[xsd-users] including xsd libs in Visual Studio 2005

David J Stockdill dstockdi at csc.com
Wed Jul 18 13:29:48 EDT 2007


I'm having the same problem.  I have not come up with a solution other than
turning off intellisense & deleting the .ncb file.  I had not associated it
with xsd/xerces before now but it only occurs in the project that uses xsd.
It doesn't happen consistently.  When it does, it uses virtually all of the
CPU time.



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             Boris Kolpackov                                               
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             Sent by:                  d rj <drjat320 at gmail.com>           
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             m                                                     Subject 
                                       Re: [xsd-users] including xsd libs  
                                       in Visual Studio 2005               
             07/18/2007 01:10                                              


In the future please keep your replies CC'ed to the xsd-users mailing
list. This way a) other developers who may have experienced a similar
problem can provide you with a solution b) questions and answers will
be archived and available to others with similar problems.

d rj <drjat320 at gmail.com> writes:

> correct.
> I attempted adding the include dir via the Tools/Options confiig dialog
> you noted) as well as via the project properties' "Additional Include
> Directories".  both produced the same results.
> i am using a recently downloaded xsd-2.3.
> no vs2005 sp1 has been installed.
> thanks for the response.

Hm, this is really strange. I don't really think it is an intellisense
problem since it only collects information for files in the project and
not just any directory with headers. VS 2005 is used quite extensively
with XSD and you are the first person reporting this problem. It seems
that it is an issue with your particular installation. Does anything
like this happen when you add some other directory, say Xerces-C++
include/? Also is the libxsd directory on a network file system of
any sort? The only other thing that I can think of is to try the
3.0.0.b2 and see if you have the same problem. Or you could try to
narrow the problem down by gradually removing headers from libxsd.


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