datatypes.dtd:99:7: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:simpleType' datatypes.dtd:122:7: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:list' datatypes.dtd:130:7: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:union' datatypes.dtd:140:20: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:maxExclusive' datatypes.dtd:145:20: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:minExclusive' datatypes.dtd:151:20: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:maxInclusive' datatypes.dtd:156:20: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:minInclusive' datatypes.dtd:162:20: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:totalDigits' datatypes.dtd:167:20: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:fractionDigits' datatypes.dtd:173:20: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:length' datatypes.dtd:178:20: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:minLength' datatypes.dtd:183:20: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:maxLength' datatypes.dtd:190:20: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:enumeration' datatypes.dtd:202:20: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:pattern' XMLSchema.dtd:124:6: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:schema' XMLSchema.dtd:149:13: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:complexType' XMLSchema.dtd:166:13: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:complexContent' XMLSchema.dtd:174:13: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:simpleContent' XMLSchema.dtd:183:13: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:extension' XMLSchema.dtd:196:15: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:element' XMLSchema.dtd:222:13: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:group' XMLSchema.dtd:229:13: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:all' XMLSchema.dtd:236:13: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:choice' XMLSchema.dtd:243:13: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:sequence' XMLSchema.dtd:261:15: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:any' XMLSchema.dtd:282:15: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:anyAttribute' XMLSchema.dtd:291:13: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:attribute' XMLSchema.dtd:312:20: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:attributeGroup' XMLSchema.dtd:322:6: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:unique' XMLSchema.dtd:328:6: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:key' XMLSchema.dtd:335:6: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:keyref' XMLSchema.dtd:341:13: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:selector' XMLSchema.dtd:346:13: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:field' XMLSchema.dtd:353:13: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:include' XMLSchema.dtd:360:13: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:import' XMLSchema.dtd:367:13: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:redefine' XMLSchema.dtd:373:6: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:notation' XMLSchema.dtd:390:13: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:appinfo' XMLSchema.dtd:395:13: warning: attribute 'id' has already been declared for element 'xs:documentation' XMLSchema.xsd:177:47: error: type '' not found XMLSchema.xsd:197:54: error: type '' not found XMLSchema.xsd:196:19: error: unknown simpleType '{null}' XMLSchema.xsd:207:47: error: type '' not found XMLSchema.xsd:229:51: error: type '' not found XMLSchema.xsd:228:19: error: unknown simpleType '{null}' XMLSchema.xsd:255:95: error: simpleType '' for attribute 'finalDefault' not found XMLSchema.xsd:256:86: error: simpleType '' for attribute 'blockDefault' not found XMLSchema.xsd:257:107: error: simpleType '' for attribute 'attributeFormDefault' not found XMLSchema.xsd:258:105: error: simpleType '' for attribute 'elementFormDefault' not found XMLSchema.xsd:318:79: error: simpleType '' for attribute 'maxOccurs' not found XMLSchema.xsd:2226:67: error: simpleType '' for attribute 'final' not found XMLSchema.xsd:383:53: error: simpleType '' for attribute 'form' not found XMLSchema.xsd:458:57: error: simpleType '' for attribute 'final' not found XMLSchema.xsd:459:57: error: simpleType '' for attribute 'block' not found XMLSchema.xsd:636:52: error: type '' not found XMLSchema.xsd:635:22: error: unknown simpleType '{null}' XMLSchema.xsd:633:20: error: unknown simpleType '{null}' XMLSchema.xsd:674:57: error: simpleType '' for attribute 'final' not found XMLSchema.xsd:675:52: error: simpleType '' for attribute 'block' not found XMLSchema.xsd:676:53: error: simpleType '' for attribute 'form' not found XMLSchema.xsd:902:41: error: type '' not found XMLSchema.xsd:890:45: error: type of attribute 'maxOccurs' must be derived by restriction from type of the corresponding attribute in the base XMLSchema.xsd:873:40: error: type '' not found XMLSchema.xsd:854:43: error: type of attribute 'maxOccurs' must be derived by restriction from type of the corresponding attribute in the base XMLSchema.xsd:939:92: error: simpleType '' for attribute 'namespace' not found XMLSchema.xsd:1376:45: error: type 'xs:anySimpleType' cannot be used in its own union, list, or restriction definition XMLSchema.xsd:1394:45: error: type 'xs:anySimpleType' cannot be used in its own union, list, or restriction definition XMLSchema.xsd:1418:45: error: type 'xs:anySimpleType' cannot be used in its own union, list, or restriction definition XMLSchema.xsd:1442:45: error: type 'xs:anySimpleType' cannot be used in its own union, list, or restriction definition XMLSchema.xsd:1469:45: error: type 'xs:anySimpleType' cannot be used in its own union, list, or restriction definition XMLSchema.xsd:1494:45: error: type 'xs:anySimpleType' cannot be used in its own union, list, or restriction definition XMLSchema.xsd:1519:45: error: type 'xs:anySimpleType' cannot be used in its own union, list, or restriction definition XMLSchema.xsd:1544:45: error: type 'xs:anySimpleType' cannot be used in its own union, list, or restriction definition XMLSchema.xsd:1569:45: error: type 'xs:anySimpleType' cannot be used in its own union, list, or restriction definition XMLSchema.xsd:1594:45: error: type 'xs:anySimpleType' cannot be used in its own union, list, or restriction definition XMLSchema.xsd:1619:45: error: type 'xs:anySimpleType' cannot be used in its own union, list, or restriction definition XMLSchema.xsd:1644:45: error: type 'xs:anySimpleType' cannot be used in its own union, list, or restriction definition XMLSchema.xsd:1669:45: error: type 'xs:anySimpleType' cannot be used in its own union, list, or restriction definition XMLSchema.xsd:1694:45: error: type 'xs:anySimpleType' cannot be used in its own union, list, or restriction definition XMLSchema.xsd:1718:45: error: type 'xs:anySimpleType' cannot be used in its own union, list, or restriction definition XMLSchema.xsd:1742:45: error: type 'xs:anySimpleType' cannot be used in its own union, list, or restriction definition XMLSchema.xsd:1766:45: error: type 'xs:anySimpleType' cannot be used in its own union, list, or restriction definition XMLSchema.xsd:1790:45: error: type 'xs:anySimpleType' cannot be used in its own union, list, or restriction definition XMLSchema.xsd:1820:45: error: type 'xs:anySimpleType' cannot be used in its own union, list, or restriction definition XMLSchema.xsd:2211:51: error: type '' not found XMLSchema.xsd:2210:21: error: unknown simpleType '{null}' XMLSchema.xsd:2208:19: error: unknown simpleType '{null}' XMLSchema.xsd:1238:52: error: simpleType '' for attribute 'public' not found