[xsd-users] Can't compile against XSD Re: Error 1 error MSB3721

Boris Kolpackov boris at codesynthesis.com
Thu Jul 14 06:12:43 EDT 2011


B Hart <bhartsb at gmail.com> writes:

> I have a XSD that I attempted to compile and received the error below.  I'm
> attaching the XSDs.  The root element is EMSDataSet.
> Error    1    error MSB3721: The command "xsd.exe cxx-tree
> --generate-serialization --output-dir "." --hxx-suffix ".hxx" --cxx-suffix
> ".cxx" --ixx-suffix ".ixx" --fwd-suffix "-fwd.hxx" --root-element
> "EMSDataSet"    ..\NEMSIS_XSDs_v2.2.1\EMSDataSet.xsd" exited with code 1.

When I try to compile this schema, I get this error message:

E00_ReferenceTables.xsd:4:122: error: unable to map XML Schema namespace 'http://www.nemsis.org' to C++ namespace
E00_ReferenceTables.xsd:4:122: info: use the --namespace-map or --namespace-regex option to provide custom mapping

You should have gotten it as well in your compilation window, before the
one you showed above.


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