require "formula" # Documentation: # /usr/local/Library/Contributions/example-formula.rb # PLEASE REMOVE ALL GENERATED COMMENTS BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR PULL REQUEST! class LibodbQt < Formula homepage "" url "" sha1 "0e5c8f007810285d54df67c6251f5c28fd83c955" # depends_on "gcc" => :build depends_on "libodb" => :recommended option "without-libodb", "Don't install libodb" depends_on "qt" => :optional option "with-qt", "Install the qt library" def install qmake = `which qmake`.strip if qmake.empty? qmake = "#{ENV['QMAKE']}" if qmake.empty? onoe " You need to indicate \`qmake\` path to homebrew as: QMAKE=~/Qt/5.4/clang_64/bin/qmake brew install libodb-qt".undent exit 1 end end qtlib = `#{qmake} -v | tail -n1 | cut -d' ' -f6`.strip system "./configure", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "CPPFLAGS=-F#{qtlib}", "LDFLAGS=-F#{qtlib} -L/usr/lib", "CC=clang", "CXX=clang++ -stdlib=libstdc++", "LIBS=-lstdc++" system "make", "install" # if this fails, try separate make/make install steps if File.file?(etc/"odb/default.options")"odb/default.options", 'a') {|f| f << "\n" f << "-x -I#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/include\n" f << "-x -F#{qtlib}\n" f << "-x -I#{qtlib}/QtCore.framework/Headers\n" f << "-x -I#{qtlib}/QtGui.framework/Headers\n" f << "-x -I#{qtlib}/QtWidgets.framework/Headers\n" } end end # fails_with :clang do # cause <<-EOS.undent # Oh! It seems that you only have clang available, or GCC wasn't found! # Make sure you GCC is installed and recognized by homebrew. # EOS # end test do system "false" end end