[xsd-users] Pointers to references

Mathew Benson mathew.benson at gmail.com
Fri Feb 28 21:16:00 EST 2014

Thanks for the tip.  I dug into it more and found that it was much easier
to just change the xsd file a bit to enforce the relationship, while still
keeping the basic schema the same and without writing any code.  I know the
relationship is now enforced because if I set a IDREF without an ID, it
will fail to unmarshall the xml file.  However, I'm still struggling at how
to get to the object from inside code.  Below is a snippet of my input xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xtce:SpaceSystem name="n/a" xmlns:xtce="http://www.omg.org/space/xtce"
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="
http://www.omg.org/space/xtce SpaceSystemV1.1.xsd">
    <xtce:LongDescription>Long description for the header. All long
descriptions work this way.</xtce:LongDescription>
    <xtce:Header validationStatus="Draft" classification="Restricted"
date="2008-03-09" version="0.9.1">
            <xtce:StringArgumentType name="IpAddressType" initialValue="0">
                <xtce:UnitSet />
                <xtce:IntegerDataEncoding sizeInBits="160" />
            <xtce:IntegerArgumentType name="UdpPortType">
                <xtce:UnitSet />
        <xtce:IntegerDataEncoding sizeInBits="16" />
        <xtce:ValidRange minInclusive="1" maxInclusive="65535" />
            <xtce:MetaCommand name="RCM_EnableOutput">
                    <xtce:Argument name="IpAddress"
argumentTypeRef="IpAddressType" />
                    <xtce:Argument name="UdpPort"
argumentTypeRef="UdpPortType" />
                <xtce:CommandContainer name="RCM_EnableOutputPacket">
                            <!-- Size of BaseContainer (248) + Size of
items in EntryList (24) -->
                        <xtce:ArgumentRefEntry argumentRef="IpAddress">
                        <xtce:ArgumentRefEntry argumentRef="UdpPort">

Could you tell me the best way to retrieve
'argumentTypeRef="IpAddressType"' given I have a pointer/reference to the
'<xtce:MetaCommand name="RCM_EnableOutput">' object?  I'm trying to iterate
through all the command objects and enumerate all the contained elements
and properties.

On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 10:38 AM, Mathew Benson <mathew.benson at gmail.com>wrote:

> Ok.  Thanks.  Since I'm using an already documented and standardized
> schema, I'm leery about modifying the schema file.  I just wish they would
> have considered that when the schema was defined.
> On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 9:05 AM, Boris Kolpackov <boris at codesynthesis.com>wrote:
>> Hi Mathew,
>> Mathew Benson <mathew.benson at gmail.com> writes:
>> > <SomeElement name="Object1"/>
>> > <AnotherElement someElementRef="Object1"/>.
>> If your schema uses xs:ID type for 'name' and xs:IDREF for
>> 'someElementRef', then, yes, XSD will resolve such references
>> for you. See:
>> http://codesynthesis.com/projects/xsd/documentation/cxx/tree/manual/#2.5.5
>> > Is it generating skeletal code that I can/should modify, or should I
>> > treat it as autocode that can be regenerated and should not be modified
>> > directly?
>> The generated code should not be modified but there is a mechanism
>> for customizing the generated classes. For more information on type
>> customization see the C++/Tree Mapping Customization Guide:
>> http://wiki.codesynthesis.com/Tree/Customization_guide
>> As well as the examples in the examples/cxx/tree/custom/ directory.
>> So if ID/IDREF does not apply (i.e., your schema uses key/keyref),
>> then the next best thing is to customize the generated classes to
>> add the pointers and to initialize them in the parsing constructors.
>> Boris

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