depending on the C++ standard selected (--std
compiler option). The xml_schema::buffer
represents a binary buffer and its interface is presented below.
namespace xml_schema { class buffer { public: typedef std::size_t size_t; class bounds {}; // Out of bounds exception. public: explicit buffer (size_t size = 0); buffer (size_t size, size_t capacity); buffer (const void* data, size_t size); buffer (const void* data, size_t size, size_t capacity); buffer (void* data, size_t size, size_t capacity, bool assume_ownership); public: buffer (const buffer&); buffer& operator= (const buffer&); void swap (buffer&); public: size_t capacity () const; bool capacity (size_t); public: size_t size () const; bool size (size_t); public: const char* data () const; char* data (); const char* begin () const; char* begin (); const char* end () const; char* end (); }; bool operator== (const buffer&, const buffer&); bool operator!= (const buffer&, const buffer&); }
If the assume_ownership
argument to the constructor
is true
, the instance assumes the ownership of the
memory block pointed to by the data
argument and will
eventually release it by calling operator delete()
. The
and size()
modifier functions
return true
if the underlying buffer has moved.
The bounds
exception is thrown if the constructor
arguments violate the (size <= capacity)
6.4 Time Zone Representation
The date
, dateTime
, gDay
, gMonthDay
, gYear
, and time
XML Schema built-in
types all include an optional time zone component. The following
base class is used to represent
this information:
namespace xml_schema { class time_zone { public: time_zone (); time_zone (short hours, short minutes); bool zone_present () const; void zone_reset (); short zone_hours () const; void zone_hours (short); short zone_minutes () const; void zone_minutes (short); }; bool operator== (const time_zone&, const time_zone&); bool operator!= (const time_zone&, const time_zone&); }
The zone_present()
accessor function returns true
if the time zone is specified. The zone_reset()
function resets the time zone object to the not specified
state. If the time zone offset is negative then both hours and
minutes components are represented as negative integers.
6.5 date
The return type of the date_pimpl
parser implementation
is xml_schema::date
which represents a year, a day, and a month
with an optional time zone. Its interface is presented below.
For more information on the base xml_schema::time_zone
class refer to Section 6.4, "Time Zone
namespace xml_schema { class date { public: date (int year, unsigned short month, unsigned short day); date (int year, unsigned short month, unsigned short day, short zone_hours, short zone_minutes); int year () const; void year (int); unsigned short month () const; void month (unsigned short); unsigned short day () const; void day (unsigned short); }; bool operator== (const date&, const date&); bool operator!= (const date&, const date&); }
6.6 dateTime
The return type of the date_time_pimpl
parser implementation
is xml_schema::date_time
which represents a year, a month, a day,
hours, minutes, and seconds with an optional time zone. Its interface
is presented below.
For more information on the base xml_schema::time_zone
class refer to Section 6.4, "Time Zone
namespace xml_schema { class date_time { public: date_time (int year, unsigned short month, unsigned short day, unsigned short hours, unsigned short minutes, double seconds); date_time (int year, unsigned short month, unsigned short day, unsigned short hours, unsigned short minutes, double seconds, short zone_hours, short zone_minutes); int year () const; void year (int); unsigned short month () const; void month (unsigned short); unsigned short day () const; void day (unsigned short); unsigned short hours () const; void hours (unsigned short); unsigned short minutes () const; void minutes (unsigned short); double seconds () const; void seconds (double); }; bool operator== (const date_time&, const date_time&); bool operator!= (const date_time&, const date_time&); }
6.7 duration
The return type of the duration_pimpl
parser implementation
is xml_schema::duration
which represents a potentially
negative duration in the form of years, months, days, hours, minutes,
and seconds. Its interface is presented below.
namespace xml_schema { class duration { public: duration (bool negative, unsigned int years, unsigned int months, unsigned int days, unsigned int hours, unsigned int minutes, double seconds); bool negative () const; void negative (bool); unsigned int years () const; void years (unsigned int); unsigned int months () const; void months (unsigned int); unsigned int days () const; void days (unsigned int); unsigned int hours () const; void hours (unsigned int); unsigned int minutes () const; void minutes (unsigned int); double seconds () const; void seconds (double); }; bool operator== (const duration&, const duration&); bool operator!= (const duration&, const duration&); }
6.8 gDay
The return type of the gday_pimpl
parser implementation
is xml_schema::gday
which represents a day of the month with
an optional time zone. Its interface is presented below.
For more information on the base xml_schema::time_zone
class refer to Section 6.4, "Time Zone
namespace xml_schema { class gday { public: explicit gday (unsigned short day); gday (unsigned short day, short zone_hours, short zone_minutes); unsigned short day () const; void day (unsigned short); }; bool operator== (const gday&, const gday&); bool operator!= (const gday&, const gday&); }
6.9 gMonth
The return type of the gmonth_pimpl
parser implementation
is xml_schema::gmonth
which represents a month of the year
with an optional time zone. Its interface is presented below.
For more information on the base xml_schema::time_zone
class refer to Section 6.4, "Time Zone
namespace xml_schema { class gmonth { public: explicit gmonth (unsigned short month); gmonth (unsigned short month, short zone_hours, short zone_minutes); unsigned short month () const; void month (unsigned short); }; bool operator== (const gmonth&, const gmonth&); bool operator!= (const gmonth&, const gmonth&); }
6.10 gMonthDay
The return type of the gmonth_day_pimpl
parser implementation
is xml_schema::gmonth_day
which represents a day and a month
of the year with an optional time zone. Its interface is presented below.
For more information on the base xml_schema::time_zone
class refer to Section 6.4, "Time Zone
namespace xml_schema { class gmonth_day { public: gmonth_day (unsigned short month, unsigned short day); gmonth_day (unsigned short month, unsigned short day, short zone_hours, short zone_minutes); unsigned short month () const; void month (unsigned short); unsigned short day () const; void day (unsigned short); }; bool operator== (const gmonth_day&, const gmonth_day&); bool operator!= (const gmonth_day&, const gmonth_day&); }
6.11 gYear
The return type of the gyear_pimpl
parser implementation
is xml_schema::gyear
which represents a year with
an optional time zone. Its interface is presented below.
For more information on the base xml_schema::time_zone
class refer to Section 6.4, "Time Zone
namespace xml_schema { class gyear { public: explicit gyear (int year); gyear (int year, short zone_hours, short zone_minutes); int year () const; void year (int); }; bool operator== (const gyear&, const gyear&); bool operator!= (const gyear&, const gyear&); }
6.12 gYearMonth
The return type of the gyear_month_pimpl
parser implementation
is xml_schema::gyear_month
which represents a year and a month
with an optional time zone. Its interface is presented below.
For more information on the base xml_schema::time_zone
class refer to Section 6.4, "Time Zone
namespace xml_schema { class gyear_month { public: gyear_month (int year, unsigned short month); gyear_month (int year, unsigned short month, short zone_hours, short zone_minutes); int year () const; void year (int); unsigned short month () const; void month (unsigned short); }; bool operator== (const gyear_month&, const gyear_month&); bool operator!= (const gyear_month&, const gyear_month&); }
6.13 time
The return type of the time_pimpl
parser implementation
is xml_schema::time
which represents hours, minutes,
and seconds with an optional time zone. Its interface is presented below.
For more information on the base xml_schema::time_zone
class refer to Section 6.4, "Time Zone
namespace xml_schema { class time { public: time (unsigned short hours, unsigned short minutes, double seconds); time (unsigned short hours, unsigned short minutes, double seconds, short zone_hours, short zone_minutes); unsigned short hours () const; void hours (unsigned short); unsigned short minutes () const; void minutes (unsigned short); double seconds () const; void seconds (double); }; bool operator== (const time&, const time&); bool operator!= (const time&, const time&); }
7 Document Parser and Error Handling
In this chapter we will discuss the xml_schema::document
type as well as the error handling mechanisms provided by the mapping
in more detail. As mentioned in Section 3.4,
"Connecting the Parsers Together", the interface of
depends on the underlying XML
parser selected (Section 5.3, "Underlying XML
Parser"). The following sections describe the
type interface for Xerces-C++ and
Expat as underlying parsers.
7.1 Xerces-C++ Document Parser
When Xerces-C++ is used as the underlying XML parser, the
type has the following interface. Note that
if the character type is wchar_t
, then the string type
in the interface becomes std::wstring
(see Section 5.2, "Character Type and Encoding").
namespace xml_schema { class parser_base; class error_handler; class flags { public: // Do not validate XML documents with the Xerces-C++ validator. // static const unsigned long dont_validate; // Do not initialize the Xerces-C++ runtime. // static const unsigned long dont_initialize; // Disable handling of subsequent imports for the same namespace // in Xerces-C++ 3.1.0 and later. // static const unsigned long no_multiple_imports; }; class properties { public: // Add a location for a schema with a target namespace. // void schema_location (const std::string& namespace_, const std::string& location); // Add a location for a schema without a target namespace. // void no_namespace_schema_location (const std::string& location); }; class document { public: document (parser_base& root, const std::string& root_element_name, bool polymorphic = false); document (parser_base& root, const std::string& root_element_namespace, const std::string& root_element_name, bool polymorphic = false); public: // Parse URI or a local file. // void parse (const std::string& uri, flags = 0, const properties& = properties ()); // Parse URI or a local file with a user-provided error_handler // object. // void parse (const std::string& uri, error_handler&, flags = 0, const properties& = properties ()); // Parse URI or a local file with a user-provided ErrorHandler // object. Note that you must initialize the Xerces-C++ runtime // before calling this function. // void parse (const std::string& uri, xercesc::ErrorHandler&, flags = 0, const properties& = properties ()); // Parse URI or a local file using a user-provided SAX2XMLReader // object. Note that you must initialize the Xerces-C++ runtime // before calling this function. // void parse (const std::string& uri, xercesc::SAX2XMLReader&, flags = 0, const properties& = properties ()); public: // Parse std::istream. // void parse (std::istream&, flags = 0, const properties& = properties ()); // Parse std::istream with a user-provided error_handler object. // void parse (std::istream&, error_handler&, flags = 0, const properties& = properties ()); // Parse std::istream with a user-provided ErrorHandler object. // Note that you must initialize the Xerces-C++ runtime before // calling this function. // void parse (std::istream&, xercesc::ErrorHandler&, flags = 0, const properties& = properties ()); // Parse std::istream using a user-provided SAX2XMLReader object. // Note that you must initialize the Xerces-C++ runtime before // calling this function. // void parse (std::istream&, xercesc::SAX2XMLReader&, flags = 0, const properties& = properties ()); public: // Parse std::istream with a system id. // void parse (std::istream&, const std::string& system_id, flags = 0, const properties& = properties ()); // Parse std::istream with a system id and a user-provided // error_handler object. // void parse (std::istream&, const std::string& system_id, error_handler&, flags = 0, const properties& = properties ()); // Parse std::istream with a system id and a user-provided // ErrorHandler object. Note that you must initialize the // Xerces-C++ runtime before calling this function. // void parse (std::istream&, const std::string& system_id, xercesc::ErrorHandler&, flags = 0, const properties& = properties ()); // Parse std::istream with a system id using a user-provided // SAX2XMLReader object. Note that you must initialize the // Xerces-C++ runtime before calling this function. // void parse (std::istream&, const std::string& system_id, xercesc::SAX2XMLReader&, flags = 0, const properties& = properties ()); public: // Parse std::istream with system and public ids. // void parse (std::istream&, const std::string& system_id, const std::string& public_id, flags = 0, const properties& = properties ()); // Parse std::istream with system and public ids and a user-provided // error_handler object. // void parse (std::istream&, const std::string& system_id, const std::string& public_id, error_handler&, flags = 0, const properties& = properties ()); // Parse std::istream with system and public ids and a user-provided // ErrorHandler object. Note that you must initialize the Xerces-C++ // runtime before calling this function. // void parse (std::istream&, const std::string& system_id, const std::string& public_id, xercesc::ErrorHandler&, flags = 0, const properties& = properties ()); // Parse std::istream with system and public ids using a user- // provided SAX2XMLReader object. Note that you must initialize // the Xerces-C++ runtime before calling this function. // void parse (std::istream&, const std::string& system_id, const std::string& public_id, xercesc::SAX2XMLReader&, flags = 0, const properties& = properties ()); public: // Parse InputSource. Note that you must initialize the Xerces-C++ // runtime before calling this function. // void parse (const xercesc::InputSource&, flags = 0, const properties& = properties ()); // Parse InputSource with a user-provided error_handler object. // Note that you must initialize the Xerces-C++ runtime before // calling this function. // void parse (const xercesc::InputSource&, error_handler&, flags = 0, const properties& = properties ()); // Parse InputSource with a user-provided ErrorHandler object. // Note that you must initialize the Xerces-C++ runtime before // calling this function. // void parse (const xercesc::InputSource&, xercesc::ErrorHandler&, flags = 0, const properties& = properties ()); // Parse InputSource using a user-provided SAX2XMLReader object. // Note that you must initialize the Xerces-C++ runtime before // calling this function. // void parse (const xercesc::InputSource&, xercesc::SAX2XMLReader&, flags = 0, const properties& = properties ()); }; }
The document
class is a root parser for
the vocabulary. The first argument to its constructors is the
parser for the type of the root element. The parser_base
class is the base type for all parser skeletons. The second and
third arguments to the document
's constructors are
the root element's name and namespace. The last argument,
, specifies whether the XML documents
being parsed use polymorphism. For more information on support
for XML Schema polymorphism in the C++/Parser mapping refer
to Section 5.5, "Support for Polymorphism".
The rest of the document
interface consists of overloaded
functions. The last two arguments in each of these
functions are flags
and properties
. The
argument allows you to modify the default behavior
of the parsing functions. The properties
argument allows
you to override the schema location attributes specified in XML
documents. Note that the schema location paths are relative to an
XML document unless they are complete URIs. For example if you want
to use a local schema file then you will need to use a URI in the
form file:///absolute/path/to/your/schema
A number of overloaded parse()
functions have the
and public_id
arguments. The
system id is a system identifier of the resources being
parsed (for example, URI or a full file path). The public id is a
public identifier of the resource (for example, an
application-specific name or a relative file path). The system id
is used to resolve relative paths (for example, schema paths). In
diagnostics messages the public id is used if it is available.
Otherwise the system id is used.
The error handling mechanisms employed by the document
parser are described in Section 7.3, "Error
7.2 Expat Document Parser
When Expat is used as the underlying XML parser, the
type has the following interface. Note that
if the character type is wchar_t
, then the string type
in the interface becomes std::wstring
(see Section 5.2, "Character Type and Encoding").
namespace xml_schema { class parser_base; class error_handler; class document { public: document (parser_base&, const std::string& root_element_name, bool polymorphic = false); document (parser_base&, const std::string& root_element_namespace, const std::string& root_element_name, bool polymorphic = false); public: // Parse a local file. The file is accessed with std::ifstream // in binary mode. The std::ios_base::failure exception is used // to report io errors (badbit and failbit). void parse (const std::string& file); // Parse a local file with a user-provided error_handler // object. The file is accessed with std::ifstream in binary // mode. The std::ios_base::failure exception is used to report // io errors (badbit and failbit). // void parse (const std::string& file, error_handler&); public: // Parse std::istream. // void parse (std::istream&); // Parse std::istream with a user-provided error_handler object. // void parse (std::istream&, error_handler&); // Parse std::istream with a system id. // void parse (std::istream&, const std::string& system_id); // Parse std::istream with a system id and a user-provided // error_handler object. // void parse (std::istream&, const std::string& system_id, error_handler&); // Parse std::istream with system and public ids. // void parse (std::istream&, const std::string& system_id, const std::string& public_id); // Parse std::istream with system and public ids and a user-provided // error_handler object. // void parse (std::istream&, const std::string& system_id, const std::string& public_id, error_handler&); public: // Parse a chunk of input. You can call these functions multiple // times with the last call having the last argument true. // void parse (const void* data, std::size_t size, bool last); void parse (const void* data, std::size_t size, bool last, error_handler&); void parse (const void* data, std::size_t size, bool last, const std::string& system_id); void parse (const void* data, std::size_t size, bool last, const std::string& system_id, error_handler&); void parse (const void* data, std::size_t size, bool last, const std::string& system_id, const std::string& public_id); void parse (const void* data, std::size_t size, bool last, const std::string& system_id, const std::string& public_id, error_handler&); public: // Low-level Expat-specific parsing API. // void parse_begin (XML_Parser); void parse_begin (XML_Parser, const std::string& public_id); void parse_begin (XML_Parser, error_handler&); void parse_begin (XML_Parser, const std::string& public_id, error_handler&); void parse_end (); }; }
The document
class is a root parser for
the vocabulary. The first argument to its constructors is the
parser for the type of the root element. The parser_base
class is the base type for all parser skeletons. The second and
third arguments to the document
's constructors are
the root element's name and namespace. The last argument,
, specifies whether the XML documents
being parsed use polymorphism. For more information on support
for XML Schema polymorphism in the C++/Parser mapping refer
to Section 5.5, "Support for Polymorphism".
A number of overloaded parse()
functions have the
and public_id
arguments. The
system id is a system identifier of the resources being
parsed (for example, URI or a full file path). The public id is a
public identifier of the resource (for example, an
application-specific name or a relative file path). The system id
is used to resolve relative paths. In diagnostics messages the
public id is used if it is available. Otherwise the system id
is used.
The parse_begin()
and parse_end()
present a low-level, Expat-specific parsing API for maximum control.
A typical use-case would look like this (pseudo-code):
xxx_pimpl root_p; document doc_p (root_p, "root"); root_p.pre (); doc_p.parse_begin (xml_parser, "file.xml"); while (more_data_to_parse) { // Call XML_Parse or XML_ParseBuffer. if (status == XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; } // Call parse_end even in case of an error to translate // XML and Schema errors to exceptions or error_handler // calls. // doc.parse_end (); result_type result (root_p.post_xxx ());
Note that if your vocabulary uses XML namespaces, the
functions should be used to create
the XML parser. Space (XML_Char (' ')
) should be used
as a separator (the second argument to XML_ParserCreateNS()
The error handling mechanisms employed by the document
parser are described in Section 7.3, "Error
7.3 Error Handling
There are three categories of errors that can result from running a parser on an XML document: System, XML, and Application. The System category contains memory allocation and file/stream operation errors. The XML category covers XML parsing and well-formedness checking as well as XML Schema validation errors. Finally, the Application category is for application logic errors that you may want to propagate from parser implementations to the caller of the parser.
The System errors are mapped to the standard exceptions. The
out of memory condition is indicated by throwing an instance
of std::bad_alloc
. The stream operation errors
are reported either by throwing an instance of
if exceptions are enabled
or by setting the stream state.
Note that if you are parsing std::istream
which exceptions are not enabled, then you will need to
check the stream state before calling the post()
callback, as shown in the following example:
int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { ... std::ifstream ifs (argv[1]); if ( ()) { cerr << argv[1] << ": unable to open" << endl; return 1; } root_p.pre (); doc_p.parse (ifs); if ( ()) { cerr << argv[1] << ": io failure" << endl; return 1; } result_type result (root_p.post_xxx ()); }
The above example can be rewritten to use exceptions as shown below:
int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { try { ... std::ifstream ifs; ifs.exceptions (std::ifstream::badbit | std::ifstream::failbit); (argv[1]); root_p.pre (); doc_p.parse (ifs); result_type result (root_p.post_xxx ()); } catch (const std::ifstream::failure&) { cerr << argv[1] << ": unable to open or io failure" << endl; return 1; } }
For reporting application errors from parsing callbacks, you can throw any exceptions of your choice. They are propagated to the caller of the parser without any alterations.
The XML errors can be reported either by throwing the
exception or by a callback
to the xml_schema::error_handler
object (and
object in case of Xerces-C++).
The xml_schema::parsing
exception contains
a list of warnings and errors that were accumulated during
parsing. Note that this exception is thrown only if there
was an error. This makes it impossible to obtain warnings
from an otherwise successful parsing using this mechanism.
The following listing shows the definition of
exception. Note that if the
character type is wchar_t
, then the string type
and output stream type in the definition become
and std::wostream
respectively (see Section 5.2, "Character Type
and Encoding").
namespace xml_schema { class exception: public std::exception { protected: virtual void print (std::ostream&) const = 0; }; inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const exception& e) { e.print (os); return os; } class severity { public: enum value { warning, error }; }; class error { public: error (xml_schema::severity, const std::string& id, unsigned long line, unsigned long column, const std::string& message); xml_schema::severity severity () const; const std::string& id () const; unsigned long line () const; unsigned long column () const; const std::string& message () const; }; std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream&, const error&); class diagnostics: public std::vector<error> { }; std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream&, const diagnostics&); class parsing: public exception { public: parsing (); parsing (const xml_schema::diagnostics&); const xml_schema::diagnostics& diagnostics () const; virtual const char* what () const throw (); protected: virtual void print (std::ostream&) const; }; }
The following example shows how we can catch and print this exception. The code will print diagnostics messages one per line in case of an error.
int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { try { // Parse. } catch (const xml_schema::parsing& e) { cerr << e << endl; return 1; } }
With the error_handler
approach the diagnostics
messages are delivered as parsing progresses. The following
listing presents the definition of the error_handler
interface. Note that if the character type is wchar_t
then the string type in the interface becomes std::wstring
(see Section 5.2, "Character Type and Encoding").
namespace xml_schema { class error_handler { public: class severity { public: enum value { warning, error, fatal }; }; virtual bool handle (const std::string& id, unsigned long line, unsigned long column, severity, const std::string& message) = 0; }; }
The return value of the handle()
function indicates whether
parsing should continue if possible. The error with the fatal severity
level terminates the parsing process regardless of the returned value.
At the end of the parsing process with an error that was reported via
the error_handler
object, an empty
exception is thrown to indicate
the failure to the caller. You can alter this behavior by throwing
your own exception from the handle()
Appendix A — Supported XML Schema Constructs
The C++/Parser mapping supports validation of the following W3C XML Schema constructs in the generated code.
Construct | Notes |
Structure | |
element | |
attribute | |
any | |
anyAttribute | |
all | |
sequence | |
choice | |
complex type, empty content | |
complex type, mixed content | |
complex type, simple content extension | |
complex type, simple content restriction | Simple type facets are not validated. |
complex type, complex content extension | |
complex type, complex content restriction | |
list | |
Datatypes | |
byte | |
unsignedByte | |
short | |
unsignedShort | |
int | |
unsignedInt | |
long | |
unsignedLong | |
integer | |
nonPositiveInteger | |
nonNegativeInteger | |
positiveInteger | |
negativeInteger | |
boolean | |
float | |
double | |
decimal | |
string | |
normalizedString | |
token | |
Name | |
NCName | |
language | |
anyURI | |
ID | Identity constraint is not enforced. |
IDREF | Identity constraint is not enforced. |
IDREFS | Identity constraint is not enforced. |
QName | |
base64Binary | |
hexBinary | |
date | |
dateTime | |
duration | |
gDay | |
gMonth | |
gMonthDay | |
gYear | |
gYearMonth | |
time |