// Copyright (C) 2005 Code Synthesis Tools CC // // This program was generated by XML Schema Definition Compiler (XSD) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as // published by the Free Software Foundation. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // // In addition, as a special exception, Code Synthesis Tools CC gives // permission to link this program with the Xerces-C++ library (or with // modified versions of Xerces-C++ that use the same license as Xerces-C++), // and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey // the GNU General Public License version 2 in all respects for all of // the code used other than Xerces-C++. If you modify this copy of the // program, you may extend this exception to your version of the program, // but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete // this exception statement from your version. // // In addition, Code Synthesis Tools CC makes a special exception for // the Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) which is described // in the accompanying FLOSSE file. // // Begin prologue. // // // End prologue. #include #include "RiskEngineXmlApi.h" namespace ares { // Operation // // Operation::id // Operation::_xsd_id::type_ const& Operation:: id () const { return this->_xsd_id_ (); } Operation::_xsd_id::type_& Operation:: id () { return this->_xsd_id_ (); } void Operation:: id (_xsd_id::type_ const& id) { this->_xsd_id_ (id); } void Operation:: id (::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_id::type_ > id) { this->_xsd_id_ (id); } Operation:: Operation (_xsd_id::type_ const&_xsd_id) : _xsd_Operation::base_ (), _xsd_id_ ( _xsd_id, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } Operation:: Operation (class Operation const& _xsd_Operation, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_Operation::base_ (_xsd_Operation, f, c), _xsd_id_ (_xsd_Operation._xsd_id_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } // StatelessOperation // StatelessOperation:: StatelessOperation (_xsd_id::type_ const&_xsd_id) : _xsd_StatelessOperation::base_ (_xsd_id) { } StatelessOperation:: StatelessOperation (class StatelessOperation const& _xsd_StatelessOperation, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_StatelessOperation::base_ (_xsd_StatelessOperation, f, c) { } // GenerateExecutionObjects // // GenerateExecutionObjects::ValuationContext // GenerateExecutionObjects::_xsd_ValuationContext::type_ const& GenerateExecutionObjects:: ValuationContext () const { return this->_xsd_ValuationContext_ (); } GenerateExecutionObjects::_xsd_ValuationContext::type_& GenerateExecutionObjects:: ValuationContext () { return this->_xsd_ValuationContext_ (); } void GenerateExecutionObjects:: ValuationContext (_xsd_ValuationContext::type_ const& ValuationContext) { this->_xsd_ValuationContext_ (ValuationContext); } void GenerateExecutionObjects:: ValuationContext (::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ValuationContext::type_ > ValuationContext) { this->_xsd_ValuationContext_ (ValuationContext); } GenerateExecutionObjects:: GenerateExecutionObjects (_xsd_id::type_ const&_xsd_id, _xsd_ValuationContext::type_ const&_xsd_ValuationContext) : _xsd_GenerateExecutionObjects::base_ (_xsd_id), _xsd_ValuationContext_ ( _xsd_ValuationContext, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } GenerateExecutionObjects:: GenerateExecutionObjects (class GenerateExecutionObjects const& _xsd_GenerateExecutionObjects, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_GenerateExecutionObjects::base_ (_xsd_GenerateExecutionObjects, f, c), _xsd_ValuationContext_ (_xsd_GenerateExecutionObjects._xsd_ValuationContext_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } // GenerateExecutionResults // // GenerateExecutionResults::ExecutionOperationRef // GenerateExecutionResults::_xsd_ExecutionOperationRef::container_ const& GenerateExecutionResults:: ExecutionOperationRef () const { return this->_xsd_ExecutionOperationRef_ (); } GenerateExecutionResults::_xsd_ExecutionOperationRef::container_& GenerateExecutionResults:: ExecutionOperationRef () { return this->_xsd_ExecutionOperationRef_ (); } void GenerateExecutionResults:: ExecutionOperationRef (_xsd_ExecutionOperationRef::container_ const& ExecutionOperationRef) { this->_xsd_ExecutionOperationRef_ (ExecutionOperationRef); } GenerateExecutionResults:: GenerateExecutionResults (_xsd_id::type_ const&_xsd_id) : _xsd_GenerateExecutionResults::base_ (_xsd_id), _xsd_ExecutionOperationRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } GenerateExecutionResults:: GenerateExecutionResults (class GenerateExecutionResults const& _xsd_GenerateExecutionResults, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_GenerateExecutionResults::base_ (_xsd_GenerateExecutionResults, f, c), _xsd_ExecutionOperationRef_ (_xsd_GenerateExecutionResults._xsd_ExecutionOperationRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } // GenerateRiskResults // // GenerateRiskResults::ResultSpecificationRef // GenerateRiskResults::_xsd_ResultSpecificationRef::container_ const& GenerateRiskResults:: ResultSpecificationRef () const { return this->_xsd_ResultSpecificationRef_ (); } GenerateRiskResults::_xsd_ResultSpecificationRef::container_& GenerateRiskResults:: ResultSpecificationRef () { return this->_xsd_ResultSpecificationRef_ (); } void GenerateRiskResults:: ResultSpecificationRef (_xsd_ResultSpecificationRef::type_ const& ResultSpecificationRef) { this->_xsd_ResultSpecificationRef_ (ResultSpecificationRef); } void GenerateRiskResults:: ResultSpecificationRef (_xsd_ResultSpecificationRef::container_ const& ResultSpecificationRef) { this->_xsd_ResultSpecificationRef_ (ResultSpecificationRef); } void GenerateRiskResults:: ResultSpecificationRef (::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ResultSpecificationRef::type_ > ResultSpecificationRef) { this->_xsd_ResultSpecificationRef_ (ResultSpecificationRef); } // GenerateRiskResults::ValuationContext // GenerateRiskResults::_xsd_ValuationContext::container_ const& GenerateRiskResults:: ValuationContext () const { return this->_xsd_ValuationContext_ (); } GenerateRiskResults::_xsd_ValuationContext::container_& GenerateRiskResults:: ValuationContext () { return this->_xsd_ValuationContext_ (); } void GenerateRiskResults:: ValuationContext (_xsd_ValuationContext::type_ const& ValuationContext) { this->_xsd_ValuationContext_ (ValuationContext); } void GenerateRiskResults:: ValuationContext (_xsd_ValuationContext::container_ const& ValuationContext) { this->_xsd_ValuationContext_ (ValuationContext); } void GenerateRiskResults:: ValuationContext (::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ValuationContext::type_ > ValuationContext) { this->_xsd_ValuationContext_ (ValuationContext); } GenerateRiskResults:: GenerateRiskResults (_xsd_id::type_ const&_xsd_id) : _xsd_GenerateRiskResults::base_ (_xsd_id), _xsd_ResultSpecificationRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ValuationContext_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } GenerateRiskResults:: GenerateRiskResults (class GenerateRiskResults const& _xsd_GenerateRiskResults, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_GenerateRiskResults::base_ (_xsd_GenerateRiskResults, f, c), _xsd_ResultSpecificationRef_ (_xsd_GenerateRiskResults._xsd_ResultSpecificationRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ValuationContext_ (_xsd_GenerateRiskResults._xsd_ValuationContext_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } // StatefulOperation // StatefulOperation:: StatefulOperation (_xsd_id::type_ const&_xsd_id) : _xsd_StatefulOperation::base_ (_xsd_id) { } StatefulOperation:: StatefulOperation (class StatefulOperation const& _xsd_StatefulOperation, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_StatefulOperation::base_ (_xsd_StatefulOperation, f, c) { } // ConstructExecutionEnvironment // // ConstructExecutionEnvironment::ExecutionEnvironmentRef // ConstructExecutionEnvironment::_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef::type_ const& ConstructExecutionEnvironment:: ExecutionEnvironmentRef () const { return this->_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef_ (); } ConstructExecutionEnvironment::_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef::type_& ConstructExecutionEnvironment:: ExecutionEnvironmentRef () { return this->_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef_ (); } void ConstructExecutionEnvironment:: ExecutionEnvironmentRef (_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef::type_ const& ExecutionEnvironmentRef) { this->_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef_ (ExecutionEnvironmentRef); } void ConstructExecutionEnvironment:: ExecutionEnvironmentRef (::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef::type_ > ExecutionEnvironmentRef) { this->_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef_ (ExecutionEnvironmentRef); } ConstructExecutionEnvironment:: ConstructExecutionEnvironment (_xsd_id::type_ const&_xsd_id, _xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef::type_ const&_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef) : _xsd_ConstructExecutionEnvironment::base_ (_xsd_id), _xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef_ ( _xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } ConstructExecutionEnvironment:: ConstructExecutionEnvironment (class ConstructExecutionEnvironment const& _xsd_ConstructExecutionEnvironment, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_ConstructExecutionEnvironment::base_ (_xsd_ConstructExecutionEnvironment, f, c), _xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef_ (_xsd_ConstructExecutionEnvironment._xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } // Add // // Add::MarketDataSet // Add::_xsd_MarketDataSet::container_ const& Add:: MarketDataSet () const { return this->_xsd_MarketDataSet_ (); } Add::_xsd_MarketDataSet::container_& Add:: MarketDataSet () { return this->_xsd_MarketDataSet_ (); } void Add:: MarketDataSet (_xsd_MarketDataSet::container_ const& MarketDataSet) { this->_xsd_MarketDataSet_ (MarketDataSet); } // Add::ResultSpecification // Add::_xsd_ResultSpecification::container_ const& Add:: ResultSpecification () const { return this->_xsd_ResultSpecification_ (); } Add::_xsd_ResultSpecification::container_& Add:: ResultSpecification () { return this->_xsd_ResultSpecification_ (); } void Add:: ResultSpecification (_xsd_ResultSpecification::container_ const& ResultSpecification) { this->_xsd_ResultSpecification_ (ResultSpecification); } // Add::StaticData // Add::_xsd_StaticData::container_ const& Add:: StaticData () const { return this->_xsd_StaticData_ (); } Add::_xsd_StaticData::container_& Add:: StaticData () { return this->_xsd_StaticData_ (); } void Add:: StaticData (_xsd_StaticData::container_ const& StaticData) { this->_xsd_StaticData_ (StaticData); } // Add::Trades // Add::_xsd_Trades::container_ const& Add:: Trades () const { return this->_xsd_Trades_ (); } Add::_xsd_Trades::container_& Add:: Trades () { return this->_xsd_Trades_ (); } void Add:: Trades (_xsd_Trades::container_ const& Trades) { this->_xsd_Trades_ (Trades); } // Add::MarketDataScenario // Add::_xsd_MarketDataScenario::container_ const& Add:: MarketDataScenario () const { return this->_xsd_MarketDataScenario_ (); } Add::_xsd_MarketDataScenario::container_& Add:: MarketDataScenario () { return this->_xsd_MarketDataScenario_ (); } void Add:: MarketDataScenario (_xsd_MarketDataScenario::container_ const& MarketDataScenario) { this->_xsd_MarketDataScenario_ (MarketDataScenario); } // Add::TradeScenario // Add::_xsd_TradeScenario::container_ const& Add:: TradeScenario () const { return this->_xsd_TradeScenario_ (); } Add::_xsd_TradeScenario::container_& Add:: TradeScenario () { return this->_xsd_TradeScenario_ (); } void Add:: TradeScenario (_xsd_TradeScenario::container_ const& TradeScenario) { this->_xsd_TradeScenario_ (TradeScenario); } // Add::PerturbationDefinition // Add::_xsd_PerturbationDefinition::container_ const& Add:: PerturbationDefinition () const { return this->_xsd_PerturbationDefinition_ (); } Add::_xsd_PerturbationDefinition::container_& Add:: PerturbationDefinition () { return this->_xsd_PerturbationDefinition_ (); } void Add:: PerturbationDefinition (_xsd_PerturbationDefinition::container_ const& PerturbationDefinition) { this->_xsd_PerturbationDefinition_ (PerturbationDefinition); } // Add::RiskMeasureDefinition // Add::_xsd_RiskMeasureDefinition::container_ const& Add:: RiskMeasureDefinition () const { return this->_xsd_RiskMeasureDefinition_ (); } Add::_xsd_RiskMeasureDefinition::container_& Add:: RiskMeasureDefinition () { return this->_xsd_RiskMeasureDefinition_ (); } void Add:: RiskMeasureDefinition (_xsd_RiskMeasureDefinition::container_ const& RiskMeasureDefinition) { this->_xsd_RiskMeasureDefinition_ (RiskMeasureDefinition); } // Add::RiskMeasure // Add::_xsd_RiskMeasure::container_ const& Add:: RiskMeasure () const { return this->_xsd_RiskMeasure_ (); } Add::_xsd_RiskMeasure::container_& Add:: RiskMeasure () { return this->_xsd_RiskMeasure_ (); } void Add:: RiskMeasure (_xsd_RiskMeasure::container_ const& RiskMeasure) { this->_xsd_RiskMeasure_ (RiskMeasure); } // Add::Model // Add::_xsd_Model::container_ const& Add:: Model () const { return this->_xsd_Model_ (); } Add::_xsd_Model::container_& Add:: Model () { return this->_xsd_Model_ (); } void Add:: Model (_xsd_Model::container_ const& Model) { this->_xsd_Model_ (Model); } // Add::ValuationContext // Add::_xsd_ValuationContext::container_ const& Add:: ValuationContext () const { return this->_xsd_ValuationContext_ (); } Add::_xsd_ValuationContext::container_& Add:: ValuationContext () { return this->_xsd_ValuationContext_ (); } void Add:: ValuationContext (_xsd_ValuationContext::container_ const& ValuationContext) { this->_xsd_ValuationContext_ (ValuationContext); } // Add::ExecutionEnvironment // Add::_xsd_ExecutionEnvironment::container_ const& Add:: ExecutionEnvironment () const { return this->_xsd_ExecutionEnvironment_ (); } Add::_xsd_ExecutionEnvironment::container_& Add:: ExecutionEnvironment () { return this->_xsd_ExecutionEnvironment_ (); } void Add:: ExecutionEnvironment (_xsd_ExecutionEnvironment::container_ const& ExecutionEnvironment) { this->_xsd_ExecutionEnvironment_ (ExecutionEnvironment); } // Add::ExecutionOperation // Add::_xsd_ExecutionOperation::container_ const& Add:: ExecutionOperation () const { return this->_xsd_ExecutionOperation_ (); } Add::_xsd_ExecutionOperation::container_& Add:: ExecutionOperation () { return this->_xsd_ExecutionOperation_ (); } void Add:: ExecutionOperation (_xsd_ExecutionOperation::container_ const& ExecutionOperation) { this->_xsd_ExecutionOperation_ (ExecutionOperation); } // Add::scope // Add::_xsd_scope::container_ const& Add:: scope () const { return this->_xsd_scope_ (); } Add::_xsd_scope::container_& Add:: scope () { return this->_xsd_scope_ (); } void Add:: scope (_xsd_scope::type_ const& scope) { this->_xsd_scope_ (scope); } void Add:: scope (_xsd_scope::container_ const& scope) { this->_xsd_scope_ (scope); } void Add:: scope (::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_scope::type_ > scope) { this->_xsd_scope_ (scope); } Add:: Add (_xsd_id::type_ const&_xsd_id) : _xsd_Add::base_ (_xsd_id), _xsd_MarketDataSet_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ResultSpecification_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_StaticData_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_Trades_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_MarketDataScenario_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_TradeScenario_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_PerturbationDefinition_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_RiskMeasureDefinition_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_RiskMeasure_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_Model_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ValuationContext_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ExecutionEnvironment_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ExecutionOperation_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_scope_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } Add:: Add (class Add const& _xsd_Add, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_Add::base_ (_xsd_Add, f, c), _xsd_MarketDataSet_ (_xsd_Add._xsd_MarketDataSet_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ResultSpecification_ (_xsd_Add._xsd_ResultSpecification_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_StaticData_ (_xsd_Add._xsd_StaticData_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_Trades_ (_xsd_Add._xsd_Trades_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_MarketDataScenario_ (_xsd_Add._xsd_MarketDataScenario_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_TradeScenario_ (_xsd_Add._xsd_TradeScenario_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_PerturbationDefinition_ (_xsd_Add._xsd_PerturbationDefinition_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_RiskMeasureDefinition_ (_xsd_Add._xsd_RiskMeasureDefinition_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_RiskMeasure_ (_xsd_Add._xsd_RiskMeasure_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_Model_ (_xsd_Add._xsd_Model_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ValuationContext_ (_xsd_Add._xsd_ValuationContext_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ExecutionEnvironment_ (_xsd_Add._xsd_ExecutionEnvironment_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ExecutionOperation_ (_xsd_Add._xsd_ExecutionOperation_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_scope_ (_xsd_Add._xsd_scope_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } // Delete // // Delete::MarketDataSetRef // Delete::_xsd_MarketDataSetRef::container_ const& Delete:: MarketDataSetRef () const { return this->_xsd_MarketDataSetRef_ (); } Delete::_xsd_MarketDataSetRef::container_& Delete:: MarketDataSetRef () { return this->_xsd_MarketDataSetRef_ (); } void Delete:: MarketDataSetRef (_xsd_MarketDataSetRef::container_ const& MarketDataSetRef) { this->_xsd_MarketDataSetRef_ (MarketDataSetRef); } // Delete::ResultSpecificationRef // Delete::_xsd_ResultSpecificationRef::container_ const& Delete:: ResultSpecificationRef () const { return this->_xsd_ResultSpecificationRef_ (); } Delete::_xsd_ResultSpecificationRef::container_& Delete:: ResultSpecificationRef () { return this->_xsd_ResultSpecificationRef_ (); } void Delete:: ResultSpecificationRef (_xsd_ResultSpecificationRef::container_ const& ResultSpecificationRef) { this->_xsd_ResultSpecificationRef_ (ResultSpecificationRef); } // Delete::MarketDataRef // Delete::_xsd_MarketDataRef::container_ const& Delete:: MarketDataRef () const { return this->_xsd_MarketDataRef_ (); } Delete::_xsd_MarketDataRef::container_& Delete:: MarketDataRef () { return this->_xsd_MarketDataRef_ (); } void Delete:: MarketDataRef (_xsd_MarketDataRef::container_ const& MarketDataRef) { this->_xsd_MarketDataRef_ (MarketDataRef); } // Delete::StaticDataRef // Delete::_xsd_StaticDataRef::container_ const& Delete:: StaticDataRef () const { return this->_xsd_StaticDataRef_ (); } Delete::_xsd_StaticDataRef::container_& Delete:: StaticDataRef () { return this->_xsd_StaticDataRef_ (); } void Delete:: StaticDataRef (_xsd_StaticDataRef::container_ const& StaticDataRef) { this->_xsd_StaticDataRef_ (StaticDataRef); } // Delete::TradesRef // Delete::_xsd_TradesRef::container_ const& Delete:: TradesRef () const { return this->_xsd_TradesRef_ (); } Delete::_xsd_TradesRef::container_& Delete:: TradesRef () { return this->_xsd_TradesRef_ (); } void Delete:: TradesRef (_xsd_TradesRef::container_ const& TradesRef) { this->_xsd_TradesRef_ (TradesRef); } // Delete::ValuationContextRef // Delete::_xsd_ValuationContextRef::container_ const& Delete:: ValuationContextRef () const { return this->_xsd_ValuationContextRef_ (); } Delete::_xsd_ValuationContextRef::container_& Delete:: ValuationContextRef () { return this->_xsd_ValuationContextRef_ (); } void Delete:: ValuationContextRef (_xsd_ValuationContextRef::container_ const& ValuationContextRef) { this->_xsd_ValuationContextRef_ (ValuationContextRef); } // Delete::MarketDataScenarioRef // Delete::_xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef::container_ const& Delete:: MarketDataScenarioRef () const { return this->_xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef_ (); } Delete::_xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef::container_& Delete:: MarketDataScenarioRef () { return this->_xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef_ (); } void Delete:: MarketDataScenarioRef (_xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef::container_ const& MarketDataScenarioRef) { this->_xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef_ (MarketDataScenarioRef); } // Delete::TradeScenarioRef // Delete::_xsd_TradeScenarioRef::container_ const& Delete:: TradeScenarioRef () const { return this->_xsd_TradeScenarioRef_ (); } Delete::_xsd_TradeScenarioRef::container_& Delete:: TradeScenarioRef () { return this->_xsd_TradeScenarioRef_ (); } void Delete:: TradeScenarioRef (_xsd_TradeScenarioRef::container_ const& TradeScenarioRef) { this->_xsd_TradeScenarioRef_ (TradeScenarioRef); } // Delete::PerturbationDefinitionRef // Delete::_xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef::container_ const& Delete:: PerturbationDefinitionRef () const { return this->_xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef_ (); } Delete::_xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef::container_& Delete:: PerturbationDefinitionRef () { return this->_xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef_ (); } void Delete:: PerturbationDefinitionRef (_xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef::container_ const& PerturbationDefinitionRef) { this->_xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef_ (PerturbationDefinitionRef); } // Delete::RiskMeasureDefinitionRef // Delete::_xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef::container_ const& Delete:: RiskMeasureDefinitionRef () const { return this->_xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef_ (); } Delete::_xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef::container_& Delete:: RiskMeasureDefinitionRef () { return this->_xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef_ (); } void Delete:: RiskMeasureDefinitionRef (_xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef::container_ const& RiskMeasureDefinitionRef) { this->_xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef_ (RiskMeasureDefinitionRef); } // Delete::RiskMeasureRef // Delete::_xsd_RiskMeasureRef::container_ const& Delete:: RiskMeasureRef () const { return this->_xsd_RiskMeasureRef_ (); } Delete::_xsd_RiskMeasureRef::container_& Delete:: RiskMeasureRef () { return this->_xsd_RiskMeasureRef_ (); } void Delete:: RiskMeasureRef (_xsd_RiskMeasureRef::container_ const& RiskMeasureRef) { this->_xsd_RiskMeasureRef_ (RiskMeasureRef); } // Delete::ModelRef // Delete::_xsd_ModelRef::container_ const& Delete:: ModelRef () const { return this->_xsd_ModelRef_ (); } Delete::_xsd_ModelRef::container_& Delete:: ModelRef () { return this->_xsd_ModelRef_ (); } void Delete:: ModelRef (_xsd_ModelRef::container_ const& ModelRef) { this->_xsd_ModelRef_ (ModelRef); } // Delete::ExecutionEnvironmentRef // Delete::_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef::container_ const& Delete:: ExecutionEnvironmentRef () const { return this->_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef_ (); } Delete::_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef::container_& Delete:: ExecutionEnvironmentRef () { return this->_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef_ (); } void Delete:: ExecutionEnvironmentRef (_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef::container_ const& ExecutionEnvironmentRef) { this->_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef_ (ExecutionEnvironmentRef); } // Delete::ExecutionOperationRef // Delete::_xsd_ExecutionOperationRef::container_ const& Delete:: ExecutionOperationRef () const { return this->_xsd_ExecutionOperationRef_ (); } Delete::_xsd_ExecutionOperationRef::container_& Delete:: ExecutionOperationRef () { return this->_xsd_ExecutionOperationRef_ (); } void Delete:: ExecutionOperationRef (_xsd_ExecutionOperationRef::container_ const& ExecutionOperationRef) { this->_xsd_ExecutionOperationRef_ (ExecutionOperationRef); } // Delete::failIfMissing // Delete::_xsd_failIfMissing::container_ const& Delete:: failIfMissing () const { return this->_xsd_failIfMissing_ (); } Delete::_xsd_failIfMissing::container_& Delete:: failIfMissing () { return this->_xsd_failIfMissing_ (); } void Delete:: failIfMissing (_xsd_failIfMissing::type_ const& failIfMissing) { this->_xsd_failIfMissing_ (failIfMissing); } void Delete:: failIfMissing (_xsd_failIfMissing::container_ const& failIfMissing) { this->_xsd_failIfMissing_ (failIfMissing); } void Delete:: failIfMissing (::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_failIfMissing::type_ > failIfMissing) { this->_xsd_failIfMissing_ (failIfMissing); } Delete:: Delete (_xsd_id::type_ const&_xsd_id) : _xsd_Delete::base_ (_xsd_id), _xsd_MarketDataSetRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ResultSpecificationRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_MarketDataRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_StaticDataRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_TradesRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ValuationContextRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_TradeScenarioRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_RiskMeasureRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ModelRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ExecutionOperationRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_failIfMissing_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } Delete:: Delete (class Delete const& _xsd_Delete, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_Delete::base_ (_xsd_Delete, f, c), _xsd_MarketDataSetRef_ (_xsd_Delete._xsd_MarketDataSetRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ResultSpecificationRef_ (_xsd_Delete._xsd_ResultSpecificationRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_MarketDataRef_ (_xsd_Delete._xsd_MarketDataRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_StaticDataRef_ (_xsd_Delete._xsd_StaticDataRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_TradesRef_ (_xsd_Delete._xsd_TradesRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ValuationContextRef_ (_xsd_Delete._xsd_ValuationContextRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef_ (_xsd_Delete._xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_TradeScenarioRef_ (_xsd_Delete._xsd_TradeScenarioRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef_ (_xsd_Delete._xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef_ (_xsd_Delete._xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_RiskMeasureRef_ (_xsd_Delete._xsd_RiskMeasureRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ModelRef_ (_xsd_Delete._xsd_ModelRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef_ (_xsd_Delete._xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ExecutionOperationRef_ (_xsd_Delete._xsd_ExecutionOperationRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_failIfMissing_ (_xsd_Delete._xsd_failIfMissing_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } // Result // // Result::operationId // Result::_xsd_operationId::type_ const& Result:: operationId () const { return this->_xsd_operationId_ (); } Result::_xsd_operationId::type_& Result:: operationId () { return this->_xsd_operationId_ (); } void Result:: operationId (_xsd_operationId::type_ const& operationId) { this->_xsd_operationId_ (operationId); } void Result:: operationId (::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_operationId::type_ > operationId) { this->_xsd_operationId_ (operationId); } // Result::success // Result::_xsd_success::type_ const& Result:: success () const { return this->_xsd_success_ (); } Result::_xsd_success::type_& Result:: success () { return this->_xsd_success_ (); } void Result:: success (_xsd_success::type_ const& success) { this->_xsd_success_ (success); } void Result:: success (::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_success::type_ > success) { this->_xsd_success_ (success); } Result:: Result (_xsd_operationId::type_ const&_xsd_operationId, _xsd_success::type_ const&_xsd_success) : _xsd_Result::base_ (), _xsd_operationId_ ( _xsd_operationId, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_success_ ( _xsd_success, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } Result:: Result (class Result const& _xsd_Result, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_Result::base_ (_xsd_Result, f, c), _xsd_operationId_ (_xsd_Result._xsd_operationId_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_success_ (_xsd_Result._xsd_success_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } // AddResults // // AddResults::MarketDataSetRef // AddResults::_xsd_MarketDataSetRef::container_ const& AddResults:: MarketDataSetRef () const { return this->_xsd_MarketDataSetRef_ (); } AddResults::_xsd_MarketDataSetRef::container_& AddResults:: MarketDataSetRef () { return this->_xsd_MarketDataSetRef_ (); } void AddResults:: MarketDataSetRef (_xsd_MarketDataSetRef::container_ const& MarketDataSetRef) { this->_xsd_MarketDataSetRef_ (MarketDataSetRef); } // AddResults::MarketDataRef // AddResults::_xsd_MarketDataRef::container_ const& AddResults:: MarketDataRef () const { return this->_xsd_MarketDataRef_ (); } AddResults::_xsd_MarketDataRef::container_& AddResults:: MarketDataRef () { return this->_xsd_MarketDataRef_ (); } void AddResults:: MarketDataRef (_xsd_MarketDataRef::container_ const& MarketDataRef) { this->_xsd_MarketDataRef_ (MarketDataRef); } // AddResults::StaticDataRef // AddResults::_xsd_StaticDataRef::container_ const& AddResults:: StaticDataRef () const { return this->_xsd_StaticDataRef_ (); } AddResults::_xsd_StaticDataRef::container_& AddResults:: StaticDataRef () { return this->_xsd_StaticDataRef_ (); } void AddResults:: StaticDataRef (_xsd_StaticDataRef::container_ const& StaticDataRef) { this->_xsd_StaticDataRef_ (StaticDataRef); } // AddResults::TradesRef // AddResults::_xsd_TradesRef::container_ const& AddResults:: TradesRef () const { return this->_xsd_TradesRef_ (); } AddResults::_xsd_TradesRef::container_& AddResults:: TradesRef () { return this->_xsd_TradesRef_ (); } void AddResults:: TradesRef (_xsd_TradesRef::container_ const& TradesRef) { this->_xsd_TradesRef_ (TradesRef); } // AddResults::MarketDataScenarioRef // AddResults::_xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef::container_ const& AddResults:: MarketDataScenarioRef () const { return this->_xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef_ (); } AddResults::_xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef::container_& AddResults:: MarketDataScenarioRef () { return this->_xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef_ (); } void AddResults:: MarketDataScenarioRef (_xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef::container_ const& MarketDataScenarioRef) { this->_xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef_ (MarketDataScenarioRef); } // AddResults::TradeScenarioRef // AddResults::_xsd_TradeScenarioRef::container_ const& AddResults:: TradeScenarioRef () const { return this->_xsd_TradeScenarioRef_ (); } AddResults::_xsd_TradeScenarioRef::container_& AddResults:: TradeScenarioRef () { return this->_xsd_TradeScenarioRef_ (); } void AddResults:: TradeScenarioRef (_xsd_TradeScenarioRef::container_ const& TradeScenarioRef) { this->_xsd_TradeScenarioRef_ (TradeScenarioRef); } // AddResults::PerturbationDefinitionRef // AddResults::_xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef::container_ const& AddResults:: PerturbationDefinitionRef () const { return this->_xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef_ (); } AddResults::_xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef::container_& AddResults:: PerturbationDefinitionRef () { return this->_xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef_ (); } void AddResults:: PerturbationDefinitionRef (_xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef::container_ const& PerturbationDefinitionRef) { this->_xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef_ (PerturbationDefinitionRef); } // AddResults::RiskMeasureDefinitionRef // AddResults::_xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef::container_ const& AddResults:: RiskMeasureDefinitionRef () const { return this->_xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef_ (); } AddResults::_xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef::container_& AddResults:: RiskMeasureDefinitionRef () { return this->_xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef_ (); } void AddResults:: RiskMeasureDefinitionRef (_xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef::container_ const& RiskMeasureDefinitionRef) { this->_xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef_ (RiskMeasureDefinitionRef); } // AddResults::RiskMeasureRef // AddResults::_xsd_RiskMeasureRef::container_ const& AddResults:: RiskMeasureRef () const { return this->_xsd_RiskMeasureRef_ (); } AddResults::_xsd_RiskMeasureRef::container_& AddResults:: RiskMeasureRef () { return this->_xsd_RiskMeasureRef_ (); } void AddResults:: RiskMeasureRef (_xsd_RiskMeasureRef::container_ const& RiskMeasureRef) { this->_xsd_RiskMeasureRef_ (RiskMeasureRef); } // AddResults::ResultSpecificationRef // AddResults::_xsd_ResultSpecificationRef::container_ const& AddResults:: ResultSpecificationRef () const { return this->_xsd_ResultSpecificationRef_ (); } AddResults::_xsd_ResultSpecificationRef::container_& AddResults:: ResultSpecificationRef () { return this->_xsd_ResultSpecificationRef_ (); } void AddResults:: ResultSpecificationRef (_xsd_ResultSpecificationRef::container_ const& ResultSpecificationRef) { this->_xsd_ResultSpecificationRef_ (ResultSpecificationRef); } // AddResults::ValuationContextRef // AddResults::_xsd_ValuationContextRef::container_ const& AddResults:: ValuationContextRef () const { return this->_xsd_ValuationContextRef_ (); } AddResults::_xsd_ValuationContextRef::container_& AddResults:: ValuationContextRef () { return this->_xsd_ValuationContextRef_ (); } void AddResults:: ValuationContextRef (_xsd_ValuationContextRef::container_ const& ValuationContextRef) { this->_xsd_ValuationContextRef_ (ValuationContextRef); } // AddResults::ModelRef // AddResults::_xsd_ModelRef::container_ const& AddResults:: ModelRef () const { return this->_xsd_ModelRef_ (); } AddResults::_xsd_ModelRef::container_& AddResults:: ModelRef () { return this->_xsd_ModelRef_ (); } void AddResults:: ModelRef (_xsd_ModelRef::container_ const& ModelRef) { this->_xsd_ModelRef_ (ModelRef); } // AddResults::ExecutionEnvironmentRef // AddResults::_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef::container_ const& AddResults:: ExecutionEnvironmentRef () const { return this->_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef_ (); } AddResults::_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef::container_& AddResults:: ExecutionEnvironmentRef () { return this->_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef_ (); } void AddResults:: ExecutionEnvironmentRef (_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef::container_ const& ExecutionEnvironmentRef) { this->_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef_ (ExecutionEnvironmentRef); } // AddResults::ExecutionOperationRef // AddResults::_xsd_ExecutionOperationRef::container_ const& AddResults:: ExecutionOperationRef () const { return this->_xsd_ExecutionOperationRef_ (); } AddResults::_xsd_ExecutionOperationRef::container_& AddResults:: ExecutionOperationRef () { return this->_xsd_ExecutionOperationRef_ (); } void AddResults:: ExecutionOperationRef (_xsd_ExecutionOperationRef::container_ const& ExecutionOperationRef) { this->_xsd_ExecutionOperationRef_ (ExecutionOperationRef); } // AddResults::Error // AddResults::_xsd_Error::container_ const& AddResults:: Error () const { return this->_xsd_Error_ (); } AddResults::_xsd_Error::container_& AddResults:: Error () { return this->_xsd_Error_ (); } void AddResults:: Error (_xsd_Error::container_ const& Error) { this->_xsd_Error_ (Error); } AddResults:: AddResults (_xsd_operationId::type_ const&_xsd_operationId, _xsd_success::type_ const&_xsd_success) : _xsd_AddResults::base_ (_xsd_operationId, _xsd_success), _xsd_MarketDataSetRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_MarketDataRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_StaticDataRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_TradesRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_TradeScenarioRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_RiskMeasureRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ResultSpecificationRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ValuationContextRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ModelRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ExecutionOperationRef_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_Error_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } AddResults:: AddResults (class AddResults const& _xsd_AddResults, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_AddResults::base_ (_xsd_AddResults, f, c), _xsd_MarketDataSetRef_ (_xsd_AddResults._xsd_MarketDataSetRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_MarketDataRef_ (_xsd_AddResults._xsd_MarketDataRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_StaticDataRef_ (_xsd_AddResults._xsd_StaticDataRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_TradesRef_ (_xsd_AddResults._xsd_TradesRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef_ (_xsd_AddResults._xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_TradeScenarioRef_ (_xsd_AddResults._xsd_TradeScenarioRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef_ (_xsd_AddResults._xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef_ (_xsd_AddResults._xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_RiskMeasureRef_ (_xsd_AddResults._xsd_RiskMeasureRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ResultSpecificationRef_ (_xsd_AddResults._xsd_ResultSpecificationRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ValuationContextRef_ (_xsd_AddResults._xsd_ValuationContextRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ModelRef_ (_xsd_AddResults._xsd_ModelRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef_ (_xsd_AddResults._xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ExecutionOperationRef_ (_xsd_AddResults._xsd_ExecutionOperationRef_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_Error_ (_xsd_AddResults._xsd_Error_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } // DeleteResults // // DeleteResults::Error // DeleteResults::_xsd_Error::container_ const& DeleteResults:: Error () const { return this->_xsd_Error_ (); } DeleteResults::_xsd_Error::container_& DeleteResults:: Error () { return this->_xsd_Error_ (); } void DeleteResults:: Error (_xsd_Error::container_ const& Error) { this->_xsd_Error_ (Error); } DeleteResults:: DeleteResults (_xsd_operationId::type_ const&_xsd_operationId, _xsd_success::type_ const&_xsd_success) : _xsd_DeleteResults::base_ (_xsd_operationId, _xsd_success), _xsd_Error_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } DeleteResults:: DeleteResults (class DeleteResults const& _xsd_DeleteResults, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_DeleteResults::base_ (_xsd_DeleteResults, f, c), _xsd_Error_ (_xsd_DeleteResults._xsd_Error_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } // RiskResults // // RiskResults::TradesResult // RiskResults::_xsd_TradesResult::container_ const& RiskResults:: TradesResult () const { return this->_xsd_TradesResult_ (); } RiskResults::_xsd_TradesResult::container_& RiskResults:: TradesResult () { return this->_xsd_TradesResult_ (); } void RiskResults:: TradesResult (_xsd_TradesResult::container_ const& TradesResult) { this->_xsd_TradesResult_ (TradesResult); } RiskResults:: RiskResults (_xsd_operationId::type_ const&_xsd_operationId, _xsd_success::type_ const&_xsd_success) : _xsd_RiskResults::base_ (_xsd_operationId, _xsd_success), _xsd_TradesResult_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } RiskResults:: RiskResults (class RiskResults const& _xsd_RiskResults, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_RiskResults::base_ (_xsd_RiskResults, f, c), _xsd_TradesResult_ (_xsd_RiskResults._xsd_TradesResult_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } // ExecutionObjects // // ExecutionObjects::ExecutionEnvironment // ExecutionObjects::_xsd_ExecutionEnvironment::container_ const& ExecutionObjects:: ExecutionEnvironment () const { return this->_xsd_ExecutionEnvironment_ (); } ExecutionObjects::_xsd_ExecutionEnvironment::container_& ExecutionObjects:: ExecutionEnvironment () { return this->_xsd_ExecutionEnvironment_ (); } void ExecutionObjects:: ExecutionEnvironment (_xsd_ExecutionEnvironment::container_ const& ExecutionEnvironment) { this->_xsd_ExecutionEnvironment_ (ExecutionEnvironment); } // ExecutionObjects::ExecutionOperation // ExecutionObjects::_xsd_ExecutionOperation::container_ const& ExecutionObjects:: ExecutionOperation () const { return this->_xsd_ExecutionOperation_ (); } ExecutionObjects::_xsd_ExecutionOperation::container_& ExecutionObjects:: ExecutionOperation () { return this->_xsd_ExecutionOperation_ (); } void ExecutionObjects:: ExecutionOperation (_xsd_ExecutionOperation::container_ const& ExecutionOperation) { this->_xsd_ExecutionOperation_ (ExecutionOperation); } // ExecutionObjects::ResultSpecification // ExecutionObjects::_xsd_ResultSpecification::type_ const& ExecutionObjects:: ResultSpecification () const { return this->_xsd_ResultSpecification_ (); } ExecutionObjects::_xsd_ResultSpecification::type_& ExecutionObjects:: ResultSpecification () { return this->_xsd_ResultSpecification_ (); } void ExecutionObjects:: ResultSpecification (_xsd_ResultSpecification::type_ const& ResultSpecification) { this->_xsd_ResultSpecification_ (ResultSpecification); } void ExecutionObjects:: ResultSpecification (::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ResultSpecification::type_ > ResultSpecification) { this->_xsd_ResultSpecification_ (ResultSpecification); } ExecutionObjects:: ExecutionObjects (_xsd_operationId::type_ const&_xsd_operationId, _xsd_success::type_ const&_xsd_success, _xsd_ResultSpecification::type_ const&_xsd_ResultSpecification) : _xsd_ExecutionObjects::base_ (_xsd_operationId, _xsd_success), _xsd_ExecutionEnvironment_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ExecutionOperation_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ResultSpecification_ ( _xsd_ResultSpecification, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } ExecutionObjects:: ExecutionObjects (class ExecutionObjects const& _xsd_ExecutionObjects, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_ExecutionObjects::base_ (_xsd_ExecutionObjects, f, c), _xsd_ExecutionEnvironment_ (_xsd_ExecutionObjects._xsd_ExecutionEnvironment_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ExecutionOperation_ (_xsd_ExecutionObjects._xsd_ExecutionOperation_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ResultSpecification_ (_xsd_ExecutionObjects._xsd_ResultSpecification_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } // ExecutionResults // // ExecutionResults::ExecutionOperation // ExecutionResults::_xsd_ExecutionOperation::container_ const& ExecutionResults:: ExecutionOperation () const { return this->_xsd_ExecutionOperation_ (); } ExecutionResults::_xsd_ExecutionOperation::container_& ExecutionResults:: ExecutionOperation () { return this->_xsd_ExecutionOperation_ (); } void ExecutionResults:: ExecutionOperation (_xsd_ExecutionOperation::container_ const& ExecutionOperation) { this->_xsd_ExecutionOperation_ (ExecutionOperation); } ExecutionResults:: ExecutionResults (_xsd_operationId::type_ const&_xsd_operationId, _xsd_success::type_ const&_xsd_success) : _xsd_ExecutionResults::base_ (_xsd_operationId, _xsd_success), _xsd_ExecutionOperation_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } ExecutionResults:: ExecutionResults (class ExecutionResults const& _xsd_ExecutionResults, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_ExecutionResults::base_ (_xsd_ExecutionResults, f, c), _xsd_ExecutionOperation_ (_xsd_ExecutionResults._xsd_ExecutionOperation_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } // localOrDistributed // localOrDistributed:: localOrDistributed (_xsd_localOrDistributed_ v) : _xsd_localOrDistributed__ (v) { } localOrDistributed:: localOrDistributed (class localOrDistributed const& v, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : ::xsd::cxx::tree::simple_type (v, f, c), _xsd_localOrDistributed__ (v._xsd_localOrDistributed__) { } class localOrDistributed& localOrDistributed:: operator= (_xsd_localOrDistributed_ v) { _xsd_localOrDistributed__ = v; return *this; } // scope // scope:: scope (_xsd_scope_ v) : _xsd_scope__ (v) { } scope:: scope (class scope const& v, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : ::xsd::cxx::tree::simple_type (v, f, c), _xsd_scope__ (v._xsd_scope__) { } class scope& scope:: operator= (_xsd_scope_ v) { _xsd_scope__ = v; return *this; } // schemaVersion // schemaVersion:: schemaVersion (_xsd_schemaVersion_ v) : _xsd_schemaVersion__ (v) { } schemaVersion:: schemaVersion (class schemaVersion const& v, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : ::xsd::cxx::tree::simple_type (v, f, c), _xsd_schemaVersion__ (v._xsd_schemaVersion__) { } class schemaVersion& schemaVersion:: operator= (_xsd_schemaVersion_ v) { _xsd_schemaVersion__ = v; return *this; } // transportMethods // transportMethods:: transportMethods (_xsd_transportMethods_ v) : _xsd_transportMethods__ (v) { } transportMethods:: transportMethods (class transportMethods const& v, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : ::xsd::cxx::tree::simple_type (v, f, c), _xsd_transportMethods__ (v._xsd_transportMethods__) { } class transportMethods& transportMethods:: operator= (_xsd_transportMethods_ v) { _xsd_transportMethods__ = v; return *this; } // OperationsType // // OperationsType::ProcessingInstruction // OperationsType::_xsd_ProcessingInstruction::container_ const& OperationsType:: ProcessingInstruction () const { return this->_xsd_ProcessingInstruction_ (); } OperationsType::_xsd_ProcessingInstruction::container_& OperationsType:: ProcessingInstruction () { return this->_xsd_ProcessingInstruction_ (); } void OperationsType:: ProcessingInstruction (_xsd_ProcessingInstruction::type_ const& ProcessingInstruction) { this->_xsd_ProcessingInstruction_ (ProcessingInstruction); } void OperationsType:: ProcessingInstruction (_xsd_ProcessingInstruction::container_ const& ProcessingInstruction) { this->_xsd_ProcessingInstruction_ (ProcessingInstruction); } void OperationsType:: ProcessingInstruction (::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ProcessingInstruction::type_ > ProcessingInstruction) { this->_xsd_ProcessingInstruction_ (ProcessingInstruction); } // OperationsType::Operation // OperationsType::_xsd_Operation::container_ const& OperationsType:: Operation () const { return this->_xsd_Operation_ (); } OperationsType::_xsd_Operation::container_& OperationsType:: Operation () { return this->_xsd_Operation_ (); } void OperationsType:: Operation (_xsd_Operation::container_ const& Operation) { this->_xsd_Operation_ (Operation); } // OperationsType::Result // OperationsType::_xsd_Result::container_ const& OperationsType:: Result () const { return this->_xsd_Result_ (); } OperationsType::_xsd_Result::container_& OperationsType:: Result () { return this->_xsd_Result_ (); } void OperationsType:: Result (_xsd_Result::container_ const& Result) { this->_xsd_Result_ (Result); } // OperationsType::username // OperationsType::_xsd_username::container_ const& OperationsType:: username () const { return this->_xsd_username_ (); } OperationsType::_xsd_username::container_& OperationsType:: username () { return this->_xsd_username_ (); } void OperationsType:: username (_xsd_username::type_ const& username) { this->_xsd_username_ (username); } void OperationsType:: username (_xsd_username::container_ const& username) { this->_xsd_username_ (username); } void OperationsType:: username (::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_username::type_ > username) { this->_xsd_username_ (username); } // OperationsType::hostname // OperationsType::_xsd_hostname::container_ const& OperationsType:: hostname () const { return this->_xsd_hostname_ (); } OperationsType::_xsd_hostname::container_& OperationsType:: hostname () { return this->_xsd_hostname_ (); } void OperationsType:: hostname (_xsd_hostname::type_ const& hostname) { this->_xsd_hostname_ (hostname); } void OperationsType:: hostname (_xsd_hostname::container_ const& hostname) { this->_xsd_hostname_ (hostname); } void OperationsType:: hostname (::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_hostname::type_ > hostname) { this->_xsd_hostname_ (hostname); } // OperationsType::schemaVersion // OperationsType::_xsd_schemaVersion::type_ const& OperationsType:: schemaVersion () const { return this->_xsd_schemaVersion_ (); } OperationsType::_xsd_schemaVersion::type_& OperationsType:: schemaVersion () { return this->_xsd_schemaVersion_ (); } void OperationsType:: schemaVersion (_xsd_schemaVersion::type_ const& schemaVersion) { this->_xsd_schemaVersion_ (schemaVersion); } void OperationsType:: schemaVersion (::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_schemaVersion::type_ > schemaVersion) { this->_xsd_schemaVersion_ (schemaVersion); } OperationsType:: OperationsType (_xsd_schemaVersion::type_ const&_xsd_schemaVersion) : _xsd_OperationsType::base_ (), _xsd_ProcessingInstruction_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_Operation_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_Result_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_username_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_hostname_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_schemaVersion_ ( _xsd_schemaVersion, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } OperationsType:: OperationsType (class OperationsType const& _xsd_OperationsType, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_OperationsType::base_ (_xsd_OperationsType, f, c), _xsd_ProcessingInstruction_ (_xsd_OperationsType._xsd_ProcessingInstruction_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_Operation_ (_xsd_OperationsType._xsd_Operation_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_Result_ (_xsd_OperationsType._xsd_Result_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_username_ (_xsd_OperationsType._xsd_username_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_hostname_ (_xsd_OperationsType._xsd_hostname_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_schemaVersion_ (_xsd_OperationsType._xsd_schemaVersion_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } // ProcessingInstruction // // ProcessingInstruction::process // ProcessingInstruction::_xsd_process::container_ const& ProcessingInstruction:: process () const { return this->_xsd_process_ (); } ProcessingInstruction::_xsd_process::container_& ProcessingInstruction:: process () { return this->_xsd_process_ (); } void ProcessingInstruction:: process (_xsd_process::type_ const& process) { this->_xsd_process_ (process); } void ProcessingInstruction:: process (_xsd_process::container_ const& process) { this->_xsd_process_ (process); } void ProcessingInstruction:: process (::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_process::type_ > process) { this->_xsd_process_ (process); } // ProcessingInstruction::debug // ProcessingInstruction::_xsd_debug::container_ const& ProcessingInstruction:: debug () const { return this->_xsd_debug_ (); } ProcessingInstruction::_xsd_debug::container_& ProcessingInstruction:: debug () { return this->_xsd_debug_ (); } void ProcessingInstruction:: debug (_xsd_debug::type_ const& debug) { this->_xsd_debug_ (debug); } void ProcessingInstruction:: debug (_xsd_debug::container_ const& debug) { this->_xsd_debug_ (debug); } void ProcessingInstruction:: debug (::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_debug::type_ > debug) { this->_xsd_debug_ (debug); } // ProcessingInstruction::transportMethod // ProcessingInstruction::_xsd_transportMethod::container_ const& ProcessingInstruction:: transportMethod () const { return this->_xsd_transportMethod_ (); } ProcessingInstruction::_xsd_transportMethod::container_& ProcessingInstruction:: transportMethod () { return this->_xsd_transportMethod_ (); } void ProcessingInstruction:: transportMethod (_xsd_transportMethod::type_ const& transportMethod) { this->_xsd_transportMethod_ (transportMethod); } void ProcessingInstruction:: transportMethod (_xsd_transportMethod::container_ const& transportMethod) { this->_xsd_transportMethod_ (transportMethod); } void ProcessingInstruction:: transportMethod (::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_transportMethod::type_ > transportMethod) { this->_xsd_transportMethod_ (transportMethod); } // ProcessingInstruction::transportSessionId // ProcessingInstruction::_xsd_transportSessionId::container_ const& ProcessingInstruction:: transportSessionId () const { return this->_xsd_transportSessionId_ (); } ProcessingInstruction::_xsd_transportSessionId::container_& ProcessingInstruction:: transportSessionId () { return this->_xsd_transportSessionId_ (); } void ProcessingInstruction:: transportSessionId (_xsd_transportSessionId::type_ const& transportSessionId) { this->_xsd_transportSessionId_ (transportSessionId); } void ProcessingInstruction:: transportSessionId (_xsd_transportSessionId::container_ const& transportSessionId) { this->_xsd_transportSessionId_ (transportSessionId); } void ProcessingInstruction:: transportSessionId (::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_transportSessionId::type_ > transportSessionId) { this->_xsd_transportSessionId_ (transportSessionId); } ProcessingInstruction:: ProcessingInstruction () : _xsd_ProcessingInstruction::base_ (), _xsd_process_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_debug_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_transportMethod_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_transportSessionId_ (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } ProcessingInstruction:: ProcessingInstruction (class ProcessingInstruction const& _xsd_ProcessingInstruction, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_ProcessingInstruction::base_ (_xsd_ProcessingInstruction, f, c), _xsd_process_ (_xsd_ProcessingInstruction._xsd_process_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_debug_ (_xsd_ProcessingInstruction._xsd_debug_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_transportMethod_ (_xsd_ProcessingInstruction._xsd_transportMethod_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_transportSessionId_ (_xsd_ProcessingInstruction._xsd_transportSessionId_, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { } } #include #include namespace _xsd { static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_plate< 0, char > type_factory_plate_init; } namespace ares { // Operation // Operation:: Operation (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_Operation::base_ (e, f, c), _xsd_id_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { ::xsd::cxx::parser< char > p (e); while (p.more_attributes ()) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::attribute< char > a (p.next_attribute ()); if (a.name () == "id" && a.namespace_ ().empty ()) { id (_xsd_id::traits_::create (a, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); } else { } } if (!_xsd_id_._present ()) { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::expected_attribute< char > ("id", ""); } } ::ares::_xsd_Operation::type* Operation:: _clone (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) const { return new class Operation (*this, f, c); } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_Operation::type > _xsd_Operation_type_factory_init ( "Operation http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); // StatelessOperation // StatelessOperation:: StatelessOperation (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_StatelessOperation::base_ (e, f, c) { } ::ares::_xsd_StatelessOperation::type* StatelessOperation:: _clone (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) const { return new class StatelessOperation (*this, f, c); } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_StatelessOperation::type > _xsd_StatelessOperation_type_factory_init ( "StatelessOperation http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); // GenerateExecutionObjects // GenerateExecutionObjects:: GenerateExecutionObjects (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_GenerateExecutionObjects::base_ (e, f, c), _xsd_ValuationContext_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { ::xsd::cxx::parser< char > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > e (p.next_element ()); // ValuationContext // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ValuationContext::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_ValuationContext::type_ > ( "ValuationContext", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { if (_xsd_ValuationContext_._present ()) { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_element< char > (e.name (), e.namespace_ (), "", ""); } ValuationContext (r); continue; } } } if (!_xsd_ValuationContext_._present ()) { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::expected_element< char > ("ValuationContext", "", "", ""); } } ::ares::_xsd_GenerateExecutionObjects::type* GenerateExecutionObjects:: _clone (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) const { return new class GenerateExecutionObjects (*this, f, c); } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_GenerateExecutionObjects::type > _xsd_GenerateExecutionObjects_type_factory_init ( "GenerateExecutionObjects http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); // GenerateExecutionResults // GenerateExecutionResults:: GenerateExecutionResults (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_GenerateExecutionResults::base_ (e, f, c), _xsd_ExecutionOperationRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { ::xsd::cxx::parser< char > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > e (p.next_element ()); // ExecutionOperationRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ExecutionOperationRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_ExecutionOperationRef::type_ > ( "ExecutionOperationRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { ExecutionOperationRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } } } ::ares::_xsd_GenerateExecutionResults::type* GenerateExecutionResults:: _clone (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) const { return new class GenerateExecutionResults (*this, f, c); } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_GenerateExecutionResults::type > _xsd_GenerateExecutionResults_type_factory_init ( "GenerateExecutionResults http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); // GenerateRiskResults // GenerateRiskResults:: GenerateRiskResults (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_GenerateRiskResults::base_ (e, f, c), _xsd_ResultSpecificationRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ValuationContext_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { ::xsd::cxx::parser< char > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > e (p.next_element ()); // ResultSpecificationRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ResultSpecificationRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_ResultSpecificationRef::type_ > ( "ResultSpecificationRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { if (ResultSpecificationRef ()) { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_element< char > (e.name (), e.namespace_ (), "", ""); } ResultSpecificationRef (r); continue; } } // ValuationContext // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ValuationContext::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_ValuationContext::type_ > ( "ValuationContext", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { if (ValuationContext ()) { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_element< char > (e.name (), e.namespace_ (), "", ""); } ValuationContext (r); continue; } } } } ::ares::_xsd_GenerateRiskResults::type* GenerateRiskResults:: _clone (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) const { return new class GenerateRiskResults (*this, f, c); } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_GenerateRiskResults::type > _xsd_GenerateRiskResults_type_factory_init ( "GenerateRiskResults http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); // StatefulOperation // StatefulOperation:: StatefulOperation (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_StatefulOperation::base_ (e, f, c) { } ::ares::_xsd_StatefulOperation::type* StatefulOperation:: _clone (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) const { return new class StatefulOperation (*this, f, c); } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_StatefulOperation::type > _xsd_StatefulOperation_type_factory_init ( "StatefulOperation http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); // ConstructExecutionEnvironment // ConstructExecutionEnvironment:: ConstructExecutionEnvironment (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_ConstructExecutionEnvironment::base_ (e, f, c), _xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { ::xsd::cxx::parser< char > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > e (p.next_element ()); // ExecutionEnvironmentRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef::type_ > ( "ExecutionEnvironmentRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { if (_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef_._present ()) { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_element< char > (e.name (), e.namespace_ (), "", ""); } ExecutionEnvironmentRef (r); continue; } } } if (!_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef_._present ()) { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::expected_element< char > ("ExecutionEnvironmentRef", "", "", ""); } } ::ares::_xsd_ConstructExecutionEnvironment::type* ConstructExecutionEnvironment:: _clone (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) const { return new class ConstructExecutionEnvironment (*this, f, c); } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_ConstructExecutionEnvironment::type > _xsd_ConstructExecutionEnvironment_type_factory_init ( "ConstructExecutionEnvironment http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); // Add // Add:: Add (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_Add::base_ (e, f, c), _xsd_MarketDataSet_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ResultSpecification_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_StaticData_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_Trades_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_MarketDataScenario_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_TradeScenario_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_PerturbationDefinition_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_RiskMeasureDefinition_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_RiskMeasure_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_Model_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ValuationContext_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ExecutionEnvironment_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ExecutionOperation_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_scope_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { ::xsd::cxx::parser< char > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > e (p.next_element ()); // MarketDataSet // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_MarketDataSet::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_MarketDataSet::type_ > ( "MarketDataSet", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { MarketDataSet ().push_back (r); continue; } } // ResultSpecification // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ResultSpecification::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_ResultSpecification::type_ > ( "ResultSpecification", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { ResultSpecification ().push_back (r); continue; } } // StaticData // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_StaticData::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_StaticData::type_ > ( "StaticData", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { StaticData ().push_back (r); continue; } } // Trades // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_Trades::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_Trades::type_ > ( "Trades", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { Trades ().push_back (r); continue; } } // MarketDataScenario // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_MarketDataScenario::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_MarketDataScenario::type_ > ( "MarketDataScenario", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { MarketDataScenario ().push_back (r); continue; } } // TradeScenario // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_TradeScenario::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_TradeScenario::type_ > ( "TradeScenario", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { TradeScenario ().push_back (r); continue; } } // PerturbationDefinition // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_PerturbationDefinition::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_PerturbationDefinition::type_ > ( "PerturbationDefinition", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { PerturbationDefinition ().push_back (r); continue; } } // RiskMeasureDefinition // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_RiskMeasureDefinition::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_RiskMeasureDefinition::type_ > ( "RiskMeasureDefinition", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { RiskMeasureDefinition ().push_back (r); continue; } } // RiskMeasure // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_RiskMeasure::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_RiskMeasure::type_ > ( "RiskMeasure", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { RiskMeasure ().push_back (r); continue; } } // Model // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_Model::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_Model::type_ > ( "Model", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { Model ().push_back (r); continue; } } // ValuationContext // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ValuationContext::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_ValuationContext::type_ > ( "ValuationContext", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { ValuationContext ().push_back (r); continue; } } // ExecutionEnvironment // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ExecutionEnvironment::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_ExecutionEnvironment::type_ > ( "ExecutionEnvironment", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { ExecutionEnvironment ().push_back (r); continue; } } // ExecutionOperation // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ExecutionOperation::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_ExecutionOperation::type_ > ( "ExecutionOperation", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { ExecutionOperation ().push_back (r); continue; } } } while (p.more_attributes ()) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::attribute< char > a (p.next_attribute ()); if (a.name () == "scope" && a.namespace_ ().empty ()) { scope (_xsd_scope::traits_::create (a, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); } else { } } } ::ares::_xsd_Add::type* Add:: _clone (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) const { return new class Add (*this, f, c); } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_Add::type > _xsd_Add_type_factory_init ( "Add http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); // Delete // Delete:: Delete (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_Delete::base_ (e, f, c), _xsd_MarketDataSetRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ResultSpecificationRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_MarketDataRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_StaticDataRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_TradesRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ValuationContextRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_TradeScenarioRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_RiskMeasureRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ModelRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ExecutionOperationRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_failIfMissing_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { ::xsd::cxx::parser< char > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > e (p.next_element ()); // MarketDataSetRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_MarketDataSetRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_MarketDataSetRef::type_ > ( "MarketDataSetRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { MarketDataSetRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } // ResultSpecificationRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ResultSpecificationRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_ResultSpecificationRef::type_ > ( "ResultSpecificationRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { ResultSpecificationRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } // MarketDataRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_MarketDataRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_MarketDataRef::type_ > ( "MarketDataRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { MarketDataRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } // StaticDataRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_StaticDataRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_StaticDataRef::type_ > ( "StaticDataRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { StaticDataRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } // TradesRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_TradesRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_TradesRef::type_ > ( "TradesRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { TradesRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } // ValuationContextRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ValuationContextRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_ValuationContextRef::type_ > ( "ValuationContextRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { ValuationContextRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } // MarketDataScenarioRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef::type_ > ( "MarketDataScenarioRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { MarketDataScenarioRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } // TradeScenarioRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_TradeScenarioRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_TradeScenarioRef::type_ > ( "TradeScenarioRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { TradeScenarioRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } // PerturbationDefinitionRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef::type_ > ( "PerturbationDefinitionRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { PerturbationDefinitionRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } // RiskMeasureDefinitionRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef::type_ > ( "RiskMeasureDefinitionRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { RiskMeasureDefinitionRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } // RiskMeasureRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_RiskMeasureRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_RiskMeasureRef::type_ > ( "RiskMeasureRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { RiskMeasureRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } // ModelRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ModelRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_ModelRef::type_ > ( "ModelRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { ModelRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } // ExecutionEnvironmentRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef::type_ > ( "ExecutionEnvironmentRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { ExecutionEnvironmentRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } // ExecutionOperationRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ExecutionOperationRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_ExecutionOperationRef::type_ > ( "ExecutionOperationRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { ExecutionOperationRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } } while (p.more_attributes ()) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::attribute< char > a (p.next_attribute ()); if (a.name () == "failIfMissing" && a.namespace_ ().empty ()) { failIfMissing (_xsd_failIfMissing::traits_::create (a, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); } else { } } } ::ares::_xsd_Delete::type* Delete:: _clone (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) const { return new class Delete (*this, f, c); } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_Delete::type > _xsd_Delete_type_factory_init ( "Delete http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); // Result // Result:: Result (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_Result::base_ (e, f, c), _xsd_operationId_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_success_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { ::xsd::cxx::parser< char > p (e); while (p.more_attributes ()) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::attribute< char > a (p.next_attribute ()); if (a.name () == "operationId" && a.namespace_ ().empty ()) { operationId (_xsd_operationId::traits_::create (a, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); } else if (a.name () == "success" && a.namespace_ ().empty ()) { success (_xsd_success::traits_::create (a, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); } else { } } if (!_xsd_operationId_._present ()) { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::expected_attribute< char > ("operationId", ""); } if (!_xsd_success_._present ()) { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::expected_attribute< char > ("success", ""); } } ::ares::_xsd_Result::type* Result:: _clone (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) const { return new class Result (*this, f, c); } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_Result::type > _xsd_Result_type_factory_init ( "Result http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); // AddResults // AddResults:: AddResults (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_AddResults::base_ (e, f, c), _xsd_MarketDataSetRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_MarketDataRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_StaticDataRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_TradesRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_TradeScenarioRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_RiskMeasureRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ResultSpecificationRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ValuationContextRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ModelRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ExecutionOperationRef_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_Error_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { ::xsd::cxx::parser< char > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > e (p.next_element ()); // MarketDataSetRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_MarketDataSetRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_MarketDataSetRef::type_ > ( "MarketDataSetRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { MarketDataSetRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } // MarketDataRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_MarketDataRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_MarketDataRef::type_ > ( "MarketDataRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { MarketDataRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } // StaticDataRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_StaticDataRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_StaticDataRef::type_ > ( "StaticDataRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { StaticDataRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } // TradesRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_TradesRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_TradesRef::type_ > ( "TradesRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { TradesRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } // MarketDataScenarioRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef::type_ > ( "MarketDataScenarioRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { MarketDataScenarioRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } // TradeScenarioRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_TradeScenarioRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_TradeScenarioRef::type_ > ( "TradeScenarioRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { TradeScenarioRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } // PerturbationDefinitionRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef::type_ > ( "PerturbationDefinitionRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { PerturbationDefinitionRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } // RiskMeasureDefinitionRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef::type_ > ( "RiskMeasureDefinitionRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { RiskMeasureDefinitionRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } // RiskMeasureRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_RiskMeasureRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_RiskMeasureRef::type_ > ( "RiskMeasureRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { RiskMeasureRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } // ResultSpecificationRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ResultSpecificationRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_ResultSpecificationRef::type_ > ( "ResultSpecificationRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { ResultSpecificationRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } // ValuationContextRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ValuationContextRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_ValuationContextRef::type_ > ( "ValuationContextRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { ValuationContextRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } // ModelRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ModelRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_ModelRef::type_ > ( "ModelRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { ModelRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } // ExecutionEnvironmentRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef::type_ > ( "ExecutionEnvironmentRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { ExecutionEnvironmentRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } // ExecutionOperationRef // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ExecutionOperationRef::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_ExecutionOperationRef::type_ > ( "ExecutionOperationRef", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { ExecutionOperationRef ().push_back (r); continue; } } // Error // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_Error::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_Error::type_ > ( "Error", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { Error ().push_back (r); continue; } } } } ::ares::_xsd_AddResults::type* AddResults:: _clone (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) const { return new class AddResults (*this, f, c); } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_AddResults::type > _xsd_AddResults_type_factory_init ( "AddResults http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); // DeleteResults // DeleteResults:: DeleteResults (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_DeleteResults::base_ (e, f, c), _xsd_Error_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { ::xsd::cxx::parser< char > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > e (p.next_element ()); // Error // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_Error::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_Error::type_ > ( "Error", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { Error ().push_back (r); continue; } } } } ::ares::_xsd_DeleteResults::type* DeleteResults:: _clone (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) const { return new class DeleteResults (*this, f, c); } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_DeleteResults::type > _xsd_DeleteResults_type_factory_init ( "DeleteResults http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); // RiskResults // RiskResults:: RiskResults (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_RiskResults::base_ (e, f, c), _xsd_TradesResult_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { ::xsd::cxx::parser< char > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > e (p.next_element ()); // TradesResult // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_TradesResult::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_TradesResult::type_ > ( "TradesResult", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { TradesResult ().push_back (r); continue; } } } } ::ares::_xsd_RiskResults::type* RiskResults:: _clone (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) const { return new class RiskResults (*this, f, c); } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_RiskResults::type > _xsd_RiskResults_type_factory_init ( "RiskResults http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); // ExecutionObjects // ExecutionObjects:: ExecutionObjects (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_ExecutionObjects::base_ (e, f, c), _xsd_ExecutionEnvironment_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ExecutionOperation_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_ResultSpecification_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { ::xsd::cxx::parser< char > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > e (p.next_element ()); // ExecutionEnvironment // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ExecutionEnvironment::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_ExecutionEnvironment::type_ > ( "ExecutionEnvironment", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { ExecutionEnvironment ().push_back (r); continue; } } // ExecutionOperation // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ExecutionOperation::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_ExecutionOperation::type_ > ( "ExecutionOperation", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { ExecutionOperation ().push_back (r); continue; } } // ResultSpecification // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ResultSpecification::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_ResultSpecification::type_ > ( "ResultSpecification", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { if (_xsd_ResultSpecification_._present ()) { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_element< char > (e.name (), e.namespace_ (), "", ""); } ResultSpecification (r); continue; } } } if (!_xsd_ResultSpecification_._present ()) { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::expected_element< char > ("ResultSpecification", "", "", ""); } } ::ares::_xsd_ExecutionObjects::type* ExecutionObjects:: _clone (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) const { return new class ExecutionObjects (*this, f, c); } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_ExecutionObjects::type > _xsd_ExecutionObjects_type_factory_init ( "ExecutionObjects http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); // ExecutionResults // ExecutionResults:: ExecutionResults (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_ExecutionResults::base_ (e, f, c), _xsd_ExecutionOperation_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { ::xsd::cxx::parser< char > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > e (p.next_element ()); // ExecutionOperation // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ExecutionOperation::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_ExecutionOperation::type_ > ( "ExecutionOperation", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { ExecutionOperation ().push_back (r); continue; } } } } ::ares::_xsd_ExecutionResults::type* ExecutionResults:: _clone (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) const { return new class ExecutionResults (*this, f, c); } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_ExecutionResults::type > _xsd_ExecutionResults_type_factory_init ( "ExecutionResults http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); // localOrDistributed // localOrDistributed:: localOrDistributed (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : ::xsd::cxx::tree::simple_type (e, f, c) { ::std::basic_string< char > s (e.value ()); if (s == "local") { _xsd_localOrDistributed__ = localOrDistributed::local; } else if (s == "distributed") { _xsd_localOrDistributed__ = localOrDistributed::distributed; } else { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_enumerator < char > (s, ""); } } localOrDistributed:: localOrDistributed (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::attribute< char > const& a, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : ::xsd::cxx::tree::simple_type (a, f, c) { ::std::basic_string< char > s (a.value ()); if (s == "local") { _xsd_localOrDistributed__ = localOrDistributed::local; } else if (s == "distributed") { _xsd_localOrDistributed__ = localOrDistributed::distributed; } else { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_enumerator < char > (s, ""); } } localOrDistributed:: localOrDistributed (::std::basic_string< char > const& s, ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : ::xsd::cxx::tree::simple_type (s, e, f, c) { if (s == "local") { _xsd_localOrDistributed__ = localOrDistributed::local; } else if (s == "distributed") { _xsd_localOrDistributed__ = localOrDistributed::distributed; } else { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_enumerator < char > (s, ""); } } ::ares::_xsd_localOrDistributed::type* localOrDistributed:: _clone (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) const { return new class localOrDistributed (*this, f, c); } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_localOrDistributed::type > _xsd_localOrDistributed_type_factory_init ( "localOrDistributed http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); // scope // scope:: scope (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : ::xsd::cxx::tree::simple_type (e, f, c) { ::std::basic_string< char > s (e.value ()); if (s == "global") { _xsd_scope__ = scope::global; } else if (s == "session") { _xsd_scope__ = scope::session; } else if (s == "request") { _xsd_scope__ = scope::request; } else { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_enumerator < char > (s, ""); } } scope:: scope (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::attribute< char > const& a, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : ::xsd::cxx::tree::simple_type (a, f, c) { ::std::basic_string< char > s (a.value ()); if (s == "global") { _xsd_scope__ = scope::global; } else if (s == "session") { _xsd_scope__ = scope::session; } else if (s == "request") { _xsd_scope__ = scope::request; } else { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_enumerator < char > (s, ""); } } scope:: scope (::std::basic_string< char > const& s, ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : ::xsd::cxx::tree::simple_type (s, e, f, c) { if (s == "global") { _xsd_scope__ = scope::global; } else if (s == "session") { _xsd_scope__ = scope::session; } else if (s == "request") { _xsd_scope__ = scope::request; } else { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_enumerator < char > (s, ""); } } ::ares::_xsd_scope::type* scope:: _clone (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) const { return new class scope (*this, f, c); } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_scope::type > _xsd_scope_type_factory_init ( "scope http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); // schemaVersion // schemaVersion:: schemaVersion (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : ::xsd::cxx::tree::simple_type (e, f, c) { ::std::basic_string< char > s (e.value ()); if (s == "1") { _xsd_schemaVersion__ = schemaVersion::cxx_1; } else { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_enumerator < char > (s, ""); } } schemaVersion:: schemaVersion (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::attribute< char > const& a, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : ::xsd::cxx::tree::simple_type (a, f, c) { ::std::basic_string< char > s (a.value ()); if (s == "1") { _xsd_schemaVersion__ = schemaVersion::cxx_1; } else { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_enumerator < char > (s, ""); } } schemaVersion:: schemaVersion (::std::basic_string< char > const& s, ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : ::xsd::cxx::tree::simple_type (s, e, f, c) { if (s == "1") { _xsd_schemaVersion__ = schemaVersion::cxx_1; } else { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_enumerator < char > (s, ""); } } ::ares::_xsd_schemaVersion::type* schemaVersion:: _clone (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) const { return new class schemaVersion (*this, f, c); } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_schemaVersion::type > _xsd_schemaVersion_type_factory_init ( "schemaVersion http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); // transportMethods // transportMethods:: transportMethods (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : ::xsd::cxx::tree::simple_type (e, f, c) { ::std::basic_string< char > s (e.value ()); if (s == "dataSynapse") { _xsd_transportMethods__ = transportMethods::dataSynapse; } else { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_enumerator < char > (s, ""); } } transportMethods:: transportMethods (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::attribute< char > const& a, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : ::xsd::cxx::tree::simple_type (a, f, c) { ::std::basic_string< char > s (a.value ()); if (s == "dataSynapse") { _xsd_transportMethods__ = transportMethods::dataSynapse; } else { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_enumerator < char > (s, ""); } } transportMethods:: transportMethods (::std::basic_string< char > const& s, ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : ::xsd::cxx::tree::simple_type (s, e, f, c) { if (s == "dataSynapse") { _xsd_transportMethods__ = transportMethods::dataSynapse; } else { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_enumerator < char > (s, ""); } } ::ares::_xsd_transportMethods::type* transportMethods:: _clone (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) const { return new class transportMethods (*this, f, c); } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_transportMethods::type > _xsd_transportMethods_type_factory_init ( "transportMethods http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); // OperationsType // OperationsType:: OperationsType (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_OperationsType::base_ (e, f, c), _xsd_ProcessingInstruction_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_Operation_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_Result_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_username_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_hostname_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_schemaVersion_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { ::xsd::cxx::parser< char > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > e (p.next_element ()); // ProcessingInstruction // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_ProcessingInstruction::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_ProcessingInstruction::type_ > ( "ProcessingInstruction", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { if (ProcessingInstruction ()) { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_element< char > (e.name (), e.namespace_ (), "", ""); } ProcessingInstruction (r); continue; } } // Operation // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_Operation::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_Operation::type_ > ( "Operation", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { Operation ().push_back (r); continue; } } // Result // { ::std::auto_ptr< _xsd_Result::type_ > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< _xsd_Result::type_ > ( "Result", "", false, false, e, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); if (r.get () != 0) { Result ().push_back (r); continue; } } } while (p.more_attributes ()) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::attribute< char > a (p.next_attribute ()); if (a.name () == "username" && a.namespace_ ().empty ()) { username (_xsd_username::traits_::create (a, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); } else if (a.name () == "hostname" && a.namespace_ ().empty ()) { hostname (_xsd_hostname::traits_::create (a, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); } else if (a.name () == "schemaVersion" && a.namespace_ ().empty ()) { schemaVersion (_xsd_schemaVersion::traits_::create (a, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); } else { } } if (!_xsd_schemaVersion_._present ()) { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::expected_attribute< char > ("schemaVersion", ""); } } ::ares::_xsd_OperationsType::type* OperationsType:: _clone (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) const { return new class OperationsType (*this, f, c); } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_OperationsType::type > _xsd_OperationsType_type_factory_init ( "OperationsType http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); // ProcessingInstruction // ProcessingInstruction:: ProcessingInstruction (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) : _xsd_ProcessingInstruction::base_ (e, f, c), _xsd_process_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_debug_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_transportMethod_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this), _xsd_transportSessionId_ (f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this) { ::xsd::cxx::parser< char > p (e); while (p.more_attributes ()) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::attribute< char > a (p.next_attribute ()); if (a.name () == "process" && a.namespace_ ().empty ()) { process (_xsd_process::traits_::create (a, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); } else if (a.name () == "debug" && a.namespace_ ().empty ()) { debug (_xsd_debug::traits_::create (a, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); } else if (a.name () == "transportMethod" && a.namespace_ ().empty ()) { transportMethod (_xsd_transportMethod::traits_::create (a, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); } else if (a.name () == "transportSessionId" && a.namespace_ ().empty ()) { transportSessionId (_xsd_transportSessionId::traits_::create (a, f | ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::not_root, this)); } else { } } } ::ares::_xsd_ProcessingInstruction::type* ProcessingInstruction:: _clone (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) const { return new class ProcessingInstruction (*this, f, c); } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_ProcessingInstruction::type > _xsd_ProcessingInstruction_type_factory_init ( "ProcessingInstruction http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); } #include #include #include #include namespace ares { ::std::auto_ptr< ::ares::_xsd_OperationsType::type > Operations (::std::basic_string< char > const& u, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char > const& p) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i ((f & ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::dont_initialize) == 0, (f & ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::keep_dom) == 0); ::std::auto_ptr< ::ares::_xsd_OperationsType::type > r; ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::auto_ptr< ::xercesc::DOMDocument const > d (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::dom (u, 0, p, (f & ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::dont_validate) == 0)); if (d) { r = ::ares::Operations (*d, f); } if (r.get () == 0) { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::invalid_instance (); } return r; } ::std::auto_ptr< ::ares::_xsd_OperationsType::type > Operations (::std::basic_string< char > const& u, ::xercesc::DOMErrorHandler& h, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char > const& p) { ::std::auto_ptr< ::ares::_xsd_OperationsType::type > r; ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::auto_ptr< ::xercesc::DOMDocument const > d (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::dom (u, &h, p, (f & ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::dont_validate) == 0)); if (d) { r = ::ares::Operations (*d, f); } if (r.get () == 0) { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::invalid_instance (); } return r; } ::std::auto_ptr< ::ares::_xsd_OperationsType::type > Operations (std::istream& is, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char > const& p) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i ((f & ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::dont_initialize) == 0, (f & ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::keep_dom) == 0); ::xsd::cxx::xml::sax::std_input_source isrc (is); xercesc::Wrapper4InputSource wrap (&isrc, false); return ::ares::Operations (wrap, f, p); } ::std::auto_ptr< ::ares::_xsd_OperationsType::type > Operations (std::istream& is, ::xercesc::DOMErrorHandler& h, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char > const& p) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::sax::std_input_source isrc (is); xercesc::Wrapper4InputSource wrap (&isrc, false); return ::ares::Operations (wrap, h, f, p); } ::std::auto_ptr< ::ares::_xsd_OperationsType::type > Operations (std::istream& is, ::std::basic_string< char > const& sid, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char > const& p) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i ((f & ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::dont_initialize) == 0, (f & ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::keep_dom) == 0); ::xsd::cxx::xml::sax::std_input_source isrc (is, sid); xercesc::Wrapper4InputSource wrap (&isrc, false); return ::ares::Operations (wrap, f, p); } ::std::auto_ptr< ::ares::_xsd_OperationsType::type > Operations (std::istream& is, ::std::basic_string< char > const& sid, ::xercesc::DOMErrorHandler& h, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char > const& p) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::sax::std_input_source isrc (is, sid); xercesc::Wrapper4InputSource wrap (&isrc, false); return ::ares::Operations (wrap, h, f, p); } ::std::auto_ptr< ::ares::_xsd_OperationsType::type > Operations (::xercesc::DOMInputSource const& i, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char > const& p) { ::std::auto_ptr< ::ares::_xsd_OperationsType::type > r; ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::auto_ptr< ::xercesc::DOMDocument const > d (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::dom< char > (i, 0, p, (f & ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::dont_validate) == 0)); if (d) { r = ::ares::Operations (*d, f, p); } if (r.get () == 0) { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::invalid_instance (); } return r; } ::std::auto_ptr< ::ares::_xsd_OperationsType::type > Operations (::xercesc::DOMInputSource const& i, ::xercesc::DOMErrorHandler& h, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char > const& p) { ::std::auto_ptr< ::ares::_xsd_OperationsType::type > r; ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::auto_ptr< ::xercesc::DOMDocument const > d (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::dom< char > (i, &h, p, (f & ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::dont_validate) == 0)); if (d) { r = ::ares::Operations (*d, f, p); } if (r.get () == 0) { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::invalid_instance (); } return r; } ::std::auto_ptr< ::ares::_xsd_OperationsType::type > Operations (::xercesc::DOMDocument const& d, ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f, ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char > const&) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::auto_ptr< ::xercesc::DOMDocument > c ( (f & ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::keep_dom) ? dynamic_cast< ::xercesc::DOMDocument* > (d.cloneNode (true)) : 0); ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > e ( c.get () ? c->getDocumentElement () : d.getDocumentElement ()); ::std::auto_ptr< ::ares::_xsd_OperationsType::type > r ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< 0, char > (). create< ::ares::_xsd_OperationsType::type > ( "Operations", "http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares", true, true, e, f, 0)); if (r.get () != 0) { if (f & ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::keep_dom) c.release (); return r; } throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_element < char > ( e.name (), e.namespace_ (), "Operations", "http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); } } #include // std::basic_ostream namespace ares { ::std::basic_ostream< char >& operator<< (::std::basic_ostream< char >& o, class Operation const& i) { o << ::std::endl << "id: " << i.id (); return o; } ::std::basic_ostream< char >& operator<< (::std::basic_ostream< char >& o, class StatelessOperation const& i) { o << static_cast< ::ares::Operation const& > (i); return o; } ::std::basic_ostream< char >& operator<< (::std::basic_ostream< char >& o, class GenerateExecutionObjects const& i) { o << static_cast< ::ares::StatelessOperation const& > (i); o << ::std::endl << "ValuationContext: " << i.ValuationContext (); return o; } ::std::basic_ostream< char >& operator<< (::std::basic_ostream< char >& o, class GenerateExecutionResults const& i) { o << static_cast< ::ares::StatelessOperation const& > (i); for (GenerateExecutionResults::_xsd_ExecutionOperationRef::const_iterator_ b (i.ExecutionOperationRef ().begin ()), e (i.ExecutionOperationRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "ExecutionOperationRef: " << *b; } return o; } ::std::basic_ostream< char >& operator<< (::std::basic_ostream< char >& o, class GenerateRiskResults const& i) { o << static_cast< ::ares::StatelessOperation const& > (i); if (i.ResultSpecificationRef ()) { o << ::std::endl << "ResultSpecificationRef: " << *i.ResultSpecificationRef (); } if (i.ValuationContext ()) { o << ::std::endl << "ValuationContext: " << *i.ValuationContext (); } return o; } ::std::basic_ostream< char >& operator<< (::std::basic_ostream< char >& o, class StatefulOperation const& i) { o << static_cast< ::ares::Operation const& > (i); return o; } ::std::basic_ostream< char >& operator<< (::std::basic_ostream< char >& o, class ConstructExecutionEnvironment const& i) { o << static_cast< ::ares::StatefulOperation const& > (i); o << ::std::endl << "ExecutionEnvironmentRef: " << i.ExecutionEnvironmentRef (); return o; } ::std::basic_ostream< char >& operator<< (::std::basic_ostream< char >& o, class Add const& i) { o << static_cast< ::ares::StatefulOperation const& > (i); for (Add::_xsd_MarketDataSet::const_iterator_ b (i.MarketDataSet ().begin ()), e (i.MarketDataSet ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "MarketDataSet: " << *b; } for (Add::_xsd_ResultSpecification::const_iterator_ b (i.ResultSpecification ().begin ()), e (i.ResultSpecification ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "ResultSpecification: " << *b; } for (Add::_xsd_StaticData::const_iterator_ b (i.StaticData ().begin ()), e (i.StaticData ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "StaticData: " << *b; } for (Add::_xsd_Trades::const_iterator_ b (i.Trades ().begin ()), e (i.Trades ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "Trades: " << *b; } for (Add::_xsd_MarketDataScenario::const_iterator_ b (i.MarketDataScenario ().begin ()), e (i.MarketDataScenario ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "MarketDataScenario: " << *b; } for (Add::_xsd_TradeScenario::const_iterator_ b (i.TradeScenario ().begin ()), e (i.TradeScenario ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "TradeScenario: " << *b; } for (Add::_xsd_PerturbationDefinition::const_iterator_ b (i.PerturbationDefinition ().begin ()), e (i.PerturbationDefinition ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "PerturbationDefinition: " << *b; } for (Add::_xsd_RiskMeasureDefinition::const_iterator_ b (i.RiskMeasureDefinition ().begin ()), e (i.RiskMeasureDefinition ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "RiskMeasureDefinition: " << *b; } for (Add::_xsd_RiskMeasure::const_iterator_ b (i.RiskMeasure ().begin ()), e (i.RiskMeasure ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "RiskMeasure: " << *b; } for (Add::_xsd_Model::const_iterator_ b (i.Model ().begin ()), e (i.Model ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "Model: " << *b; } for (Add::_xsd_ValuationContext::const_iterator_ b (i.ValuationContext ().begin ()), e (i.ValuationContext ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "ValuationContext: " << *b; } for (Add::_xsd_ExecutionEnvironment::const_iterator_ b (i.ExecutionEnvironment ().begin ()), e (i.ExecutionEnvironment ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "ExecutionEnvironment: " << *b; } for (Add::_xsd_ExecutionOperation::const_iterator_ b (i.ExecutionOperation ().begin ()), e (i.ExecutionOperation ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "ExecutionOperation: " << *b; } if (i.scope ()) { o << ::std::endl << "scope: " << *i.scope (); } return o; } ::std::basic_ostream< char >& operator<< (::std::basic_ostream< char >& o, class Delete const& i) { o << static_cast< ::ares::StatefulOperation const& > (i); for (Delete::_xsd_MarketDataSetRef::const_iterator_ b (i.MarketDataSetRef ().begin ()), e (i.MarketDataSetRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "MarketDataSetRef: " << *b; } for (Delete::_xsd_ResultSpecificationRef::const_iterator_ b (i.ResultSpecificationRef ().begin ()), e (i.ResultSpecificationRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "ResultSpecificationRef: " << *b; } for (Delete::_xsd_MarketDataRef::const_iterator_ b (i.MarketDataRef ().begin ()), e (i.MarketDataRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "MarketDataRef: " << *b; } for (Delete::_xsd_StaticDataRef::const_iterator_ b (i.StaticDataRef ().begin ()), e (i.StaticDataRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "StaticDataRef: " << *b; } for (Delete::_xsd_TradesRef::const_iterator_ b (i.TradesRef ().begin ()), e (i.TradesRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "TradesRef: " << *b; } for (Delete::_xsd_ValuationContextRef::const_iterator_ b (i.ValuationContextRef ().begin ()), e (i.ValuationContextRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "ValuationContextRef: " << *b; } for (Delete::_xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef::const_iterator_ b (i.MarketDataScenarioRef ().begin ()), e (i.MarketDataScenarioRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "MarketDataScenarioRef: " << *b; } for (Delete::_xsd_TradeScenarioRef::const_iterator_ b (i.TradeScenarioRef ().begin ()), e (i.TradeScenarioRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "TradeScenarioRef: " << *b; } for (Delete::_xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef::const_iterator_ b (i.PerturbationDefinitionRef ().begin ()), e (i.PerturbationDefinitionRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "PerturbationDefinitionRef: " << *b; } for (Delete::_xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef::const_iterator_ b (i.RiskMeasureDefinitionRef ().begin ()), e (i.RiskMeasureDefinitionRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "RiskMeasureDefinitionRef: " << *b; } for (Delete::_xsd_RiskMeasureRef::const_iterator_ b (i.RiskMeasureRef ().begin ()), e (i.RiskMeasureRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "RiskMeasureRef: " << *b; } for (Delete::_xsd_ModelRef::const_iterator_ b (i.ModelRef ().begin ()), e (i.ModelRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "ModelRef: " << *b; } for (Delete::_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef::const_iterator_ b (i.ExecutionEnvironmentRef ().begin ()), e (i.ExecutionEnvironmentRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "ExecutionEnvironmentRef: " << *b; } for (Delete::_xsd_ExecutionOperationRef::const_iterator_ b (i.ExecutionOperationRef ().begin ()), e (i.ExecutionOperationRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "ExecutionOperationRef: " << *b; } if (i.failIfMissing ()) { o << ::std::endl << "failIfMissing: " << *i.failIfMissing (); } return o; } ::std::basic_ostream< char >& operator<< (::std::basic_ostream< char >& o, class Result const& i) { o << ::std::endl << "operationId: " << i.operationId (); o << ::std::endl << "success: " << i.success (); return o; } ::std::basic_ostream< char >& operator<< (::std::basic_ostream< char >& o, class AddResults const& i) { o << static_cast< ::ares::Result const& > (i); for (AddResults::_xsd_MarketDataSetRef::const_iterator_ b (i.MarketDataSetRef ().begin ()), e (i.MarketDataSetRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "MarketDataSetRef: " << *b; } for (AddResults::_xsd_MarketDataRef::const_iterator_ b (i.MarketDataRef ().begin ()), e (i.MarketDataRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "MarketDataRef: " << *b; } for (AddResults::_xsd_StaticDataRef::const_iterator_ b (i.StaticDataRef ().begin ()), e (i.StaticDataRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "StaticDataRef: " << *b; } for (AddResults::_xsd_TradesRef::const_iterator_ b (i.TradesRef ().begin ()), e (i.TradesRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "TradesRef: " << *b; } for (AddResults::_xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef::const_iterator_ b (i.MarketDataScenarioRef ().begin ()), e (i.MarketDataScenarioRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "MarketDataScenarioRef: " << *b; } for (AddResults::_xsd_TradeScenarioRef::const_iterator_ b (i.TradeScenarioRef ().begin ()), e (i.TradeScenarioRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "TradeScenarioRef: " << *b; } for (AddResults::_xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef::const_iterator_ b (i.PerturbationDefinitionRef ().begin ()), e (i.PerturbationDefinitionRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "PerturbationDefinitionRef: " << *b; } for (AddResults::_xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef::const_iterator_ b (i.RiskMeasureDefinitionRef ().begin ()), e (i.RiskMeasureDefinitionRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "RiskMeasureDefinitionRef: " << *b; } for (AddResults::_xsd_RiskMeasureRef::const_iterator_ b (i.RiskMeasureRef ().begin ()), e (i.RiskMeasureRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "RiskMeasureRef: " << *b; } for (AddResults::_xsd_ResultSpecificationRef::const_iterator_ b (i.ResultSpecificationRef ().begin ()), e (i.ResultSpecificationRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "ResultSpecificationRef: " << *b; } for (AddResults::_xsd_ValuationContextRef::const_iterator_ b (i.ValuationContextRef ().begin ()), e (i.ValuationContextRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "ValuationContextRef: " << *b; } for (AddResults::_xsd_ModelRef::const_iterator_ b (i.ModelRef ().begin ()), e (i.ModelRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "ModelRef: " << *b; } for (AddResults::_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef::const_iterator_ b (i.ExecutionEnvironmentRef ().begin ()), e (i.ExecutionEnvironmentRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "ExecutionEnvironmentRef: " << *b; } for (AddResults::_xsd_ExecutionOperationRef::const_iterator_ b (i.ExecutionOperationRef ().begin ()), e (i.ExecutionOperationRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "ExecutionOperationRef: " << *b; } for (AddResults::_xsd_Error::const_iterator_ b (i.Error ().begin ()), e (i.Error ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "Error: " << *b; } return o; } ::std::basic_ostream< char >& operator<< (::std::basic_ostream< char >& o, class DeleteResults const& i) { o << static_cast< ::ares::Result const& > (i); for (DeleteResults::_xsd_Error::const_iterator_ b (i.Error ().begin ()), e (i.Error ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "Error: " << *b; } return o; } ::std::basic_ostream< char >& operator<< (::std::basic_ostream< char >& o, class RiskResults const& i) { o << static_cast< ::ares::Result const& > (i); for (RiskResults::_xsd_TradesResult::const_iterator_ b (i.TradesResult ().begin ()), e (i.TradesResult ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "TradesResult: " << *b; } return o; } ::std::basic_ostream< char >& operator<< (::std::basic_ostream< char >& o, class ExecutionObjects const& i) { o << static_cast< ::ares::Result const& > (i); for (ExecutionObjects::_xsd_ExecutionEnvironment::const_iterator_ b (i.ExecutionEnvironment ().begin ()), e (i.ExecutionEnvironment ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "ExecutionEnvironment: " << *b; } for (ExecutionObjects::_xsd_ExecutionOperation::const_iterator_ b (i.ExecutionOperation ().begin ()), e (i.ExecutionOperation ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "ExecutionOperation: " << *b; } o << ::std::endl << "ResultSpecification: " << i.ResultSpecification (); return o; } ::std::basic_ostream< char >& operator<< (::std::basic_ostream< char >& o, class ExecutionResults const& i) { o << static_cast< ::ares::Result const& > (i); for (ExecutionResults::_xsd_ExecutionOperation::const_iterator_ b (i.ExecutionOperation ().begin ()), e (i.ExecutionOperation ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "ExecutionOperation: " << *b; } return o; } ::std::basic_ostream< char >& operator<< (::std::basic_ostream< char >& o, localOrDistributed::_xsd_localOrDistributed_ i) { switch (i) { case localOrDistributed::local: { o << "local"; break; } case localOrDistributed::distributed: { o << "distributed"; break; } } return o; } ::std::basic_ostream< char >& operator<< (::std::basic_ostream< char >& o, class localOrDistributed i) { return o << localOrDistributed::_xsd_localOrDistributed_ (i); } ::std::basic_ostream< char >& operator<< (::std::basic_ostream< char >& o, scope::_xsd_scope_ i) { switch (i) { case scope::global: { o << "global"; break; } case scope::session: { o << "session"; break; } case scope::request: { o << "request"; break; } } return o; } ::std::basic_ostream< char >& operator<< (::std::basic_ostream< char >& o, class scope i) { return o << scope::_xsd_scope_ (i); } ::std::basic_ostream< char >& operator<< (::std::basic_ostream< char >& o, schemaVersion::_xsd_schemaVersion_ i) { switch (i) { case schemaVersion::cxx_1: { o << "1"; break; } } return o; } ::std::basic_ostream< char >& operator<< (::std::basic_ostream< char >& o, class schemaVersion i) { return o << schemaVersion::_xsd_schemaVersion_ (i); } ::std::basic_ostream< char >& operator<< (::std::basic_ostream< char >& o, transportMethods::_xsd_transportMethods_ i) { switch (i) { case transportMethods::dataSynapse: { o << "dataSynapse"; break; } } return o; } ::std::basic_ostream< char >& operator<< (::std::basic_ostream< char >& o, class transportMethods i) { return o << transportMethods::_xsd_transportMethods_ (i); } ::std::basic_ostream< char >& operator<< (::std::basic_ostream< char >& o, class OperationsType const& i) { if (i.ProcessingInstruction ()) { o << ::std::endl << "ProcessingInstruction: " << *i.ProcessingInstruction (); } for (OperationsType::_xsd_Operation::const_iterator_ b (i.Operation ().begin ()), e (i.Operation ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "Operation: " << *b; } for (OperationsType::_xsd_Result::const_iterator_ b (i.Result ().begin ()), e (i.Result ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { o << ::std::endl << "Result: " << *b; } if (i.username ()) { o << ::std::endl << "username: " << *i.username (); } if (i.hostname ()) { o << ::std::endl << "hostname: " << *i.hostname (); } o << ::std::endl << "schemaVersion: " << i.schemaVersion (); return o; } ::std::basic_ostream< char >& operator<< (::std::basic_ostream< char >& o, class ProcessingInstruction const& i) { if (i.process ()) { o << ::std::endl << "process: " << *i.process (); } if (i.debug ()) { o << ::std::endl << "debug: " << *i.debug (); } if (i.transportMethod ()) { o << ::std::endl << "transportMethod: " << *i.transportMethod (); } if (i.transportSessionId ()) { o << ::std::endl << "transportSessionId: " << *i.transportSessionId (); } return o; } } #include namespace _xsd { static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_plate< 0, char > type_name_plate_init; } namespace ares { void Operations (::xercesc::DOMDocument& d,::ares::_xsd_OperationsType::type const& s) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > e (d.getDocumentElement ()); ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< ::ares::_xsd_OperationsType::type > ( "Operations", "http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares", e, s); } ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::auto_ptr< ::xercesc::DOMDocument > Operations (::ares::_xsd_OperationsType::type const& s, ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::namespace_infomap< char> const& m) { try { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::auto_ptr< ::xercesc::DOMDocument > d ( ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). dom< ::ares::_xsd_OperationsType::type > ( "Operations", "http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares", m, s)); ::ares::Operations (*d, s); return d; } catch (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::mapping< char > const& e) { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::no_namespace_mapping< char > (e.name ()); } catch (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::xsi_already_in_use const&) { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::xsi_already_in_use (); } } void Operations (::xercesc::XMLFormatTarget& t, ::ares::_xsd_OperationsType::type const& s, ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::namespace_infomap< char> const& m, ::std::basic_string< char > const& e) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::auto_ptr< ::xercesc::DOMDocument > d (::ares::Operations (s, m)); if (!::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::serialize (t, *d, e, 0)) { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::serialization (); } } void Operations (::xercesc::XMLFormatTarget& t, ::ares::_xsd_OperationsType::type const& s, ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::namespace_infomap< char> const& m, ::xercesc::DOMErrorHandler& h, ::std::basic_string< char > const& e) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::auto_ptr< ::xercesc::DOMDocument > d (::ares::Operations (s, m)); if (!::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::serialize (t, *d, e, &h)) { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::serialization (); } } void Operations (::std::ostream& o, ::ares::_xsd_OperationsType::type const& s, ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::namespace_infomap< char> const& m, ::std::basic_string< char > const& e) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::initialize (); bool r; { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::auto_ptr< ::xercesc::DOMDocument > d (::ares::Operations (s, m)); ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::ostream_format_target t (o); r = ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::serialize (t, *d, e, 0); } ::xsd::cxx::xml::terminate (); if (!r) { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::serialization (); } } void Operations (::std::ostream& o, ::ares::_xsd_OperationsType::type const& s, ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::namespace_infomap< char> const& m, ::xercesc::DOMErrorHandler& h, ::std::basic_string< char > const& e) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::auto_ptr< ::xercesc::DOMDocument > d (::ares::Operations (s, m)); ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::ostream_format_target t (o); if (!::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::serialize (t, *d, e, &h)) { throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::serialization (); } } void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char >& n, class Operation const& i) { { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::attribute< char > a ( "id", n); a << i.id (); } } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_Operation::type > _xsd_Operation_type_name_init ( "Operation", "http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char >& n, class StatelessOperation const& i) { n << static_cast< ::ares::Operation const& > (i); } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_StatelessOperation::type > _xsd_StatelessOperation_type_name_init ( "StatelessOperation", "http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char >& n, class GenerateExecutionObjects const& i) { n << static_cast< ::ares::StatelessOperation const& > (i); { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< GenerateExecutionObjects::_xsd_ValuationContext::type_ > ( "ValuationContext", "", false, false, n, i.ValuationContext ()); } } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_GenerateExecutionObjects::type > _xsd_GenerateExecutionObjects_type_name_init ( "GenerateExecutionObjects", "http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char >& n, class GenerateExecutionResults const& i) { n << static_cast< ::ares::StatelessOperation const& > (i); for (GenerateExecutionResults::_xsd_ExecutionOperationRef::const_iterator_ b (i.ExecutionOperationRef ().begin ()), e (i.ExecutionOperationRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< GenerateExecutionResults::_xsd_ExecutionOperationRef::type_ > ( "ExecutionOperationRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_GenerateExecutionResults::type > _xsd_GenerateExecutionResults_type_name_init ( "GenerateExecutionResults", "http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char >& n, class GenerateRiskResults const& i) { n << static_cast< ::ares::StatelessOperation const& > (i); if (i.ResultSpecificationRef ()) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< GenerateRiskResults::_xsd_ResultSpecificationRef::type_ > ( "ResultSpecificationRef", "", false, false, n, *i.ResultSpecificationRef ()); } if (i.ValuationContext ()) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< GenerateRiskResults::_xsd_ValuationContext::type_ > ( "ValuationContext", "", false, false, n, *i.ValuationContext ()); } } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_GenerateRiskResults::type > _xsd_GenerateRiskResults_type_name_init ( "GenerateRiskResults", "http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char >& n, class StatefulOperation const& i) { n << static_cast< ::ares::Operation const& > (i); } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_StatefulOperation::type > _xsd_StatefulOperation_type_name_init ( "StatefulOperation", "http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char >& n, class ConstructExecutionEnvironment const& i) { n << static_cast< ::ares::StatefulOperation const& > (i); { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< ConstructExecutionEnvironment::_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef::type_ > ( "ExecutionEnvironmentRef", "", false, false, n, i.ExecutionEnvironmentRef ()); } } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_ConstructExecutionEnvironment::type > _xsd_ConstructExecutionEnvironment_type_name_init ( "ConstructExecutionEnvironment", "http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char >& n, class Add const& i) { n << static_cast< ::ares::StatefulOperation const& > (i); for (Add::_xsd_MarketDataSet::const_iterator_ b (i.MarketDataSet ().begin ()), e (i.MarketDataSet ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< Add::_xsd_MarketDataSet::type_ > ( "MarketDataSet", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (Add::_xsd_ResultSpecification::const_iterator_ b (i.ResultSpecification ().begin ()), e (i.ResultSpecification ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< Add::_xsd_ResultSpecification::type_ > ( "ResultSpecification", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (Add::_xsd_StaticData::const_iterator_ b (i.StaticData ().begin ()), e (i.StaticData ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< Add::_xsd_StaticData::type_ > ( "StaticData", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (Add::_xsd_Trades::const_iterator_ b (i.Trades ().begin ()), e (i.Trades ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< Add::_xsd_Trades::type_ > ( "Trades", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (Add::_xsd_MarketDataScenario::const_iterator_ b (i.MarketDataScenario ().begin ()), e (i.MarketDataScenario ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< Add::_xsd_MarketDataScenario::type_ > ( "MarketDataScenario", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (Add::_xsd_TradeScenario::const_iterator_ b (i.TradeScenario ().begin ()), e (i.TradeScenario ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< Add::_xsd_TradeScenario::type_ > ( "TradeScenario", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (Add::_xsd_PerturbationDefinition::const_iterator_ b (i.PerturbationDefinition ().begin ()), e (i.PerturbationDefinition ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< Add::_xsd_PerturbationDefinition::type_ > ( "PerturbationDefinition", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (Add::_xsd_RiskMeasureDefinition::const_iterator_ b (i.RiskMeasureDefinition ().begin ()), e (i.RiskMeasureDefinition ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< Add::_xsd_RiskMeasureDefinition::type_ > ( "RiskMeasureDefinition", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (Add::_xsd_RiskMeasure::const_iterator_ b (i.RiskMeasure ().begin ()), e (i.RiskMeasure ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< Add::_xsd_RiskMeasure::type_ > ( "RiskMeasure", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (Add::_xsd_Model::const_iterator_ b (i.Model ().begin ()), e (i.Model ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< Add::_xsd_Model::type_ > ( "Model", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (Add::_xsd_ValuationContext::const_iterator_ b (i.ValuationContext ().begin ()), e (i.ValuationContext ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< Add::_xsd_ValuationContext::type_ > ( "ValuationContext", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (Add::_xsd_ExecutionEnvironment::const_iterator_ b (i.ExecutionEnvironment ().begin ()), e (i.ExecutionEnvironment ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< Add::_xsd_ExecutionEnvironment::type_ > ( "ExecutionEnvironment", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (Add::_xsd_ExecutionOperation::const_iterator_ b (i.ExecutionOperation ().begin ()), e (i.ExecutionOperation ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< Add::_xsd_ExecutionOperation::type_ > ( "ExecutionOperation", "", false, false, n, *b); } if (i.scope ()) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::attribute< char > a ( "scope", n); a << *i.scope (); } } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_Add::type > _xsd_Add_type_name_init ( "Add", "http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char >& n, class Delete const& i) { n << static_cast< ::ares::StatefulOperation const& > (i); for (Delete::_xsd_MarketDataSetRef::const_iterator_ b (i.MarketDataSetRef ().begin ()), e (i.MarketDataSetRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< Delete::_xsd_MarketDataSetRef::type_ > ( "MarketDataSetRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (Delete::_xsd_ResultSpecificationRef::const_iterator_ b (i.ResultSpecificationRef ().begin ()), e (i.ResultSpecificationRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< Delete::_xsd_ResultSpecificationRef::type_ > ( "ResultSpecificationRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (Delete::_xsd_MarketDataRef::const_iterator_ b (i.MarketDataRef ().begin ()), e (i.MarketDataRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< Delete::_xsd_MarketDataRef::type_ > ( "MarketDataRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (Delete::_xsd_StaticDataRef::const_iterator_ b (i.StaticDataRef ().begin ()), e (i.StaticDataRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< Delete::_xsd_StaticDataRef::type_ > ( "StaticDataRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (Delete::_xsd_TradesRef::const_iterator_ b (i.TradesRef ().begin ()), e (i.TradesRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< Delete::_xsd_TradesRef::type_ > ( "TradesRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (Delete::_xsd_ValuationContextRef::const_iterator_ b (i.ValuationContextRef ().begin ()), e (i.ValuationContextRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< Delete::_xsd_ValuationContextRef::type_ > ( "ValuationContextRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (Delete::_xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef::const_iterator_ b (i.MarketDataScenarioRef ().begin ()), e (i.MarketDataScenarioRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< Delete::_xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef::type_ > ( "MarketDataScenarioRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (Delete::_xsd_TradeScenarioRef::const_iterator_ b (i.TradeScenarioRef ().begin ()), e (i.TradeScenarioRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< Delete::_xsd_TradeScenarioRef::type_ > ( "TradeScenarioRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (Delete::_xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef::const_iterator_ b (i.PerturbationDefinitionRef ().begin ()), e (i.PerturbationDefinitionRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< Delete::_xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef::type_ > ( "PerturbationDefinitionRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (Delete::_xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef::const_iterator_ b (i.RiskMeasureDefinitionRef ().begin ()), e (i.RiskMeasureDefinitionRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< Delete::_xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef::type_ > ( "RiskMeasureDefinitionRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (Delete::_xsd_RiskMeasureRef::const_iterator_ b (i.RiskMeasureRef ().begin ()), e (i.RiskMeasureRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< Delete::_xsd_RiskMeasureRef::type_ > ( "RiskMeasureRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (Delete::_xsd_ModelRef::const_iterator_ b (i.ModelRef ().begin ()), e (i.ModelRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< Delete::_xsd_ModelRef::type_ > ( "ModelRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (Delete::_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef::const_iterator_ b (i.ExecutionEnvironmentRef ().begin ()), e (i.ExecutionEnvironmentRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< Delete::_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef::type_ > ( "ExecutionEnvironmentRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (Delete::_xsd_ExecutionOperationRef::const_iterator_ b (i.ExecutionOperationRef ().begin ()), e (i.ExecutionOperationRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< Delete::_xsd_ExecutionOperationRef::type_ > ( "ExecutionOperationRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } if (i.failIfMissing ()) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::attribute< char > a ( "failIfMissing", n); a << *i.failIfMissing (); } } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_Delete::type > _xsd_Delete_type_name_init ( "Delete", "http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char >& n, class Result const& i) { { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::attribute< char > a ( "operationId", n); a << i.operationId (); } { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::attribute< char > a ( "success", n); a << i.success (); } } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_Result::type > _xsd_Result_type_name_init ( "Result", "http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char >& n, class AddResults const& i) { n << static_cast< ::ares::Result const& > (i); for (AddResults::_xsd_MarketDataSetRef::const_iterator_ b (i.MarketDataSetRef ().begin ()), e (i.MarketDataSetRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< AddResults::_xsd_MarketDataSetRef::type_ > ( "MarketDataSetRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (AddResults::_xsd_MarketDataRef::const_iterator_ b (i.MarketDataRef ().begin ()), e (i.MarketDataRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< AddResults::_xsd_MarketDataRef::type_ > ( "MarketDataRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (AddResults::_xsd_StaticDataRef::const_iterator_ b (i.StaticDataRef ().begin ()), e (i.StaticDataRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< AddResults::_xsd_StaticDataRef::type_ > ( "StaticDataRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (AddResults::_xsd_TradesRef::const_iterator_ b (i.TradesRef ().begin ()), e (i.TradesRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< AddResults::_xsd_TradesRef::type_ > ( "TradesRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (AddResults::_xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef::const_iterator_ b (i.MarketDataScenarioRef ().begin ()), e (i.MarketDataScenarioRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< AddResults::_xsd_MarketDataScenarioRef::type_ > ( "MarketDataScenarioRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (AddResults::_xsd_TradeScenarioRef::const_iterator_ b (i.TradeScenarioRef ().begin ()), e (i.TradeScenarioRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< AddResults::_xsd_TradeScenarioRef::type_ > ( "TradeScenarioRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (AddResults::_xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef::const_iterator_ b (i.PerturbationDefinitionRef ().begin ()), e (i.PerturbationDefinitionRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< AddResults::_xsd_PerturbationDefinitionRef::type_ > ( "PerturbationDefinitionRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (AddResults::_xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef::const_iterator_ b (i.RiskMeasureDefinitionRef ().begin ()), e (i.RiskMeasureDefinitionRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< AddResults::_xsd_RiskMeasureDefinitionRef::type_ > ( "RiskMeasureDefinitionRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (AddResults::_xsd_RiskMeasureRef::const_iterator_ b (i.RiskMeasureRef ().begin ()), e (i.RiskMeasureRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< AddResults::_xsd_RiskMeasureRef::type_ > ( "RiskMeasureRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (AddResults::_xsd_ResultSpecificationRef::const_iterator_ b (i.ResultSpecificationRef ().begin ()), e (i.ResultSpecificationRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< AddResults::_xsd_ResultSpecificationRef::type_ > ( "ResultSpecificationRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (AddResults::_xsd_ValuationContextRef::const_iterator_ b (i.ValuationContextRef ().begin ()), e (i.ValuationContextRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< AddResults::_xsd_ValuationContextRef::type_ > ( "ValuationContextRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (AddResults::_xsd_ModelRef::const_iterator_ b (i.ModelRef ().begin ()), e (i.ModelRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< AddResults::_xsd_ModelRef::type_ > ( "ModelRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (AddResults::_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef::const_iterator_ b (i.ExecutionEnvironmentRef ().begin ()), e (i.ExecutionEnvironmentRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< AddResults::_xsd_ExecutionEnvironmentRef::type_ > ( "ExecutionEnvironmentRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (AddResults::_xsd_ExecutionOperationRef::const_iterator_ b (i.ExecutionOperationRef ().begin ()), e (i.ExecutionOperationRef ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< AddResults::_xsd_ExecutionOperationRef::type_ > ( "ExecutionOperationRef", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (AddResults::_xsd_Error::const_iterator_ b (i.Error ().begin ()), e (i.Error ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< AddResults::_xsd_Error::type_ > ( "Error", "", false, false, n, *b); } } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_AddResults::type > _xsd_AddResults_type_name_init ( "AddResults", "http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char >& n, class DeleteResults const& i) { n << static_cast< ::ares::Result const& > (i); for (DeleteResults::_xsd_Error::const_iterator_ b (i.Error ().begin ()), e (i.Error ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< DeleteResults::_xsd_Error::type_ > ( "Error", "", false, false, n, *b); } } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_DeleteResults::type > _xsd_DeleteResults_type_name_init ( "DeleteResults", "http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char >& n, class RiskResults const& i) { n << static_cast< ::ares::Result const& > (i); for (RiskResults::_xsd_TradesResult::const_iterator_ b (i.TradesResult ().begin ()), e (i.TradesResult ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< RiskResults::_xsd_TradesResult::type_ > ( "TradesResult", "", false, false, n, *b); } } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_RiskResults::type > _xsd_RiskResults_type_name_init ( "RiskResults", "http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char >& n, class ExecutionObjects const& i) { n << static_cast< ::ares::Result const& > (i); for (ExecutionObjects::_xsd_ExecutionEnvironment::const_iterator_ b (i.ExecutionEnvironment ().begin ()), e (i.ExecutionEnvironment ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< ExecutionObjects::_xsd_ExecutionEnvironment::type_ > ( "ExecutionEnvironment", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (ExecutionObjects::_xsd_ExecutionOperation::const_iterator_ b (i.ExecutionOperation ().begin ()), e (i.ExecutionOperation ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< ExecutionObjects::_xsd_ExecutionOperation::type_ > ( "ExecutionOperation", "", false, false, n, *b); } { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< ExecutionObjects::_xsd_ResultSpecification::type_ > ( "ResultSpecification", "", false, false, n, i.ResultSpecification ()); } } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_ExecutionObjects::type > _xsd_ExecutionObjects_type_name_init ( "ExecutionObjects", "http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char >& n, class ExecutionResults const& i) { n << static_cast< ::ares::Result const& > (i); for (ExecutionResults::_xsd_ExecutionOperation::const_iterator_ b (i.ExecutionOperation ().begin ()), e (i.ExecutionOperation ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< ExecutionResults::_xsd_ExecutionOperation::type_ > ( "ExecutionOperation", "", false, false, n, *b); } } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_ExecutionResults::type > _xsd_ExecutionResults_type_name_init ( "ExecutionResults", "http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char >& n, class localOrDistributed i) { switch (i) { case localOrDistributed::local: { n.value ("local"); break; } case localOrDistributed::distributed: { n.value ("distributed"); break; } } } void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::attribute< char >& n, class localOrDistributed i) { switch (i) { case localOrDistributed::local: { n.value ("local"); break; } case localOrDistributed::distributed: { n.value ("distributed"); break; } } } void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::list_stream< char >& l, class localOrDistributed i) { switch (i) { case localOrDistributed::local: { l << "local"; break; } case localOrDistributed::distributed: { l << "distributed"; break; } } } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_localOrDistributed::type > _xsd_localOrDistributed_type_name_init ( "localOrDistributed", "http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char >& n, class scope i) { switch (i) { case scope::global: { n.value ("global"); break; } case scope::session: { n.value ("session"); break; } case scope::request: { n.value ("request"); break; } } } void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::attribute< char >& n, class scope i) { switch (i) { case scope::global: { n.value ("global"); break; } case scope::session: { n.value ("session"); break; } case scope::request: { n.value ("request"); break; } } } void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::list_stream< char >& l, class scope i) { switch (i) { case scope::global: { l << "global"; break; } case scope::session: { l << "session"; break; } case scope::request: { l << "request"; break; } } } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_scope::type > _xsd_scope_type_name_init ( "scope", "http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char >& n, class schemaVersion i) { switch (i) { case schemaVersion::cxx_1: { n.value ("1"); break; } } } void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::attribute< char >& n, class schemaVersion i) { switch (i) { case schemaVersion::cxx_1: { n.value ("1"); break; } } } void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::list_stream< char >& l, class schemaVersion i) { switch (i) { case schemaVersion::cxx_1: { l << "1"; break; } } } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_schemaVersion::type > _xsd_schemaVersion_type_name_init ( "schemaVersion", "http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char >& n, class transportMethods i) { switch (i) { case transportMethods::dataSynapse: { n.value ("dataSynapse"); break; } } } void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::attribute< char >& n, class transportMethods i) { switch (i) { case transportMethods::dataSynapse: { n.value ("dataSynapse"); break; } } } void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::list_stream< char >& l, class transportMethods i) { switch (i) { case transportMethods::dataSynapse: { l << "dataSynapse"; break; } } } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_transportMethods::type > _xsd_transportMethods_type_name_init ( "transportMethods", "http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char >& n, class OperationsType const& i) { if (i.ProcessingInstruction ()) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< OperationsType::_xsd_ProcessingInstruction::type_ > ( "ProcessingInstruction", "", false, false, n, *i.ProcessingInstruction ()); } for (OperationsType::_xsd_Operation::const_iterator_ b (i.Operation ().begin ()), e (i.Operation ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< OperationsType::_xsd_Operation::type_ > ( "Operation", "", false, false, n, *b); } for (OperationsType::_xsd_Result::const_iterator_ b (i.Result ().begin ()), e (i.Result ().end ()); b != e; ++b) { ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_map_instance< 0, char > (). serialize< OperationsType::_xsd_Result::type_ > ( "Result", "", false, false, n, *b); } if (i.username ()) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::attribute< char > a ( "username", n); a << *i.username (); } if (i.hostname ()) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::attribute< char > a ( "hostname", n); a << *i.hostname (); } { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::attribute< char > a ( "schemaVersion", n); a << i.schemaVersion (); } } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_OperationsType::type > _xsd_OperationsType_type_name_init ( "OperationsType", "http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); void operator<< (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char >& n, class ProcessingInstruction const& i) { if (i.process ()) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::attribute< char > a ( "process", n); a << *i.process (); } if (i.debug ()) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::attribute< char > a ( "debug", n); a << *i.debug (); } if (i.transportMethod ()) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::attribute< char > a ( "transportMethod", n); a << *i.transportMethod (); } if (i.transportSessionId ()) { ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::attribute< char > a ( "transportSessionId", n); a << *i.transportSessionId (); } } static ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_name_initializer< 0, char, ::ares::_xsd_ProcessingInstruction::type > _xsd_ProcessingInstruction_type_name_init ( "ProcessingInstruction", "http://caf.fm.rbsgrp.net/ares"); } #include // Begin epilogue. // // // End epilogue.